Sandbox Undulation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JBSpudster, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. JBSpudster

    JBSpudster Ancient
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    Hey guys, this is my first Forge Hub post so be gentle! ^_^

    Here is my newest map, Undulation.


    Undulation is a symmetrical main floor Sandbox map variant. It is a two base map variant connected by an intricate bridge structure that "undulates" from side to side to two middle platforms. The main goal of Undulation was to create a structure system that gave players a variety of gameplay options be it run and gun, vehicular domination, and even stealthy tactics.

    For you "run and gunners" there is the main bridge path along the second playable level. For you "stealthy" players there is the tunnel along the first playable level (ground floor) that goes under the bridges and into each base. Finally, for you "vehicular' players, there is the outer ring around the map accompanied by inner pathways along the ground floor that run through the bridges perpendicularly.

    Undulation supports all variants of all Team Gametypes (Slayer, CTF, Oddball, KOTH, Territories, VIP, & Assault) with ideal team sizes of 4 to 6 players (8 to 12 players total). I am sorry to say FFA gametypes are weakly supported by Undulation, but Multi Team is supported for Slayer, Oddball, & KOTH. My personal favorite gametypes to play on Undulation are symmetrical team gametypes such as Team BR's, Mutli Flag, & Neutral Bomb.

    Ok, so here are the item specifications for Undulation:

    Battle Rifle x 6 (16 max) at 10 second respawn (2 spare clips)
    SMG x 2 (4 max) at 10 second respawn (2 spare clips)
    Plasma Rifle x 2 (4 max) at 10 second respawn
    Plasma Pistol x 2 (4 max) at 20 second respawn
    Carbine x 2 (4 max) at 30 second respawn (2 spare clips)
    Brute Shot x 2 (4 max) at 45 second respawn (1 spare clip)
    Needler x 2 at 60 second respawn (1 spare clip)
    Mauler x 2 (3 max) at 60 second respawn (1 spare clip)
    Rocket Launcher x 2 (3 max) at 120 second respawn (no spare clips, doesn't spawn at start)
    Spartan Laser x 1 (2 max) at 180 second respawn

    Frag Grenade x 4 at 10 second respawn
    Plasma Grenade x 8 at 10 second respawn
    Bubble Shield x 2 (3 max) at 90 second respawn
    Power Drainer x 2 (3 max) at 90 second respawn

    Mongoose x 4 at 20 second respawn
    Warthog x 2 at 120 second respawn
    Ghost x 2 at 180 second respawn

    Additional Pictures:

    Blue Base

    Red Base

    Middle Bridge + Spartan Laser Spawn

    Base Backside + Tunnel Entrance

    Rocket Spawn

    Action Shots: (More to come)


    Over the last week, this map has been over tested numerous times for gameplay, balance and flow so if you still have any doubt that this map isn't worth your download, please feel free to ask me any questions that you may have. ^_^

    Atlas Thread

    Download Undulation Here
    #1 JBSpudster, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2009
  2. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's a great first map. Looks like it would be fun as he'll to paly with a bunch of people. I would take a couple of better pics, maybe some in game pics, to better show the map. O erall great for a first map.
  3. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i love it just by looking at it defiantly a download... the map itself has a good lay out nice and clean lots of smooth forging weapon placement is nice and its symmetrical one of the beset ones Ive seen all month nice job 4.9/5 lol nothings perfect but you came close
  4. mikecincifan22

    mikecincifan22 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have a good start here the bases and weapons are placed well and it looks like it would be fun for CTF but i would like to see a slight upgrade in the aesthetics it looks a little sloppy. An hour or 2 devoted to interlocking would do wonders for this map 3.9/5
  5. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Almost every piece on the map is interlocked, for your information. The only pieces that aren't are the ones that would cause gameplay to suffer by causing unnecessary walking bumps. Besides, interlocking should only matter in the context of gameplay anyway - but that's a fight for another day.

    Regardless, this map is by far your best, JB. I feel very privileged to have tested it for the past week - your hard work and effort shows. I never encountered any foul gameplay on this map's final version, and I couldn't seem to spawn trap again either. ;) The map's balance is perfect - there is never an instance where something goes uncountered or someone is impossible to defeat. Weapons are intuitively placed, and the angular design of the map is very pleasant aesthetically and gives the map a very unique vibe. Lines of sight are blocked off in appropriate places, and cover is ample thanks to the various railings of the bridge. In fact, the bridge in its entirety is reminiscent of the Halo 2 map Sanctuary, with the exception of the very center of it. Players can go where they wish to go, and there are no problems with the actual layout. This is a damn good inverse-symmetrical map perfect for symmetrical gametypes, and I would love to see it in matchmaking!
  6. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    This looks like a decent map, especially for your first post. Good, solid idea and well executed. Have you by chance seen the map "Tribal Wars"? This reminds me of it a lot.
  7. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    The map itself looks nice and I love the vehicular domination part. However seeing the same wretched type of structures and designs can be a major offset. Even with that though, the map is deserving of a


    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hahaha Omg JB thats me!!! Pic number 9. Im red team and im pretty sure i died attempting to melee that guy. Well play testing this map was awsome! It had endless fun with every gametype we tried. The map is designed perfectly. The vehicals are good but not over powering. The weapon set is even for every gametype. I cant really say much more on how much fun i had playing this map. I am definitaly downloading this. Well done
  9. HayabusaNinja

    HayabusaNinja Ancient
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    Damn sexy. This is a very clean and fun map. I would say crazy and almost hectic, which is good. The merging is flawless.
    A "UH" 5/5

  10. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map is great, but i think you threw in a little bit too many mini-aesthetics, an example being you used like 10000 obelisks, fins and small corners.

    you could add a secondary level to each base, because the line of sight is not good, starting way too many long range br fights.
    overall, the map itself is really good

    i give 4.75/5
    nice job
    #10 R0FLninja, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  11. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    people that are giving less than 4 ratings have most likely not actually tested this map yet.
    this map plays fantastically - CTF could not be more balanced and makes for EPIC King of the Hill matches ( close)
    great map/great aesthetics/great fun
  12. TheSwineFluH1N1

    TheSwineFluH1N1 Ancient
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    First off, I would just like to say I had a lot of fun playing this map yesterday.

    This map is probably one of my favorite sandbox variants, from the vehicle battles and BR duels, to sneaking through the tunnels under the bridges, I enjoyed the full experience.

    Hopefully Atlas will like it as much as I did.

  13. niceone

    niceone Ancient
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    You atleast took a pic of my ugly elite :D and it plays realy nice and it was realy fun yesterday testing the map (oddbal game FTW XD).
  14. Treehuggerulez

    Treehuggerulez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great, I will DL, I love how you made the bridge Undulate.
  15. i came up with this name

    Senior Member

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    wow awsome forgeing best competive map ive seen in a long time
  16. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    This is a very interesting map, it's alot different from all the other sandbox maps which are either 2 base maps, or a Crypt map. I'll try to get some customs in on it, but I'm stressin about my new map,

    Hopefully i like it.
  17. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ur first map!! its actually very thought out. very good weapon placement. u have a good emagination! good it up in ur next maps!
  18. JBSpudster

    JBSpudster Ancient
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    It's not my first map. In fact, it's my seventh serious/competitive map, and probably around my 30th map in total. This is just the first map in which I have actually posted to Forge Hub.

    I updated the OP with a few action shots, but screenshots are by no means my forte. I could post some playtest videos in the OP if you are curious to see how the structure's affect gameplay or, better yet, I could set up a custom game with you and you could see for yourself. It makes no difference to me. ^_^

    Hmm... I do not think you have actually played on Undulation, and I would have to advise you that unfortunately the screenshots do not do this map justice. As Debo said earlier, at least 95% of the static objects are indeed interlocked. Also , I have always strongly believed that gameplay > aesthetics in terms of user created map variants, and by no means will I ever prioritise the latter over the former when making a map variant even if it means that some people will think it's sloppy looking.

    Actually, I must admit, Undulation was inspired by Tribal Wars in terms of basic layout. Undulation lacks the elevation diversity that Tribal Wars has, but Undulation was developed around a slightly different concept so the differences are more than apparent. Good eye! ^_^

    The mini-aesthetics are not just aesthetics, my friend. Those objects happen to be my favorite objects in the Sandbox Forge pallet for many gameplay reasons. For starters, the Small Corners and Angled Blocks provide excellent Frag Grenade reflectors when set up perpendicularly to the ground. I placed many of them along the bridges for that exact purpose. The Small Corners are also excellent at providing slight elevation changes, when placed tangentially to the ground and then walked upon, which then provides effective body cover during BR fights at certain distances. Obelisks are also extremely useful for Frag Grenade bouncing, and they aren't at all an eyesore.

    The bases already have 2 levels to them, and I specifically designed them so that they would not be able to see each other with ease. I wanted to create a good balance between close range, mid-range, and vehicular gameplay on this map, and so I did this to prevent any abuse to long range weaponry be it the Battle Rifle or even the Warthog turret.

    I appreciate the feedback guys! ^_^
  19. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    Are you sure this is your first map? Trust me, my first map sucked. Both Aesthetics and gameplay are good. Weapon placement seems good, but I haven't tested with my friends yet. I will, sooner or later. Anyways, great first map (or at least compared to mine XD).
  20. JBSpudster

    JBSpudster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No, I've made many more competitive maps in the past. This is just my first Forge Hub thread. I appreciate the compliments though. ^_^

    Oh, and the OP has been updated with a new version of the map where a couple annoying spawns have been taken out. I had to update it for Atlas, so sorry for the inconvenience.

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