PANDEMIC map-pack Town by the Bay

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by jakob hunter, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    #1 jakob hunter, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  2. Olivia Punn

    Olivia Punn Ancient
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    The game type and map look pretty good, ill check this one out :D i would love to try that insane difficulty
  3. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    no one survived more than 2 minutes on insane it was pretty fun
  4. Tortimer

    Tortimer Ancient
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    Man i love the way you make episodes of your maps. This one looks way better than the tower and also the story is better. I like the way you used the scaffolding to represent a board walk, you could have made it longer using wooden bridges if you had any more. Good job and keep forging.
  5. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i didnt want it to long so it would go to far out so the zombies could jump onto it alot easier i wanted it to be like a wierd safe zone untill zombies get machine gun but the zombies can get to it with a good jump
  6. CanadianHeadshot

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    With Skyskrayper, Traffic Jam and the gametype all reviewed, I'm halfway through the reviewing process. I'm a little nervous, considering I think I'll run out of words by the end of this. However, for now I'll just keep trucking along, next up is one of my favorites, Town on the Bay!


    Town on the Bay is a beauty, and not in the sense that Traffic Jam was, it truly is a piece of art. Unlike other maps, in which you assume the theme of the map from those themeless, sand-worn blocks handed out in Sandbox, this map only lets you see it the way it was meant to be seen, a once bustling fishery, into a ghost town only inhabitable by crazed lunatics with a long forgotten sense of civilization. (Not unlike Fontaine Fisheries from BioShock) The wooden plank, sandbox block combo plays very nicely. It never drifts away from it's theme, and it makes uses of that theme with stylish park benches, which sport various weaponry, wooden bridges, which zombies watch from above as humans unknowingly are stalked as they eagerly cross the bridge to get across to the safehouse on the other side.

    Speaking of the safehouse, it is perhaps the best feature in all of these maps, it make use of the zombies ability to pick up weapons and strategize so nicely. There's absolutely no way that you're going to be successful in attacking those humans with just swords. So instead you have to make use of strategy, you've got to get energy drains, flame, and a hell of a lot of group attacks. It's quite a good feeling, driving those people out of that basement and hearing "Round Over." It's a wonderful map, Town on the Bay is. My only complaint would be that in order to get to areas where you may have passed equipment or pick up that shotgun your idiot friend just dropped from being killed, you have to backtrack, since humans don't have low enough gravity to make that jump without having a good chance of falling.

    So in conclusion, Town on the Bay does PANDEMIC justice, and is one of the more high quality maps in the pack. Next up is the equally brilliant Lighthouse.
  7. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    amazing reveiws canadian.
    i have to agree with you on the fact that this one actually makes the zombies use the equipment more often then not to get rid of the human in the basement (which actually happened by accedent :) the thing about not being able to jump accross with out falling is kinda a problem but i usually manage to do it by jumping from the end of the tank. anyway thanks for the awesome reveiw
  8. Vampir Krieger

    Vampir Krieger Ancient
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    Probably my favorite in the pandemic series (other than lighthouse). I like that is has an interesting layout that plays quite well. Although, the basement is a bit of a camping spot, even though this is remedied somewhat by the flamethrower zombie.
  9. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Thanks kreiger the basenment is really the only semi safe spot but when the zombies get a flame thrower, fire bomb, or power drain then the humans are definatley screwed
  10. NOV3D

    NOV3D Ancient
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    Appearance- 1.8-Master Piece
    game play- 1.4-Exciting
    Originality- 0.5-Exotic
    presentation- 0.5-Shark Attack

    Over all= 4/5

    This is defiantly a map with a story behind it with its overall style and game play. The appearance of the map is great and defiantly Exotic with out a doubt. You planned the map out perfectly but there were a few problems with the Game play...For example when I was playing with me team we noticed that the humans would die right away unless the became campers and it kinda took away alto of the fun. :( but other then that great Zombie idea and team work was required for maximum game play which is great for Zombie games.
    NICE JOB. :)
  11. hlg protege

    hlg protege Ancient
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    thiz iz lik left for dead for real
  12. Sup3rGhandi

    Sup3rGhandi Ancient
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    you need a barrier to stop hlg nubz (like me) doing this:

    Power drain elite jump


    zombies would be pistol fodder.[​IMG]
    cool map though better than the ones in the weekemd playlists
    #12 Sup3rGhandi, Aug 8, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2009
  13. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Nice. It has infinite options, because it's like, "Do I want to hide out in the building, or by the dock, or by the scorpion?" But in the end, you can't camp forever, so you better keep moving. I like this, alot. The Pandemic map pack series is like the Halo 3 equivalent of Left 4 Dead.
  14. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    yeah i knew someone would figure out how to get back there but it takes skill to do and the zombies still can get you really easily if they spawn on the roof tops but that would be hard to do in game any way so ill just let it slide but good discovery.

    P.S i like your avatar :)
  15. dbxxchaosxxking

    dbxxchaosxxking Ancient
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    these look awsomeeeeeeeee
  16. MLG

    MLG Ancient
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    I love the aesthetics put into the map, it makes look as though you were in a real town or what ever, I tested it (I'm on the Guild) and the gameplay was fantastic! 9/10 from me great jod, well done.
  17. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Played this with my friend and it's not very good. Maybe we just didn't play it right, but it wasn't fun. It was over very fast and... oh I don't really even know why. It just didn't feel RIGHT. (That's what she said)
  18. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Me and Izano Slayer played this game with a bunch of people and it wasn't fun. Maybe everyone was lagging or something. The other comments say this is good so i dont know for sure how fun this really is
  19. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    this one was made for faster gameplay and had a more hardcore audience in mind i dont know why it wasnt fun for you and would be happy to know excactly what made it not so fun so i can keep it in mind of rfuture maps.. but thank you for your comments
  20. Ultrainium

    Ultrainium Ancient
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    This looks like a great map. I just downloaded it but I need some people to play it with.
    If anyone is playing a big game of this then invite- Ultrainium

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