this is my least fav one [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
[/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] DL links Map: Skyscraper Gametypes: normal medium INSANE This map only works with those gametypes
You had to post several times to get all your pictures? The introduction could have been shorter but the boss information part was very good. the tower is nice and big, but the inside doesn't really have much like crates or pallets which seems very empty. The outside looks great. Good job and keep forging.
I agree about the intro, and with the crates, there are no crates on Sandbox... But yeah, it is kinda empty. Good work though, looks like it took a load of time.
Please, please use spoilers or something when you post this many pictures. Its nice that you have plenty of pictures of your map, but some people don't have the band width to undertake loading a page with so many pictures. The only thing I managed to see, besides the fact that the map is a giant tower(cool!), was the crashed hornet. That was a nice touch. That's all I can say about the map as I can't see all the pics without nearly crashing my browser.
It looks like you put a lot of thought into all of this. The map looks pretty good though putting a little more time in it could have made it better - It looks like you were rushing some parts of it. Anyway, the gametype sounds pretty cool, straying away from the infected only having swords and all. It's also pretty cool that you have different difficulties which almost makes it like its own game. I like that its a map pack too. It reminds me of Left 4 Dead a little bit - It has different maps (almost like the campaigns), different difficulties and "special infected". Overall, it's really nice. 8.5/10 Keep up the good work!
REALLY AWESOME MAP! i found that it was forged very well and had very good flow for both the humans and the zombies! wonderful job!! 5/5
I played this game a couple times. I do recommend you download it, the only problem I have is that you said that this is a new take on infection. While It is different than many gametypes , It is slightly to much of a cross between default and manifest to say that. The skyscraper map definately has good aesthetics, and I love the elevator shaft. you should post the broken bridge map, that was my favorite. 7/10
Even though the map, Traffic Jam, is the first in the PANDEMIC series, Skyskrayper feels like the first PANDEMIC map. SKYSKRAYPER Skyskrayper is the first map suited to all of the PANDEMIC gametypes, and is easily, the most straight-forward map. A simple building with a crashed hornet in the side with lots of floors and lots of ways for the zombies to reach you. The lighting of the map is less dramatic then Traffic Jam, and the map seems like it took a bit less care. I'll admit early on that I didn't spend too much time on Skyskrayper so maybe my opinion isn't the most reliable, but this map for me was the weakest in the series, it's a simple idea of can you climb up to the top of the tower, it doesn't inspire the same sense of, "Alright, him and her are camping over there, John Doe's hiding there," and such, it doesn't have that open-worldlyness I guess is what I'm trying to say, that the other maps value so highly. Whereas the other maps have quite a few areas you can camp out at, this level feels more linear than it's cousins. But there's plenty more to make this map fun, ascending the Skyskrayper is fun, don't get me wrong, the thrill of reaching each new level knowing that just because you don't see anything now, doesn't mean it isn't there. Each level you reach has fewer and fewer weapons to aid you and your human friends with. And eventually (I think the last two floors) weapons stop almost entirely. Except for the roof, on the roof you'll find some useful power weapons. A shotgun, Splazer and 7-Wood are there to give your party a big welcome party. Unlike the other maps, Skyskrayper feels like it has been done before, it's simply another take on a tried and true formula. If I were to sum it up in one sentence, it'd be this. Skyskrayper, while not completely conformist, feels more like the exaggerated, PANDEMIC version of Infection Staples Spooky Manor and Haunter House, which cheapens the feel of exploration that can be found in the other maps, such as Town On The Bay and Lighthouse. While It's not my favorite map, Skyskrayper certainly deserves to be apart of the PANDEMIC map pack. And a final word of advice, try not to use the elevator shaft. Looks are deceiving my friends, and when you inevitably fall victim to the elevator's fall, you'll laugh at what happens.
i really agree that this one is by far my least favorite in the map pack and it was made with alot less care and thanks for the epic reveiw canadian. p.s for all wondering why this is day 2 it is because i had a beta map for this map pack called traffic jam but in my opinion it was worth posting again in the map pack but i still included it in the story line