Hardcore The hardcore category is being retired. Its playlists (Team SWAT, Team Snipers, MLG) are being moved over to Ranked. This will not affect TrueSkill or EXP in these playlists. Ranked All custom Sandbox and Foundry variants have been set to skip after veto. Certain fusion cores have been removed from the default and heavy variants of Valhalla. Team SWAT, Team Snipers, and MLG are now listed in the Ranked category. Team Slayer - Sandbox variants "Borderline," "Reminiscent" added to Slayer, "Pantheon" added to Slayer BRs. Squad Battle - "Workplace Bravo" added to Slayer Social All custom Sandbox and Foundry variants have been set to skip after veto Certain fusion cores have been removed from the default and heavy variants of Valhalla. Social Big Team - "Workplace Bravo" added to Slayer BRs, "Eighty Grit" added to 1 Flag CTF. Community variant "Entrenched" debuts in Multi Flag and Neutral Assault. Social Team DLC - "Borderline," "Reminiscent" added to Slayer. "Pantheon" added to Slayer BRs. "Cryptic Fate" added to Multi Flag. "Neosho" Added to Multi-Flag BRs. Action Sack - "Mayan Grifball" on Sandbox map "Chichen Itza" added. "Scuds," a Team Rockets variant with low speed and lower gravity added to Isolation, Blackout, and Sandbox. Double XP Weekends (Listed in order) Grifball - Updated to include Mayan Grifball, Grifball Up There, and Aerial Grifball on Sandbox map variants (Optional) Team Flag Social Living Dead Mythic Brawl 7 on the 7th August's 7 on the 7th will be a 4v4 collection of maps on Sandbox and foundry. All of the maps from Bungie vs The World, as well as 10 new comers: Battle Dome Ber Ber Creek Bridgeo's Cryptic Deity The Kingdom Pilaster Skystation Solarium Vengeance
These are some good updates. Moving hardcore into ranked is a good idea, it organizes it to a certain degree. I'm not to excited about these probably 'neogaf' variants of grifball.
Well, that certain population who loves Grifball want more variety in it. I'm not sure what Grifball Up There, Mayan Grifball or Aerial Griffball is. But I'm pretty sure that they are different map varients for Griffball. I don't see any problem with adding these, even when I myself don't like Griffball. If you don'tlike Griffball don't play it, simple. Just as I do.
[Rant] This update is horrible, absolute horrible. They are taking trash maps from the Bungie vs The World and putting them into MM. WTF! I would like to know why conduction didn't make it into MM when Cryptic Fate (The Map with the SUPPPERRRR Tall Sniper towers in the corners) gets in. Its not even the fact that the maps are not forged well its the fact that the layouts of the maps and spawns are terrible. The only good part about this is that if you veto you will never get a Custom map. IMO I thought Atlas was going to be a good thing but now I wish they NEVER thought of it. So much for competitive ranked games, everyone can wave goodbye to it. [/Rant]
Although I don't necessarily agree these maps should be in matchmaking. I do enjoy the fact that any of the communities maps made it into matchmaking. As for me whenever I play a map I always go into it and think I will hate the said map. I usually will hate the map, but one map in particular caught my eye both in matchmaking and through a testing session I did with Tester's Guild. 80 Grit was that map. 80 Grit despite being on the ground level of Sandbox plays decently well. I'm not going to hate on Bungie for them introducing the forge communities maps into matchmaking. I see this as an opportunity in the future for more of the forge communities maps to be in matchmaking.
The new forge map additions would have sucked, but atleast they added a skip after veto, so no custom maps if we don't want to, YAY!
I think this is good and bad... Good that atlas is doing well for some things, bad that some crappy maps have been introduced into mm via atlas. Also, why more griffball? I know what mayan griffball is (I think) but what the heck are the other two? Anyways, I hope that everyone enjoys the update as much as I will (when we veto a custom map, no more will show up for the replacement now!)
I dont really see a point in retiring the Hardcore Playlist. Thats like doing the opposite of organizing the playlists. And I absolutely hate seeing custom maps in ranked TS. Its annoying because you have to learn all of these spawns for maps that were forged, there could be flaws with them as well. Some spots have cracks (you can throw nades into base through) in them like on Vindictive and etc...
It could possibly make room for a custom playlist. They are making room for something. Maybe mythic part 2 playlist.
Needz moar Colonade! I'm srs. Gud map is gud. Also, @Adelyss, there's only going be four new maps in ranked. Plus, with the new feature that skips custom map variants after veto, you'll only be playing them if you get it by default and no one vetoes.
if i had not received such a cold reception here, all of the Grifball maps would have been Forgehub exclusives - i am a member of NeoGAF but i build all of my Grifball maps as the official map maker for grifball.com Mayan Grifball - 7-Wood starts on outside spawns, Players have 110% Speed, Grif has 150% Speed Chichén Itzá a full list can be found here, but only 5 or 6 of those will be used in the DXP weekend
Whats the difference of having Hardcore playlist or just ranked? Seems unnecessary, but okay yay skip after veto! lol