Its just nice to have beat down and jump at a much more easier location to use then having grenade switch/reload in there instead
Wow, I got a topic to three pages. Amazing. I switched to Bumper Jumper again last night, and suprisingly, I did much better in Team Snipers and I had my Sensitivity down to 1 which amazingly got me many more headshots. I'm still not used to the Right Bumper to beat down yet though, I'll play some more and see if I improve on it.
I used to play on one, and owned at swat. How could you not? I later switched to six and down to four. I think I will stay with four, perhaps go up on or down one, but ill try not to change too much. As soon as I get gold again, Im actually going to try bumper jumper and try to get used to it. I think using the bumper to jump will be a whole lot easier when sniping and using a BR. Id have to see.
Well, to me it depends on how you hold your controller. Most people play with index fingers on the triggers and thumbs on the joysticks, and others use their right hand differently. Like the independent right handers, I also hold the right thumb-stick with my thumb but I use my index for the ABXY buttons and my middle finger for the trigger. It allows me to fire faster on CoD, and allows me to beat down and jump with little effort on Halo's control Scheme(boxer).
I use bumper jumper. It just sucks when you need to re-learn the default controls when you play any of the earlier Halos.
i have deafult, i dont want to get used to something wierd, and at my freinds house i dont wanna change it, besides i have 3 hands so i can do everything plus what bumber jumpers can dO
Bumper Jumper gives an advantage in smaller, CQB maps because of the fact that you can jump, melee, aim, and shoot at the same time. Default offers the advantage on a larger map because you can turn while picking up weapons, entering vehicles, etc. I personally use both, and I can switch between the two with little difficulty. But Oranges don't have hands!
I use bumper jump. The transition took me about 2 days of social slayer. I love it and I usually win every melee then headshot battle. Also great for mlg. But I still hate using the shotgun cause the shoot and melee combo is weird. But its worth it.
I use Default. Its probably because Ive been playing Default ever since Halo:CE. Bumper Jumper takes a while to get used to. Getting used to Bumper Jumper takes a while-especially when you have played Default for a while...
i started using bumper jumper like a 2 months ago and got used to it over a night of sleep then doing a couple warm-up games in snipers. i find it really helpful in the hardcore playlists but in social i cant use the missle pod or turrets because i try to use the b button to grab onto it still
I use Bumper Jumper, and find it much easier to Shanon people along with BRing in the air and having an awesome strafe. Here's a tip, to practice getting use to it play in Campaign. It's less stressful and really helps on overall BR performance.
Having jump on a bumper just throws me off. Y'all ain't hardcore until you use walkie talkie like me.
Good song. Anyhow, I use default, I tried Bumper Jumper but I just cdan't be bothered to get used to it to be quite honest.
When you try Bumper Jumper out my opinion is you should play about five social matches, and otherwise just practice shooting a guest. If you get used to it you'll notice improvement in your jumps and beatdowns.
Totally try. I guess it helps if you play CoD and other games that have different controls a lot too, because you get used to memorizing different types of controls.
i just swiched to bumperjumper from boxer,and ialready see an improvment,but im also tired of stunning myself in call of duty. XD