This was supposed to get put in the featured post that shock was supposed to write, but he apparently went to a party or something... so this is the video of my and shock's new star wars map, Duel of the Fates. Penguin did a great job with my phail first time in a here it is: im the blue one, swordscar is green, and penguin is maul.
Man, that video sucked, who ever made it should, just stop making videos, because its horrible. 10/10
I remember playing this... it's a great map. Particularly the pit with all of the explosives and the custom powerups which make you invincible.
Hey, now with forge filters, you can make the image effects work better. Corn on... the cob. Corn on... THE KABAAAAAB. And yes, I saw that ages ago.
I am putting the map in the map forums rather than featuring it, as I do not want to make that decision now that Guilders are no more. It will be discussed amongst the staff, premiums and loyals and hopefully they will collectively want to feature it. : ) Posting now-ish. What section though? Casual?
Hah I love that vid. Corn on the Cob. The map plays excellent, and is very entertaining for a small group of people.
That looks great. I have been waiting for this for a while now. I do have to admit, though, that I did have a preview to what the pit would look like. One of my friends showed it to me. I guess he must have tested it or something? It was a while ago though.
there was a ton of testing, so i'm not suprised old versions got around. any version you might have should probobly be deleted, the new one is much improved in all respects.
How satisfying is the gameplay. I really want to download but the gameplay looks really plain. It seams to me you just hack eachother with swords until someone dies?
of course the video isnt a gameplay vid, its kinda a recreation of the duel from the movie. the game is mainly slashing with swords, but there IS stategy and tricks involved, if you know what your doing you will almost always beat noobs...the gametype is really complex...
Alright thanks alot! EDIT: Wait, I see 2 different files. One is on Shock's fileshare and one is on Insanes.. which should I dl?