The Street TinyIslandProductions Supported Gametypes: BlueLife Note: This Map Is TinyIslandProduction Map , visit our site Here Map Description Hey People, I am here with another great map. This is one of our GOOD maps. This map is like Cops N Robbers but not nessescerilary. In BlueLife you start out as citizens and if you be bad you go to jail. the jail is a little tiny room located under the hornet in the police station. You start out as citizens and the police says the rules. For example If he says the golfcourse is closed no one can go to the golf course. And if someone does goes in the golfcourse they get arrested and go to the jail. If they did a really bad crime like kill the police officer the stay in jail until the round is over, but if they just go in the golfcourse you can give them a time of like 5 minutes and you land the hornet on top of the jail and they get on the hornet and go off again. if they get arrested again you kill them. But thats just our rules, be creative and fidget around with them. The citizens spawn where the guardians are, dont worry they are off. they take a mongoose and go to the town and have fun!! Here is a overveiw of the map with everything labled Here is an example of one of the houses A cop stopping a car Another Overveiw Well hope you guys have fun playing this map Download The Street HERE Download Blue Life HERE
This map to me does not look good at all. That maybe my personal feeling but by the pics it looks like it took you about an hour to make. Nothing looks interlocked to make it more look better Sorry but 1/5
You should spend a little more time interlockind and making the map look better. Also, try to add a roof to make it more realilistic. This game sounds like it needs serious honour rules.
the map needs some serious cleaning up and more interlocking. and if you do that the map will be much better because the whole map looks very rushed.
Sorry to be mean but, to grade something you should first download it. In fact the whole police station is interlocked. Some buildings could have been interlocked, indeed. I will "look" at your maps right now and tell you what i think... 1/5 I think that you are right on some parts, but not as the other guy said that the map took an hour. Also i would really recommend to see the map first and not just look at the pics.
it looks ok. Can a citizen get out of jail? On their own, with someone's help, the cop lets them out. Can the cop kill? I would suggest adding in a cp in the jail and making it so that only the cop or a citizen out side the jail can let them out. The cp could take away damage and there is a pallet blocking the exit. Cp could make inmate orange for so long and if cop sees an inmate walking around he can take them to jail for escaping. Also citizens and inmates Should have non recharging shields. I don't know just some suggestions. Can you post your game type settings.
i agree wiv most of them. it needs a bit more time and it wsould be better if there were bigger like the housess and prob all the bases but a part from that it would be a good map
on this map we spent over 10 hours and that would be 3 people. really= 30 hours. Something as said before could be fixed( some building could be interlocked) but about the houses they cant get any bigger since i dont have any more supply's. and you want all the buildings to be bigger? how is that going to help + again i dont have any supply's left. (just to ask did you download the map or just look at the pics? Yes the citizen can get out of jail but not by them self's but with cop's or citizens help. the cop can be killed only by assasination like in most cop vs robbers games. to the next question it is like that already. The orange idea would only last as long as the max of a custom power up = 90 sec's so if they escaped they would get it off.... About the non recharging shields i have a plan like.