good luck beating mine. my opinion is that its the best on sandbox so far. hopefully you can beat it so i can have some competition. PS my shi yes numa in my sig is my newest map and it has the most functional RWB so far. and yep its on sandbox. Message me if you need any help. good luvk.
Shameless, self promotion FTL, very modest of you. Don't bother saying your version is "the best" when I'm sure you haven't played every single remake of **** Zombie maps out there, and I think many would beg to differ. Also, every version is better and worse than others in different ways. Your version, kilmamjara, on the other hand, looks like the best so far on Sandbox. First of all, the Crypt was a good idea to work on, the lighting is more fitting than the middle tier. The Deployable Cover idea makes me interested enough to want to give this one a shot over the other overflow of the same old formula of **** Zombie remakes. Repairing the barricade was an important aspect that other **** Zombies maps didn't capture, and I am interested in how it'll play in Halo. I think having the Grav lift idea is good to. This way, you can choose your path like in Call of Duty. A suggestion to let boxes remain up while the Deployable Gravlift disappears is to have another gravlift, non-deployable, high enough to not effect the block until risen up, to hold it up.
i didnt mean to self promote and i know every map has has its ups and downs but accuracy wise im proud of my map. im sorry, but i really like mine. and this is one of the maps that i in my own opinion think might be as good as mine. i recently saw elite slayers whose is very nice but he didnt do the upstairs. so i was really giving a compliment and im sorry. and yes i do look at every zombie map because every day i look at the new ones.