2 small islands similar to relic with banshee docks and sandy beaches with vallhalla bases, best gameplay ever. it would be so cool.
I love the idea of this map being on a huge Import Ship, but Bungie wouldn't do that, mainly because there are, buildings. Sorry to break your heart. This map was meant to be a Headlong/Blackout Inspired map. It is already my favorite map, and Will be an amazing gameplay. I feel it. Oh baby I feel it! CTF FTW That description in the Quote doesn't match the pic at all lol. I do think that would be ok, but I'm sick of the Sand maps. No more Snow maps. We NEED GRASS MAPS and Concrete. Why aren't there any Clean nice Human maps? Purhaps a small version of Valhalla?
OMG CTF on a multiple island based map would be so intense and fun just picture it, flying low over the water with a banshee, strafing the enemy islands shore or grabbing the hornet to pick up the flag carrier on the other island. but i guess if there were multiple islands there would probably have to be more than 2 air vehicles, which might affect gameplay negatively.
I have heard a lot about this map and i want to know what its going to be. Is it going to be like islands or like a cargo bay near a ocean or something?
I'm so excited, I can't wait to see the forge objects, and I really hope nobody tries to extend off the map it wouldn't look good, kepp the theme. :] I GOT MY NAME CHANGED!
One thing that I keep thinking that Bungie will do on Longshore: `make the boxes moveable so that you cannot float them. Just like the ones on Last Resort.... =( Also- If there were islands and boats that you could get onto. That wouldnt make any sense, Bungie wouldnt add a swimming ability now... The water probably has a death barrier or invisible wall around it much like the water on "Waterworks" or "Last Resort"
maybe theyle make some movable and others not, like rats nest. but i swear to god, there are no walls, immovable boxes or anygood forging items, i shall make it my goal to destroy bungie. Items i think well see: Double box: traxus version single box: Traxus version wall: foundry version double wall : foundry version movable single and double boxes: traxus version bridge: foundry version fence wall and box crates: blackout version mini aesthetics items like orbitals and foundrys and new ones like maybe those dingies in the picture
No, no foundry objects. Please no foundry objects. Traxus everything before foundry I really hope there are different textures than that for bridges.. Bungie should give us a list of objects like they ddid for sandbox
There may not be exactly a map dedicated to forge yes, but this map will have many possabilities on its own terms. It's going to be k. K?
K but im still praying im hoping theres a warehouse that can be blocked off so its like a mini foundry, but i was hoping so much for this to be a relic remake or a multiple island map.
Well we don't always get our way, but we get substitutions. This map is going to just as good. Thre prob is a room with all objects like mini foundry or Last resort base room
but are we going to be able to turret glitch out of the map and make a floating map on the water like i have been hoping? i wish it looked more pretty, like last resort or relic, the theme is ugly, and its starting to get old.
I would love it if heretic was forgeable. Think of all the those non-UNSC items we could use. It would introduce the word curve to forge.
that would be cool if there were spherical items in forge that were permanent . thats something i wuld like to see along with AI in maps
like, if heretic has circular entrances and hallways, like orbital has square ones, there will probably be a few immovable objects that could potentialy make some forging quality, like orbitals. just to let you know guys, i have stopped updating the original post with your posts, sorry.
I know what you mean ROFL, I'm getting sick of the theme too, but oh well, Bungie wants it to feel as if the covenant forces invaded the earth and everything went to hell. I'm glad that they give us new maps though
BTW, do u guys kno if there will be a map pack AFTER mythic, like the [insert name here] Map pack? Or is this just the last one, because im having a hard time of thinking of a difficulty harder than Mythic. then that one could be like exotic themed like last resort or relic. maybe this thread should have bungie looking for suggestions.