This map is a fun game that helps your sniper (unless you're uber pro). So, the steps: 1. Sign in your guest 2. Grab a piece of tape, and tape your guests left thumb stick forward. 3. Set your controller to red team and your guests to blue. 4. Start the game Screenshots: Here are the "Bridges" that your guest will be running on: Here is "Platform", where you will stand: My score: So, I had 52 points. But my guest had -1, because he fell off once before I could kill him. My score would officially 51. Settings: Headshots: 6 Points Body Shots: 1 Point Time Limit: 3 Minutes Game Variant: : Halo 3 File Details Map: : Halo 3 File Details This game is actually pretty fun xD
Well as a Guerilla here at forgehub i was expect you to know how to post maps. You cant give a directl ink from your bungie profile. You have to embed your pictures, here is a guide, fix quickly...
Jumpman, Why don't you read his post before jumping to conclusions like this. His "Insert Image" button was not working. I'll find the pics and upload them for you, Bud. EDIT: [/URL][/IMG] Just quote my post and Copy the images. Now for the map, looks quite simple, but you know, the simpler the better.