Help With All Gametype Maps,Spawning

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xXMILLS17Xx, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. xXMILLS17Xx

    xXMILLS17Xx Ancient
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    (whoever helps will get there name put in the maps post with a special thnaks for spawn placements:) )


    Basiclly i'm almost at the end of makin a map, which is symetrical, in the crypt of sanbox, consists of a center piece , 2 opposite bases, and 2 side structures,

    i was wondering if anyone can give me full details on different spawning challenges, i'll write a list and can some please answer them possibly with diagrams if needed.

    1. how do i set up spawns for FFA slayer to make sure people dont spawn near each other

    2. how do i set up the spawns for team slayer,
    a. so people can't break into the other teams base and camp killing them the red team spawns at the base with the red light, ie is red attackers or defenders

    3.for all FFA gametypes how do i set up spawning to make it so people don't spawn next to each other

    4.for all team based gametypes how do i make it so it follows what i said for team slayer

    hope this post made sence to someone and i hope i get a lot of help i will also make sure the person that helps is the first to see the map (if this matters to anyone)

    thanks :)
  2. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    1. Don't place spawns near eatchother

    2. a. maybe make the bases where you can only get out by sender node or man cannon?
    b. Red is attackers

    3. Same as the first

    Can you clear things up on four? I dont really get it
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    You have respawn points, which should be every safe spot on the map, not looking into any walls or anything. For all FFA gametypes, make sure you have enough starting points (Start - Change Gametype, place starting points) so everyone has a place to spawn. For Team Slayer, I'd also make use of respawn areas, which are used to group respawn points, so place respawn areas in any clear area of the map (The bases, side structures, etc.) so if a base is occupied you won't have someone from the other team spawning there.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    Here's a tip. For your Team slayer, CTF, Assault, etc. games just set up your two sides with attackers and defenders as usual. Set these all to SYMMETRICAL. Then, for all your FFA gametypes spread out a whole bunch of neutral spawn points and set them to ASYMMETRICAL. Hope this helps.
  5. xXMILLS17Xx

    xXMILLS17Xx Ancient
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    ok thanks everybody else but i think this guys got what i was looking for :p

    i'll reply on this topic after i've finished my map, and to be honest just to make some things clearer would anybody who knows for definate the ways to place the spawns consider letting me add them so they can actually place then for me, so i can see exactly what your doing,

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