The Story 27th years ago scientists were trying to find a cure for rabies, When expermenting on subjects, the unexpected occured. The formula X06J4 Increased the subjects muscle power. With such power the subjects broke free from there testing zones and attacked the scientists. Now as one of the remaining surviors you must survive for the 6 minniuts of hell that the formula is active. Can you Survive? Game Play At the very beging of the match you stand face to face with the zombies, The zombie must jump out of his cage and run to where you are. the stair case is located in the very middle of you and the zombie spawn. To make thins a little easyer, there are fusion coils right next to where the zombies come to hall way. The fusion coils are on a 90 second respawn time. Also right when you spawn there is a ammo cabinet located to your left. Break down the glass to obtain either a: Battle rifle with 1 clip, A Shot gun with 6 shells, A SMG with 2 clips or Assualt rifle ammo. After that you proceed into the main area. Down there there is a conference table. On it there is a shot gun. There is 9 unqiue rooms with invidual weapons. The parking lot provides a nice area to defend. Weaponds Bruteshot x1 Sniper rifle x3 Battle Rifle x9 SMG x4 Magnum x4 Flame Thrower x1 Covenant Carbine x2 Spiker x2 Sentinel Beam x1 Equipment firebomb x4 Grenade x2 Tripmine x1 Deployable Cover x1 Photos Sector One(Human Spawn) Sector Two Sector Four Please note I only took photos of some sectors, with no roof on. Weapond Cabinant Closed Opened More Slide Show Here Game Type Here Map Here AFTER DOWNLOADING PLEASE COMMENT
there on long re-spawns, ive played many games on this, it dosnt seem to be a problem, but if you are having one, just remove them
You spelled Laboratory wrong. It's with an o after the b. And you spelled break, brake in the out"brake" gametype, where it should be outbreak. But otherwise this looks pretty fun. Are the zombies fast or slow? I like the idea of the weapon cabinet. That's original.
Very nice I like the weapon cabinant too very original but 4 snipers is a little to much but it looks pretty big for the size its weird.
Another great map from Bl00D FIR3, this looks like maybe your most fun. I love infection, and especially maps like this, I have already q'ued it.
idk why but i am unable to download the gametyep would you mind posting the link agian so i can provide my DL? thanks
I dont like the 4 snipers it is too much and takes away frow the overall gameplay. the map is good, you have good intentions, but you overdid it a little.almost everything else looks great. keep up the good work