Devolve The argument could be made that we are actually devolving today as a species. I think that the most intelligent couples among us, have the ability to properly weigh out the enormous responsibilty that comes with raising a child. The smartest of us are also able to plan ahead and use the proper protection. So while a couple with above average IQ's may wait until they are on stable financial footing before having maybe 1 or 2 children, the Maury Povich guests of the world continue to pump out slews of offspring early and often. Christianity's stance on contreception is also responsible for enormous amounts of children that were either not planned for or can not be given the attention they need. As long as the stupidest among us continue to have the most children, I don't see how we can move forward.
You should watch "Idiocracy." Even though it is funny, it brings your point across and makes you think, "Wow, that actually could happen (Makisupa's post)." But seriously, This behavior has been going on for our whole existence, yet we continue to move forward.
"Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution." I am a Biology major at Southern Oregon University. My entire understanding and education regarding life on Earth is structured around evolution. If you give any animal enough time and enough nourishment, it is bound to change dramatically. My argument begins with this term: Fossil Evidence. When you boil down the arguments for Evolution against "Creation"(which is a pathetic attempt to cloak religion in a scientific sounding word) you get this: Logical observation of scientific data V.S. IIIIT'S MAGIC!!! And as far as the argument goes about how humans are not still evolving... That is the most dumb**** stupid assumption EVER. Were talking about millions of years here. Not thousands. Humans are evolving physically and above all culturally. Think about how long it has taken us to go from counting with roman numerals to collecting mass amounts of data on super-computers. If that isn't a form of evolution I don't know what is. TL;DR: Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and read your Biology Book again.
I'm a christian, but I still believe in evolution. I believe that God created the universe, and life began scientifically, but through his plan. We are still evolving one way or another, different parts of the world evolve in different ways, due to lifestyle and breeding habits. I honestly don't see how someone could dismiss evolution.
In the same way you might dismiss a zombie apocalypse. You do it out of hand because your common sense and reasoning tells you that it doesn't seem very probable. In the same way, a creationist doesn't see evolution the way you and I do but as a gecko turning into a swan and then evolving into a dinosaur. Even after attempts at education social indoctrination, psychology and closed-mindedness will prevent them from accepting evolution.
Just because I don't believe in "true" evolution or scientific evolution and try to explain how my religion ties into it doesn't mean I don't know scientific evolution. I believe in God and my religion is against evolution so I made other theories of how my God made us "evolve". And yes, that last statement was actually how I would explain why I truly don't believe in evolution.You already have a father so don't bastardize yourself.
Your religion isn't against the process of evolution. Even the Catholic Church acknowledges that evolution occurs in the world around us. What is questioned is whether or not the Earth is only 6,000 years old and if humans evolved into their current state over hundreds of millions of years through the process of evolution. I personally don't care what people's opinions are about the latter. However, denying that the process of evolution occurs is an insult to science. You need to know there is a difference between the theory of evolution and the evolution of man. What are you talking about?
I know, I was incorrect in saying I don't believe in evolution in general. Fill in "human" before every time I said evolution in the last post. I thought you would be acute enough to catch my drift. But I guess I shouldn't have been so lazy. Happy?
To me, evolution is much more logical. And conveniently, my arguments have already been stated countless of times. But, this is the one fault I see in this theory. Although it's the basis of this theory, I find it very misleading. People often look at this picture and think, "So, we came from monkeys?" In truth, we're still monkeys. Part of a monkey family to be exact. But about what's addressed in this picture, we didn't come from such a monkey like that. The truth is that humans and monkeys come from a common ancestor. It's important for people to know that and not be so quick to judge a theory by a picture. And for the creation tidbit, it just straight-up doesn't make sense to me. Humans are a flawed race, and ignorance is one of those traits that we have developed. I may be super flamed for this, but religion is just a spawn out of ignorance. It may have not been ignorance back then, with the lack of knowledge people had; but with these new discoveries, people are still holding on to something that could've died a long time ago. Don't get me wrong, I myself believe in an all-powerful being such as God. But what humans have interpreted from such a being is the result of religion. It's even worse with much more complicated religions, as I don't believe God would be so unforgiving if praying wasn't done daily or in a specific direction. But please don't misinterpret me as trying to persuade anyone, faith does make people do good and that is not something that should just disappear. I realize at this point that I may seem very hypocritical, but really, it's the ideas that I hold.
Uhhh, Hello? There are still Monkeys! I Myself believe in God (Blessed be His Name) And If we are still evolving, Why can't i breath underwater? or shoot fire out of my hand? Huh? Oh and the Apes that turn into humans? And i suppose they "Magically" appear in the mother's womb, right? WRONG! Everyone is Fearfully and Wonderfully made by God and placed in the Mother's Womb God's Creation Wins
Oh my god. Do you really know so little about evolution and basic biology? Evolution occurs on the large scale over hundreds of thousands, even millions of years. The **** sapiens species are only about 200,000 years old. We are not old enough as a species to have experienced dramatic evolutionary changes. Secondly, when you were in your mother's womb during early embryonic development, you actually do have gill slits (like fish). Now these are quickly replaced by lungs and you are supported via oxygen from your mother anyways. The point is that human's cannot breathe underwater because that is not where our habitat is. We are land creatures and thus we have lungs instead of gills. Shooting fire out of your hand is a comic-book fantasy. It is not possible for two reasons. 1) you would have to somehow consume an insane amount of energy (via food) to be able to produce enough flammable substance to actually make that happen and 2) there is no possible ignition source that could ever develop. You would have to manually create a spark with stones or something. You are incorrect in saying that Apes turned into humans. Evolution states that we shared a common ancestor with the apes/monkeys of today's world. That does not mean we descended from either of those two organisms, we just shared a common ancient ancestor. Are you saying that all births are by immaculate conception? That's silly and downright ignorant at best. And why does God need to convey fear? Is it only because of our fear of his wrath that we believe in his religion? That seems like a revolution needs to happen to me. God's creation doesn't win anything because it didn't happen.
It's possible for something to gain a flame-thrower-like ability, by using impulses (the electrical currents our brain uses for control of our body) to create a spark and then for methane to be sprayed onto the spark, Methane is a flammable substance that we naturally produce, and Impulses are produced naturally.
There is not enough methane produced by our body to do that. The impulses in our brain are significant yes, but they are spread out across billions of neurons, which means that there is never a large localized charge, which would be necessary for ignition. While it sounds cool, it's not practical evolutionary because people would probably die from their own self-ignition before being able to pass one their genetic material. Natural selection would see to this never happening.
What you're saying is an example of the ignorance stated in my post. That is a complete misunderstanding of evolution. Evolution does not involve gaining radical abilities to survive. We can't shoot fire from our hands because our race was evolved with opposable thumbs in mind, and not to mention our brain capacity. So, in turn, we gained the ability to make tools so we can just make fire. And if there was creation that happened 2000 years ago then every single fossil evidence is a lie. Creationism is just not logical, there's just too much evidence supporting evolution. Heck, there's even evidence today, in the Galapagos Islands. Everywhere, in fact. Look up on your facts before you call yourself a win.
If you had a strong enough force blowing methane away, the fire would not come anywhere near you. It is possible for another limb to evolve, which could first be a storage for neurons (like a lump), for more brain capacity, and it could grow for more brain capacity, and it may evolve into some kind of ignition for a fire (not necessarily to ignite some of your own flammable material, possibly like a tool), and it would be possible for the next step to be a flame-thrower-like limb.
No. Just no. There are certain barriers that have to be overcome and the mutation rates to achieve this would be so fast the organism wouldn't be able to sustain itself. It's just easier to evolve to be faster or to evolve to augment yourself, like humans using spears of crabs finding shells. It saves energy, which gives you time, which is the difference between life and death.
Well, how indepthly have you studied or attempted to study evolution? Do you have a solid understanding of it, and it makes no sense, or do you have no understanding of it, and it makes so sense. These are important questions to ask yourself.
i cant even decide where to start with this. your arguement is pretty much this: "if we're still evolving, why arent i superman yet?" you obviously have no understanding of evolution AT ALL. why dont humans have gills yet? because it wouldn't give us any advantage at all why dont humans shoot fire? because 1: that wouldn't help us survive and 2: only dragons and mythical creatures from fairy-tales do that. you fail