Failure V12

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Thundercat the plunderer, Jul 26, 2009.

  1. Thundercat the plunderer

    Senior Member

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    Failure V12
    Map : Halo 3 File Details
    Gametype : Halo 3 File Details

    This map is my pride and joy. The original version was my first "decent" map, and along with my skills with the forge, my map has grown too.

    Failure has gone through 12 versions of tweeks and add-ons. All of which have been major changes.

    For V12, I did something different than what I normally do with it. Rather than adding on to a previous version, I made this version completly by scratch, so any imprefection has been soothed away. The background is a tad long, and you may just wanna skip it. Comments are more than welcome. I hope you enjoy. <3

    This is a labratory themed infection map, were the scientists are being hunted down by the subjects they were conducting tests upon. By no means should the title be accounted for for the quality of the map, I named it such for the experiments and tests on the subjects that have failed, hence Failure.


    1400 hours - Oct. 20th, 2049
    Grandfall park - Mombossa, Africa

    A small, car sized meteorite crash lands unto Grandfall park. Chunks of once flourishing earth soar through the sky upon impact, peppering the once grand park at odd intervals. A rather large, ominous colored dust cloud sits around the meteorite, as ember-like spores swirl around carelessly within. Fortunatly, no civilians were harmed from the initial impact. The cloak of dust disapates shortly after, but the spores remain scattering about thoughout the air.

    The civilians curiosity grasps ahold of them and sends them towards the crashed meteorite. They peer down from the distorted earth at the intrusion. A large, redish-brownish boulder lies within the crater. After a few moments of awe, several of the onlookers begin coughing horribly. More and more people begin to cough violently, blood flying out from their mouths.

    Large white vans arrive to the scene with much haste. Men wearing large, metalic foil suits, and akward looking tools emerge from the veichles, scattering around towards the fallen civilians. As quickly as they arrived, they gather the sick, and the meteorite itself, begin evacuating and quarentining the entire city of Grandfall, and head off towards a militry base, were the sickened are shuttled off again, in large rescue aircrafts to a top-secret research laratory off in an unkown location to the west.

    Here, the most brilliant minds in the scientific fields begin to examine, and run diagnostics on their new patients. The scientists are baffled at first by the growth rate of the infection they recieved via spores from the meteorite. Several of the many patients suffered harsh convulsions, wether from the infection of the antibiotics is unkown, and pass on.

    Days pass, and their hard work seems to have paied off, somewhat. The subjects appear to be stabilized. The time comes for some more risky procedures to be done. Many of the subjects die during the experiments, leaving roughly about 20% of the civilians left.

    One of the younger scientists strikes gold during research development, and creates what may just possibly be a vaccine for the infection, which continues to raze the subjects direly.

    The time finally comes for the procedure, and not a moment to soon. The infection is becoming increasingly tolerant to the antibiotics being given, almost to the point of having immunity towards them.

    The new vaccine is given to the remaining subjects. At first it seems to have had wonderous effects, and had been a complete success, until...

    A few days after the vaccine was given, a diagnostic is ran. A look of shock runs along their faces. The vaccine has been infact, the complete worse thing they could've done. The infection's already break-neck growth rate is now thrice as swift. They're begining to be come, "corrupt" in a sense.

    A day passes, and the subjects are now consious and awake as ever. Their agression has spiked dramaticly, and their humanity has nealy slipped away, leaving them relying on their natural instincts, which too have been altered. They thrash around in their cells, and are becoming increasingly hard to contain.

    As more time passes they are now completly corrupted by the unkown infection, and can no longer be considered human. The scientist's quickly begin to fear for their lives.

    The infected subjects start off in the testing labratory, meanwhile, the human scientists start off in the "control room" part of that particular labratory. The scientists are now faced with an ultimatium. They can either flee down through the tunnels to the main labratory, or stay domicile and be ravaged by the infected's ire.

    The infected must break out from his/her cell thing and make their way down through the short duct beneath the labratory, and up into the scientist's spawn, where the chase begins.

    The short journey through the tunnels stops at the labratory's main door. Activate the switch to pass on though. Now in the main labratory, here is where your hold-off begins. Ready your arms and face the infection.

    After 90 seconds, doors found in the side of the labratory will open and reveal a secret room with a little bit more fire power to survive off of.


    The Scientist's spawn room

    The infected subject's spawn room

    Enterance to the tunnels, sniper spawn

    Roughly halfway through the tunnels

    The infected subject must break through his/her cell via pallet, and drop into the duct... thing...

    Tat ...duct, thing. Above it is the scientist's spawn. Only after 30 seconds can they escape.

    Now free, persue the scientists down through the tunnel.

    The end of the tunnels; the labratory door. Activate switch to open. (The door closes automaticly)

    A first look into the labratory

    A second, better view of the labratory

    The first secret room

    Interior of the first secret room, it can squish around 4 people.

    The second secret room

    The second room's interior. On the cieling is a vent, that is jumped correctly into, will take you into the air vents. (Jump, then hold crouch)

    The vents above the second secret room. I'm sorry for it's poor quality, had nothing else to work with :/ it leads to another air duct which'll take you back into the tunnels

    It'll take you here, just before the doors.

    The third and final secret room, opens after 90 seconds.

    The last room, quite larger than the others, with a little more weaponry.
    #1 Thundercat the plunderer, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  2. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I gotta be honest, I lol'ed at the title "Failure V 12." Does not sound like a promising map at all, and maps with versions on the end of them sound worse imo. But you can't judge a book by its cover, amirite? I'm not a fan of infection, but I do enjoy when people take the time to mix it up a little, so I do appreciate the secret room business, seems pretty cool and well-thought out. I don't think I'll download though, not a big infection guy and to be honest the map doesn't seem to be too groundbreaking. Pretty good forging though, looks nice. And you didn't post 12 different threads for each version of this map, did you? If you ever make new versions of your map, just edit your original post to include the changes.
  3. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Wow, this map AGAIN!?

    Seriously dude, I just checked, and you first posted this EXACTLY a year ago, and you decide to post a 12th version now (which I hope is some sort of sick coincidence)...?

    Ok, if you completely redid the map like you said you did, you wasted your time. After over a year of different versions of one single map, you seriously have to make a different infection map...

    Not trying to sound mean here, but you really need to make another map. I've never seen someone dovote so much into one map. I mean, was it really worth it, to go through 12 different versions of the same map in over a year's time?

    As for the actual map, it IS an enjoyable experience and really plays well as a holdout map. I did notice flaws with the versions of this map I played, but if you fixed those problems (such as the opening door) then I see nothing wrong with it anymore. When it comes right down to it, it's either a map you like, or one you don't like. Great job man, but seriously, MOVE ON!


    If this is true, let's see some more of your work. :)
    #3 Master Debayter, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  4. Hazza412

    Hazza412 Ancient
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    Heeey, I remember this map, all that time ago, jeash, it was a year ago? o_O (I can't even remember what i ate for dinner yesterday.)

    Well, anyways, I just signed on, and realised that your map was on front page, which sparked memory and led me to be curious about what you've changed since I saw, version 4 was it? Hmm, so yeah, I'm really glad you're still using that info I gave you about doubling over those windows so people couldn't jump through the gap.

    When I played it before with some friends, I really enjoyed the gameplay, and they all had a really good time, so yeah, I'm hoping that all the things you've smoothed out and sorted through in this Re-Do is going to make this map play even better. I'll be sure to download it again and try it out, (Though I don't know how long it will take me to do that, as I have three maps to post in the space of a few days [I'm going on holiday for two weeks- gonna be bored outta my brains with no internet connection.] :/)

    Yup, so, for just the looks so far, i'm giving this a 10/10, for reasons such as, obviously, it looks amazingly smoothly made, that you've definately spent alot of time thinking all of it through and that all your work is shown perfectly.


    P.S, Master debayter, I don't care to argue, cause I know where you're coming from, but just to let you know, plundercat has actually made maps inbetween editing this one, just so you know :)
  5. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    This map looks very well done with its smooth forging and great gameplay. I really like the switch too in that one pic. But it took you a year to make, a little obsessive am I right?
  6. Thundercat the plunderer

    Senior Member

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    I magine if you have a collection. Over time your collection grows, does it not? I guess this is a "collection" of mine... maybe... But I have been told by people to see if I can add something new or fix something faulting on the map.

    I don't want you to think I'm obsessed or anything with it, (which I'm not) every once in a while I'll randomly think of something new that could be added on, then add it, whilst working on other maps at the same time.

    I'm sorry, I didn't know to add onto the previous thread should you have an update.
    #6 Thundercat the plunderer, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  7. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    You must be very proud of yourself to have remade your map to be perfect every month, lol but dude you lost me on the armoury, just not EPIC WIN. I love the forging though. Its a well thought out map.
  8. Thundercat the plunderer

    Senior Member

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    Not every month, every once in a while, at odd intervals, but not consistently every month. It's kinda hard, being on an item and money budget 'n' all. I'm sorry it doesnt apease you. <-- armory
    #8 Thundercat the plunderer, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009

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