My Screenshots My Future is Bright Its Itchy! Wallpaper Lymon 3D Screenshot I Haunt Your Dreams Embrace Dusty Haze Glory Alien Green Chrome Emerge Reciprocate Pink Slime 3D Azul Chieftain Betrayal
Chill Defiance Purity The purity of ocean. Essence [/B]The forgotten beauty of nature. Patience Timing makes a difference Electric Resist the power of electricity. ... Thats all so far. Hope you enjoyed them.
You've got a good eye. Personally, I'm not a fan of the areas you chose for the still nature shots, as all of the colored plants look a bit artificial and not so "pure," but that could just be my taste. Great shots.
DANG DUDE! At least half of these screens are now my favorites. Very good angles and lighting. I love chrome because the sparten lights up and fills the screen. Also Alien is cool because its dark and spooky. lol Great screens I hope at least one gets a bungie fav
Nice work on everything man. A few look average, but most look great. If you were to ask me, my personal favorite would have to be 'Pink'. It's extremely unique and the colors work so well together. Good lighting too. Amazing shot overall and I think it is Bungie Favorite worthy. Good job.
Nice work. Some of these look pretty average, one of them actually boring. But some like Emerge, Electric, and Chrome look good.
The first to are boring. Most of the rest are average. Electreic, Defiance, Emerge, and chrome are all very good
Some of these should get a Bungie Favorite. "Defiance" is sweet and so is "Electric". One of those should definetly get Favorited.
Your scenery shots are by far your best. Although I am a fan of Chieftain. Anyway, chrome was also nice and I would like to know how you got that. Also, was purity on Valhalla?