Sandbox U.k vs u.s.a

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CQBxGuy1995, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. CQBxGuy1995

    CQBxGuy1995 Ancient
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    map Name
    U.K VS U.S.A
    gametype name
    U.K VS U.S.A : Halo 3 File Details

    map- : Halo 3 File Details

    ok this is my 2nd map i posted on here, you gonna be wondering wtf?! well i used to have another account sangheili dude and i posted a map called minrena but you could say this is first if you count different profiles.

    anyways first the gametype, the gametype is weird because its v.i.p, well on infection if the zombie kills you you become zombie so i couldnt do that and you cant put different settings for differnet teams on slayer, the others wont work because you cant kill to end the game, so i tried tweaking vip to as much as i can to make it seem like slayer so the vip will seem just like a normal peroans and both teams will be different.

    its kills to 50 points or 15 minutes until gmaes over (without ending it of corse)
    also its limited ammo and i didnt use the post generator

    starting weapon:assault rifle secondary:magnum
    everything else is normal exsept
    110% damage modifier
    90% shield recharge time
    90% speed
    always red
    90% gravity

    starting weapon:smg secondary:magnum
    everything else it normal exsept
    90% damage modifier
    110% shield recharge time
    75% speed (steriotype reference there)
    75% gravity
    always blue

    as you noticed the americnas are but they make up for that by having more vehicles and having a faster primary weapon.

    90% and 110% does make a slight differnece, eg.a normal warthog turret takes 1 second longer or 1 second shorter to kill another warthog and the guass takes 1 more or 1 less shot to kill a tank.

    the map is a very simple map, the crypt is for infintry battles, the middle area is for vehicle combat and the sky area is for air combat.

    weapons(half in each amory)
    4 rocket launchers
    8 battle rifles
    8 assault rifles
    8 smgs
    4 trip mines
    4 sniper rifles
    4 shotguns
    8 pistols

    the infintry area is the only bit with a builot area, thats because of the object and budget limit, the infintrys combat area it a simple symetical arwea with 2 bridges (a ramp and some block large, i was out of double boxes) and in betwen the bridges is to entrences which is basicly wall, obelisk, gap, oberlisk, wall on both sides and in the middle is 4 large corners togerher with a stone platform inside of it.

    on the other side of the bridges is wall, y intersection with the 1 hole facing u.k and the 2 holes facing usa then wall again.

    the vehicles area is a plain battleground (ive would of added stuff but the object and budget limit was maxed out) the only arcitecture is a side and back box covering for the tanks making them look special and next it it are the warhogs and the light support vehicles (chopper or 2 ghost whichever side ur on)

    theres a sniper tower on top of the tank boxes for sniping the warhoggers or betraying someone whos teleport killing (nothing i cud fix about that)

    behind the tank boxes is a teleporter which lead to 2 normal hornets for uk or 3 banshees for usa..

    the sky has, well as i said 2 hornets for uk and 3 banshees for usa, the uk side the nornets are on boxypads (box helepads), you go up to them by ramp, the banshee side is simerlar but one banshee is on a small runway, i forget to mencion there on the other side of the sky to each other and that a big space for dogfights.


    i told u so.


    btw if theres anything i should tweak for the gametype or map just say because im not a great forger and ill make 1.xx modifications to them and replace them with the curent versions.

    i think i know one problem that might occur and that the vip might start at the uk base or the or the teams might start at the wrong place overall.
    oh yeah, the starting points are in front of the armorys and 8 respawns are in each armory for the teams and 4 others around the area to lessen spawn killing

    if the map or gametype needs a complete redisign to it ill make a v2 of it

    oh i forgot to mencion this is for at least 5v5 and above, but you could try 4v4
  2. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    I think you've overpowered the UK too much. At start the U.K. get Assault Rifles which are much more accurate than an SMG. The U.S.'s Army (Marines, Navy, Airforce, etc.) are NOT fat at all. I can tell you that right now so I really don't think that we should be at 75% speed. Also, the Americans have 90% Damage Modifier and the U.K.'s have 110% which I truthfully think is stupid since now your making it even harder for the Blue Team to kill the Red team because now do they only not have an innacurate gun but they also have less damage, and less speed and gravity. I don't like the Gametype. AT ALL.

    To the Map!

    It looks a little sloppy but doesnt necessarily make it a bad map. The gameplay could still be fun. I don't like the fact that the Vehicles are unbalanced. Tank Vs Tank = FAIR, Normal Warthog vs Normal Warthog = FAIR, Gauss Warthog vs Normal Warthog = NOT SO MUCH. The Gauss is much more powerful than a normal warthog and in my opinion, both sides should have been given 2 Normal Warthogs, 1 Tank, 2 Ghosts. Or 2 Chaingun (Normal) Warthogs, 1 Tank, 1 Chopper. Ghosts VS Chopper is unfair to the point of Ghosts can manuevar quickly but the Chopper's guns are much more powerful and to the point where the Chopper can run over the Ghost.

    (BTW, our Tanks are called M1 Abrams Tanks.)

    On to the Air Force, IMO, both sides should have been given Two Banshees. Hornets can lock onto the Target for a short amount of time with it's Missiles. While Banshees have to hit straight on target.

    Also I read your Starting Point problems, if you've changed the gametype be sure to Press "X" on the Starting Point/Respawn Area to make sure that you've got the right person. I'm not so sure on VIP but on Slayer I believe it's set to Neutral.

    (Has to be the weirdest review ever but yeah.)

    Overall : 3/10
  3. supa gems

    supa gems Ancient
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    Yeah, i agree. First of all, obesity may lurk in america, but so does some of the worlds best military. The air battle seems off-balance as much else, you can just camp the teleport with hornet missles very easy. Weapons are off, americans should atleast get dual smgs or something. IRL, this would be very unlikely, US vs. UK? It should be US vs China or Russia or something, chinese/russians both would be AR's ssince one made the AK47, the other mass produced it. Or UK versus something. If anyone gets the advantage, it should be the Americans. Our marines would kick the snot out of the royal navy or w.e anyday.

  4. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    This map looks like it was made in a rush. Take a little bit more time to enhance the maps aesthetic appeal. In addition, the vehicles and weapons are tipped in favor for the UK. Balance it all out because if the UK is as good as you think it is, then they would win anyway.
  5. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I'm not a fan of the concept and not really impressed with the map making either. I presume the levels are linked via teleports? I find that unless your playing with 8 players on each side, that rarely works out.
  6. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Agreed, and not to start anything, but this will eventually start a big blah blah blah arguement before you know it.
    Just a heads up, but I'm fairly sure you thought about that before you posted it.

    Anyways, yeah, I'd agree the map was rushed, and to put it even further;
    I would of left both teams even, or made it a zombie variant.

    Oh well, 3/5
  7. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    yea, the uk is too overpowered, and i have to admit, i laughed at your idea for using the smg that it had a faster fire right than the AR. And i take the fat thing offensive, not that i am, sure, there are plenty of overweight people in the us, but when it comes to the military thats just not the case. And anyways, if anything the UK should be the ones with the slightly weaker military.

    ** I have also never seen so many typos in a post before, its called proof reading buddy
  8. BoondockSaint

    BoondockSaint Ancient
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    One thing you need to do is rid your maps of stereotypes. Especially if you are posting your maps out in public. Maybe it's funny for you and your friends, but you make yourself look like an arse. Especially because there are some special instances where your stereotypes are wrong, and may indeed be reversed on the UK (i.e. Carl Lewis, Michael Phelps). So other than the stereotype rant, you need to learn how to spell, how to form a complete sentence (and not just one continuous ramble of bologna), and interlocking. After all, your map should be balanced and fair: it's for the teams to decide who wins, not the map maker.

    I realize this is a hodgepodge of separate critiques, and that it isn't very well laid out. I thought I should put at least as much effort into my post as you did into yours.
    #8 BoondockSaint, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    Kid, your young and you listen to too many stereotypes. There is a reason the US military is the most powerful and advanced in most ways. I know you think its funny to simulate UK getting their asses kicked, but you need to be less offensive. Have you ever seen an American soldier? They aren't fat, weak and most aren't stupid. I however have military in my blood. My Uncle is a Colonel in the Marines of artillery. My Grandpa was a Captian of a Navy Submarine. Also all of my uncles, my dad and some of my cousins were in the military. I am offended and do not fall under such stereotypes. As for the map: It is a basic quick map and needs some diligent work such as fusing and geomerging. It is still very offensive. There also doesn't seem to be much of a battle field. 2/5.
  10. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    Unbalanced ... need I say more the 8 people above me seem to have said it rather well.
    Fix the map, the game type, and the name and you might have something.

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