Sandbox TrenchWars 1918

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    TrenchWars 1918
    Created by: Z0mbie Kitten and Izano Slayer
    Original idea and most forging by z0mbie kitten; Tons of added ideas by Izano Slayer
    EDIT: We have already seen a stolen version of this map. Please keep in mind this is an original map. We are just about positive this hasn't been done before us. :)

    TrenchWars 1918 is a map inspired by the flash game of the same name (minus 1 year because we're futuristic like that), here>Warfare 1917 | Armor Games but of course with its own creative spin. We use a class system that randomly assigns you one of four classes that will be gone into greater depth later. This map is basically a battlefield consisting of four trenches that must be captured to win using a territories game type. The trenches are captured instantly as long as there are no enemies in that current trench. Here is an overview of the map:


    And here is a picture of a trench:


    While the field is calm in these pictures, the game can get very epic later on. As we previously stated, you spawn in one of four class weaponry rooms. You pick up your weapons and go through a teleporter that leads you into the battlefield.

    Here is an example of a class weaponry room, all featuring drop spawned weapons (which accounts for the sloppiness of each weapon).


    When you are done picking up your weapon, you go through a teleporter that leads you here:


    The floating walls in the background are used to block the light from the laser towers, which can get annoying (especially when you are a sniper) during gameplay. Other than that they have no affect on the game.

    One of the key features of this game, however, is the classes. There is an assault class, stealth class, sniper class, and the heavy class. Here they are:

    Assault Class



    Description: The assault class is the backbone of your force. Using deployable covers, they can create cover for themselves and for others in the normally barren battlefield. They are equipped with assault rifles and battle rifles that can adapt to all situations but dominating none of them. Also, they have two frag grenades that are useful for clearing out trenches. They are good at taking over trenches as long as they don't face a machine gunner. They can de-scope snipers with the battle rifle but can not effectively kill them from a range. The deployable cover helps them safely move across the battle field.

    Good Against: Heavy gunners (when the enemy is out of range), other assault classes and decent against stealth.

    Weaknesses: Snipers, heavy gunners at close range, and good stealth users can easily overcome them.

    Tips: Use your deployable covers to create safe paths for less equipped teammates. Do not stay in trenches for too long, keep pushing ahead. When facing a machine gunner use grenades. When you die with grenades, however, keep in mind the enemies can pick them up, so use them quickly if behind enemy lines.

    Sniper Class



    Description: The sniper class is the most essential class. It keeps your enemies at bay while your teammates push ahead. This class is only armed with a sniper and pistol so it has no way to defend itself at close quarters. It can absolutely destroy machine gun classes in the open, same with the assault class, however, the stealth class is where the sniper's true weakness lies. First of all, both your guns are slow firing so you can not spray bullets in random directions. Secondly, you can be flanked very easily, saying you are just about always scoped so that you can not see them on your radar. All weaknesses aside, the sniper class is probably the single best class in Trench Wars.

    Good Against: Machine gunners and the assault class. It can take out other snipers poking their heads out of trenches.

    Weaknesses: Stealth and other snipers.

    Tips: Always snipe from a trench. Never snipe from the ramps leading out from the teleporters. Sniping from the ramps may give you a better view of enemies, but shows more of your body as well. Sniping from a trench only shows your head. Sometimes it is best to snipe from the second trench as well as the first. As it helps put pressure on the enemies. Swap your pistol for any gun you see laying on the ground from dead teammates or even enemies as soon as possible for better close range defense. Just about never get the banshee (explained later) when you are this class because you are very important to your teammates.

    Stealth Class



    Description: The stealth class is the only "special" class in Trench Wars. Armed with a sword, pistol, and a radar jammer (which can be very helpful) It utilizes a custom power up (on instant respawn; lasts 90 seconds) that grants the user good camo. However, this also comes with it's own set of cons. First, it makes the user extremely weak. With no shielding and only 10% damage resistance, the stealth class is the weakest of them all. (Health Wise;The user dies in only one shot) But this by no means makes the stealth class useless. In the right hands, this class can counter every class in the game. It's main weaknesses are easily the fact that the stealth class can not pick up weapons, therefore rendering it useless when it needs to adapt. Bullet sprays are also an enemy of this class. One stray bullet will instantly kill you, so you need to keep in cover then move quickly. When you are this class, know that you are the main class standing between your teammates and a sniper bullet. We can not stress this enough, this class is the anti-sniper.

    Good Against: Snipers, the assault class (if you surprise them). This can also apply to the heavy gunner class if you sneak up on them well. You can kill other stealth classes using your pistol but not effectively.

    Weaknesses: Machine gunners can easily kill you with bullet spray, as can assault.

    Tips: Go for snipers. If you can spot any snipers, ignore highly populated enemy trenches, and go for them. If you can, work from the back trench toward your teammates. This surprises enemies. Do not throw your radar jammer while standing in the open. Your cloak will go away and everyone will unload in your direction. Instead throw it while in a trench. Most of the time, you will walk right by enemy stealth classes, therefore, they are most of the time harmless to you. If you see another stealth class in the open, it is not smart to start shooting them with your pistol. Leave them to your teammates, which does not put you in harm's way. If you are positive someone knows you are in the same trench with them, jump up out of the trench and come at them from above. It is much more effective.

    Heavy Class



    Description: At first glance, the heavy class seems weak compared to others. It has mainly short range weapons (a turret, shotgun ,and pistol) and on an open map like Trench Wars it seems pointless. But this class is like a close range sniper. It is the best at defending trenches. Anyone that comes over the edge of a guarded trench will be greeted with a face full of turret fire. Games can be won by a single experienced turret user getting to the final trench. Snipers, however, can easily take out these guys if they are not well covered by teammates. Also, this class is the main and only defense against banshees. When an enemy banshee is out on the field you must use your turret to take it out. Banshee can kill very easily, so stop their reign of terror quickly. Bullet spray often to kill the stealth class.

    Good Against: Stealth, Banshees, and at close quarters; assault

    Weaknesses: Snipers! Also assault when they are out of range.

    Tips: Have your teammates kill any snipers before leaving a trench. Or at least ask if there are any. It is also killer to go with teammates (especially assault) as escorts across the battlefield. If they can get you far you will most likely rape. If your team is gaining ground quickly, follow up behind them, this is a perfect chance to get across the battlefield. Do not ignore your shotgun, you move much faster without your turret, but you do lose some much needed range and the general purpose of your class. If you need to make an escape, do not hesitate to drop your turret, staying alive can hold ground and of course, we think anyone would rather be alive than dead, but that is just our opinion ;).





    Description: One minute into the game, the air raids begin. Both banshees for both teams spawn next to where you come out of the teleporters. Get in fast, or the other team might destroy your banshee! The Banshee can really rain hell on the opposing team, but still has it's own weaknesses. As previously stated, the turret class can take out a banshee in a matter of seconds. Banshees can fly into trenches and capture them but can be very easily hijacked. Plus, their wings get stuck on the sides, though it is not impossible to get out. The stealth class is not a threat to the banshee what so ever. They can not even hijack it. Banshee battles are quite common. So ask for support from ground units.

    Good Against: Everything except the stealth class. You will not be able to see them so it is rare for you to kill them.

    Weaknesses: Turret Class, as stretched earlier.

    Tips: Don't fly away from enemy turret fire. Find the source and kill them fast. Leave trench-capturing to teammates, it isn't worth the risk of the enemy team controlling your Banshee, as well as their own. Take out turrets first, then snipers. You need to clear snipers out so that your team can push ahead much easier. If you are hijacked, try to suicide by flying downwards to the death barrier, killing yourself, but most importantly, the hijacker-er. Don't get out of the Banshee once inside it. First of all, the only reason to do this would be to capture a trench, but you will eventually die, and the enemy gets the Banshee. Plus, who wants a million curse words from angry teammates bursting your ears? :]


    General Pictures

    A blue team squad defending a trench.

    A smart stealth user kills a turret user from behind, avoiding bullets.

    This is what we mean when we say to stay out of trenches in a banshee.

    An early battle.

    A sniper prepares to go into battle.

    General Tips: Stay in Trenches until you have some teammates. Rushing alone is just stupid.

    Once even teams are made, close the party. Other people can join and uneven teams, and potentially ruin the game.

    Deployable covers can be taken out by snipers. Just shoot the deployer-thing.

    If you are assault class, USE DEPLOYABLE COVERS. They really help your teammates.

    Radar Jammers can be shot by snipers if in the open, so take them out if you see them immediately. Unless you know it is a teammate's. You can tell if your reticle is red, it's an enemy's, and green means a friendly threw it down.

    Last Words

    A note from Z0mbie Kitten: Because my good friend is lazy and it is 2:00 in the morning, we will do one more overall check on the map (even though there are no known bugs) and replace the download link with the new one if we do change anything (we will also let you all know if we do). So check back often! ;D

    If you haven't already noticed, the starting spawn weapon is a magnum.

    Yes, you can pick up weapons. That includes fallen teammates.

    Shields are normal, as is most settings. (Unless you get the power-up)

    The walls used to block off the lights (floating ones) could possibly be landed on and be sniped from, but it's not practical. Plus, they would be exposed.

    The map is barren, but that is completely intended. No aesthetics are used because we reached the object limit. NOTHING MORE CAN BE MADE. Plus, the banshee could exploit such structures.

    If you read this all, just put a little + in your post.

    Please don't ask me, "How did YOU make this?" This was a cooperative effort, both Izano Slayer and Z0mbie Kitten took part in this. (Actual gamertags) In fact, Z0mbie Kitten did more than me. I just sprayed ideas and drove in circles. Thanks!

    Map> : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype> : Halo 3 File Details

    #1 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
  2. Vampir Krieger

    Vampir Krieger Ancient
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    This map looks epic: well thought out, original idea (for halo anyway), and gameplay looks great. I'm DL'ing now.
  3. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    +Nice idea, very original if you ask me (considering it's Halo...), decently forged, and the class system is very much like Warfare 1917 except for the Banshee and the stealth class...

    Some things bothers me though, first is the stealth class. 10% damage resistance is very low, and they get killed in one shot. Maybe you should make them have 25% damage resistance or something, or if that option isn't available, add minimal shielding. Second is the ability for everyone (except for the stealth class) to pick up weapons, for example: An assault class picks up a sniper rifle, allowing him to snipe from behind his deployable cover, or a gunner to pick up a sniper, and dominate both the trench that he's in, and the other trenches, and etcetera.

    Other than that, I have nothing more to say until I download it and play it sometime. I need to gather some players first, ugh.

    You could've interlocked, but I really don't know how that would improve gameplay. I'm looking forward to a V2 with mines, artillery strikes, obstacles, and tanks.
    #3 Glasgow, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  4. starman208

    starman208 Ancient
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    I'm really liking how this map looks and works, I'll have to see if I can try playing it with others later tonight.

    I'm guessing that everyone needs weapon pickup to get their weapons from the beginning. The exception is the stealth, who must have it turned off from the power up that they can pick up.
  5. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    This map looks like it good be a lot of fun. The only thing i would recommend is to change around some of the classes but thats just me.
    Close Courters: shotgun
    Heavy gunner: turret
    Assault: assault rifle
    Sniper: sniper and possibly camo
    And so on... 4.2/5
  6. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Even though the instant death seems like a problem it really isn't. Most of the time you can avoid bullets as that class. Thanks for the feedback, though! Also, the weapon pickup could be avoided, but we actually wanted to leave that in. Later on in the game, people can "tweak" their classes, and we liked that idea. Anyways, if you start picking up completely new weapons it messes up the flow for your team. If everybody is sniping then it is nearly impossible to take over trenches. If a machine gunner changes his weapons so that he is half an assault class, the machine gun, while more versatile, doesn't excel in machine gunner-ish things anymore. It's a trade off. Ok, well here we go again typing a lot. Thanks for the feedback, people! EDIT: Tanks were so close to getting in, but in the end were cut. People would simply sit back and shoot anyone who came out a trench. Stealth would be the only thing to counter, but they can't hijack.
    #6 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  7. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    The map looks great and the idea seems really fun. Since I have played Warfare 1917 I have some knowledge of how the game works.

    I also have a suggestion: they had a grenade class that had one purpose, and that was to grenade the **** out of trenches. So I would take off the Assault's grenades and have the Grenader guys have a brute shot or something and grenades.
  8. ImWithStupid

    ImWithStupid Ancient
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    Looks like a really great map, I like all the classes and their uses. I especially like the assault and stealth classes, as they are the most unique. Also, I don't think being a one hit kill would be that much of a disadvantage to the stealth class, you're supposed to be STEALTHY. I have played the Warfare:1917 game before, and this seems similar to it, and probably better. I would download, but sadly my xbox has the E74 error. Looks very tactical and fun. +
  9. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    I have a few opinions. Firs+, weapon pick up could be easily avoided, a+ a sligh+ cos+ +o +he s+eal+h class. use cus+om power-ups +o give weapon pick up for 10 seconds. ( you'd need +o share +he cp by merging i+, i can help if you'd like, g+: e10nd0r) Second, players should be allowed +o pick +here own classes, also very easy. In a version 2, include +anks and ar+illery. +o allow +his, make +he map +hinner, or use a budge+ gli+ched canvas w/ lasers pre blocked. +anks could be prowlers, since tanks back +hen were very ineffec+ive. Ar+illery could ei+her be a s+a+ionary wrai+h, fusion coils on palle+s above each +rench, or have man cannons se+ up on either side wi+h fusion coils. I'd also recommend +ha+ the banshee be replaced wi+h a horne+, because he banshee fuel rod is +oo powerful. If you'd like i wouldn'+ mind working wi+h you on a version 2, or you can give me permission +o make my own version. Overall, 4/5, due +o some fixing +ha+ would help +he map.
  10. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Edit: What the heck is with all the pluses. It got really annoying.

    Hey everybody! Its Z0mbie Kitten (If you don't believe me then ask Izano Slayer for proof). I will also be replying to people's posts.

    I am nearly positive that you did not read the entire post. We did not say that the weapon pick up is a problem. We like people to be able to pick up weapons. Players being able to pick their own classes would be stupid. Everybody would pick the same class over and over again which will very much knock off the balance of the game. The custom power up thing makes no sense. If you pick up the custom powerup you will become invisible so that is stupid. The banshee represents the artillery strikes. A hornet would be way overpowered. It could hover over a trench and continuously shoot people. The banshee has to constantly move so it has a disadvantage. The tower blockers are used to block the light. We do not need the towers blocked off. Anyways, if we did need to I know how to do it. The fusion coil idea would not make sense or work at all! People would constantly shoot them.

    We do not want you to make a version two because we most likely will. If you didn't read the part where it says we completly maxed out the object limit. We can not make anything else. Please do not try and make a different version. Thanks people!
    #10 Zombie Kitten, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2009
  11. elondor

    elondor Ancient
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    Added pluses because i was told to, but i went overboard with it

    The weapon pickup could lead to some annoying combos (sniper+shotty, sniper+br, etc)

    Class choosing would help make it more team based, so players would communicate what they need for the current situation

    No, you change the the cp to allow weapon pickup for 10 seconds, NO invis from it, and just give the stealth class an invis powerup.

    I suppose that makes sense

    Have them on a 30, 45, or 60 second respawn. You could even have it on a switch so it is somewhat automated when you push a button

    Thats why i said thin the map, also try using different objects than single blocks, its a waste of items and budget

    I was thinking of making my own version so i could show to you for ideas, not post it. You could also try giving some respect to people spending there time trying to criticize and give you ideas.
  12. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Hi, Izano Slayer here! Sorry that my friend is being a ahemJERKcoughcough, I'd like to thank everyone for liking at this map! Above, suggestions are great, and I don't think Z0mbie Kitten completely understood them. Anyways, I like to see new ideas, and don't see them as attacks like SOMEONE.... Well, keep it up people, we worked hard on this!

    (Oh, Chris, this is revenge for the youtube video.)
  13. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    + I liked the flash game and this reminded me of it. Great job I will add it to my list of downloads. :) I would suggest moving the spawn points up at least 2 meters so that one person standing in the spawn area doesn't throw off the random spawning. Overall the classes seem balanced and fair it looks great again good work.

    I also thought of the custom power-up idea on this map but for one the cp is in use and needs to be used by the stealth so that the invis doesn't wear out in 30 sec and gives them the correct health to make them fair. Also the more I thought about it the more I like the weapon pick-up on sure you could pick up other people's weapons but it won't change the game that much, you are a heavy and you run out of turret ammo... then what charge them with your shoty? yes I do think you could lower the number of objects by replacing some of the large blocks with double walls but I like the look of the map the way it is.
    #13 Dak393, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  14. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Great map. It's been awhile since a trench map such as yours came along. I just hope it's not too realistic, or else every game will end in a tie.
  15. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Custom power ups at spawns can allow weapon pickups (for a short amount of time) and then another custom power up can disable it. Simple, really. You might not even need a second custom powerup.
  16. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    Wait what? how can a custom power up give you weapon pick up then another one takes it away. I wish bungie would add different custom power ups say a green one that allows for a different set of traits to be applied to it. As of now though all cps share traits. Also they are using the cp in a great way already and aren't going to change it (at least I don't think they would).
    #16 Dak393, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
  17. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    I was thinking the exact same thing with the custom powerup. We are not going to change it unless all we want to do is tweak it a bit. But in the long run, stealth is staying stealth.
  18. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Oh, and if we did want to, we wouldn't use a custom power-up. Most people don't know this, but you can change advanced spawn settings so that you can pick up weapons for 10 seconds, and then no more. Again, thanks for the reads! :]
  19. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Excellent map you have here! As a history junky I see that this is historically correct. The map also looks well made. Although I do still advise interlocking to remove any bumps. But that isn't 100% necessary because its not like there was smooth terrain when the fight really happened. I really like the four classes and the banshee idea (as long as it is easily taken down) Good job n this map, I hope to see more historical maps from you soon! (Like a WW2 map, ;))

    oh, and +
  20. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Thanks a whole bunch for the comment. Just to let you know we will make a 1944 version. It will have a completely different concept (in a way). We are not going to say what though. It should come out in maybe 2 or 3 months.

    Also, to anyone that reads this post I would like you all to know I am making a completely new trench wars map. Its only a better forged v2 version. The person above me has inspired me to do so. ;D

    Edit: Ben, whenever you read this I would like you to put in the forum that I am making a v2 version with a lot better forging. Also say something like, "Please check back soon for this version".
    Thanks - Chris
    #20 Zombie Kitten, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009

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