Great track. The trees are the most original thing I've ever seen. I like how the lighting effects around the trees made them look cool such as in the very first picture with the title. The tree in middle of the track made for a nice obstacle. Would have only been better if you made it so you could have drove though it. Very nice forging. The symetery wasn't really exact but, the placement of the trees draws the attention away from that.
I actually tried to think of how to do that! Aha, but the tree would have been really wide and used all my blocks that I used to make the other trees so I through out that idea Still thanks for your observation Most people don't really notice the detail i put into my scenery Thanks P.S. Everyone! This racetrack is Asymetric lol no Symetry haha, just pointing that out AnF
This map is simply incredible. What you have done to make the trees is very creative. I'll give it a 5/5 and I'll download it as soon as I can
Wow! Alot of creativity, time, and effort have gone into this map for the great aesthetic appeal. The racetrack itself is also very very smooth. Kepp up the good work!
They are not mushrooms first of all haha sorry to dissapoint. What I did to make the trees was use double blocks, large stone pillars, small stone pillars, and tin cups. Add all those together in creatively un-orthodox ways and vwhala, you have trees. Thank you Griff for the explanation (and the infraction, aha jk) but I liked to have given a more indepth response :] Anyways thank you to all for your support and critiques, track 2 on my list will be out soon AnF