Sandbox MLG Elaborate

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by KILLn Machine12, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MLG Elaborate


    Made by: KILLn Machine12

    Recommended players: 2-8

    Supported gametypes:

    mlg team slayer, mlg team koth, mlg onslaught ctf

    Weapons: (# on map/spawn seconds/leftover clips)

    [​IMG]battle rifle: x6 / 30.

    [​IMG]frag grenades: x6 / 30.

    [​IMG]plasma grenades: x6 / 45.

    [​IMG]cov. carbine: x4 / 90 / 1.

    [​IMG]mauler: x2 / 90 / 0.

    [​IMG]sniper rifle: x1 / 150 / 1.

    [​IMG]rocket launcher: x1 / 150 / 0.

    custom powerup: x1 / 120.


    - spawns fixed
    - a bit more cover​


    MLG Elaborate is a symetrical, mlg map. The power weapons were mostly in the middle so both teams would rush in the beginning of the game. There are maulers in the bottom of each base so each team can have equal power weapons at the start. All they have to do next is rush for the rest of the power weapons and control middle. There are quite alot of power weapons on the map so I reduced the leftover clips. ex. rocket launcher 0 leftover clips...

    I didn't want teams to camp as much so I designed the middle to be covered with walls and such so you cant see the whole map at once. That would cause players to move in order to do desired goals. In slayer teams would spawn at both sides so if you go in too far the opposing team could surprise you and control top mid. Not so much cover on this map.

    I put alot of effort and interlocking for smoother and better gameplay. I tried putting in some aesthetics to make it look cool. This is a tactic/ team based map.

    What I Like About MLG Elaborate

    • Top middle.
    • The bases.
    • Weapon placement effectiveness.
    • Spawn points.
    • Crossfire from sniper to rockets
    The Screenshots/ callouts.

    blue base:


    red base:


    top mid:


    snipe tower:


    snipe bridge:


    blue plat:


    red plat:




    rocket bridge:


    blue rocks:


    red rocks:


    And yes, this map has been tested over the week with some friends.. did some minor changes since for better gameplay. Works best with MLG Team Slayer.

    I would like to thank all the testers and iiHeCtic for teaching me about spawn placing. This is v2​

    Please send feedback and download
    << MLG Elaborate >>
    #1 KILLn Machine12, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2009
  2. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    I usually hate seeing people title there map "MLG blalbalba" to try and get it noticed, but this actually looks really impressive. The central structure looks great and the whole map looks like its been well thought out. The weapon placements look fair and the symmetry and layout looks perfect for an MLG game type. I would just say that people don't like it when you take screen shots in forge, but the map looks really good.
  3. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for all the feedback and i put it in forge so u can see all the spawns
  4. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    I know you said you put it in forge to show s pawns and im glad you did. Because i can see they need work. Im not in any way trying to offend you but ther aren't the greatest. The forging looks great though. Send me a message tommorow so i can help you fix them, maybe play a match or two. gt: HeCtic HazSaucE
  5. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Why an odd number for the frags? I suggest keep them to 4, same goes to the plasma grenades and set the them to 30 sec instead of 45 sec. I also recommend you to decrease the amount of maulers to one.

    And yes, you do have to fix your spawns. Some of them are even on top of blocks, which are bad because you can get shot at right away. The number of your spawns are very few, put some more but still keep in mind to avoid the middle because people will get shot at right away.
  6. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    yeah, take these comments on board, all extremely true. the layout and weapon placement looks good, but 7x frags? 1 frag sitting alone looks silly, as would three, that should be changed. two maulers is fine as they spawn in the bases,
    yeah, you say limited cover, i say infinite spawnkills, there doesn't seem to be anywhere to duck out like Onslaught and Amplified, u no?

    final point, to get custom, it looks like u have to jump over the little ledge, (lik the stupid camo on assembly) is this intentional, otherwise i think id prefer being able to wlak straight in, i dont no tho,..

    EDIT: did u link me to ur fileshare? i dont wnat to have to waltz through your little screenshots and killtrocitys to fnd the map. as such i did not downlad this map
    #6 ONeill117, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
  7. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    changed link to map.. i will probably change the number of grenades, players spawn at both side so that makes less spawn kills.

    and yes i made it so u HAD to jump to get custom.. risk v.s reward Right?
  8. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    Dude i can help you fix spawns if you want. Just read my above post. Otherwise the map looks good. Still!

    Edit: Also, if we do work on spawns, i would like to get a game on it so i can see how it plays out. Then i can really write a decent reveiw on the map.
    #8 Rho Fs, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
  9. Z0DI4C NL

    Z0DI4C NL Ancient
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    srry but this doesnt seem mlg to me, u should use the crypt stacked, what i did gunsliner, it allows ya to put more objects on the map as usual.

    DOWNLOAD---->Crypt Stacked<----DAOLNWOD
  10. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Elaborite, huh? I've seen more elaborite. I've even seen better elaborite MLG maps. But who could complain. You have a little weapon variety (why does everyone put maulers in MLG instead of shotguns?), sufficient cover, and a little aesthetics. Could someone also cue me in on what the custom powerup here does?
  11. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    Yo, i think specific MLG settings means no shotguns, only maulers (weapon list of BR, carbine, mauler, snipe, rocks, frags, stickies, custom, camo)
    in default mode, custom increase player speed to 150% but in mlg it gives players 3x overshields, but it is 'burnt', ie wasted, if u pick it up without full health,
    play MLG TS v6 on MLG Pit v6 if u can find it
  12. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    wow all this kid does is make a map each day and then post up his garabage maps. it's sloppy and not well thought out at all. Barely constitutes a map. Kid, you need to actually spend some time on your maps instead of posting them every goddam day
  13. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    ur an idiot.... this took me like 2 months to make. theres alot of interlocking and well thought out. and ive only posted 4 maps in 5 months.
    #13 KILLn Machine12, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  14. GOD made Halo

    GOD made Halo Ancient
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    ok so first off YOU ROCK still waiting on that friend request but other than that i think this should be on matchmaking i love the custom at middle and the two bases but i loved the way this map is layed out 10/10
  15. OMFG Im Booth

    OMFG Im Booth Ancient
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    this is one of the best i have seen 9/10 :p only because i think rocks should be in middle but you made it work
  16. Covv

    Covv Ancient
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    Maps a decent play, i like the layout, dont like the custom spawn, well done. 7/10
  17. MLG

    MLG Ancient
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    Hey, the one thing I see right away is that the spawn points need a little work, there isn't that many and they aren't really spread out enough either, try to fix that and you have yourself a great post!

    I'm on the testers guild, and I tested your map with 7 different friend, and then 3 so I did a 4v4 Slayer and KOTH and a 2v2 Slayer and KOTH Here are my evaluations:
    What I like:
    1 Aesthetics on this map are amazing
    2 Map isn't Over weighed on either side
    3 It isn't hard to find your way around
    4 Not to many power weapons

    What I Dislike
    -1 The spawns arent the greatest
    -Not really any cover in the middle piece

    -For spawns put more than one spawn point by itself at least put 2 next to each other, but don't put one by itself.
    -Blend some walls into the box in the middle so they are at the edges and are barley high enough to block you when your crouching.

    On a final note I'd like to congratulate you on a fantastic post, and well-forged map, I give this one a healthy 8.5/10, make those changes and its a 10 from me, Keep on Forging, and Have fun!!!

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