The reason you can only be an Elite or SPARTAN is because they are similar in height to a couple inches. Grunts or Brutes would never be in the game because they differ from Master Chief's height greatly. I'd love to see the Troop Hog for machinima purposes.
i see the differance in hight between the elietes/spartans and grunts, but the brutes are only slightly bigger than the chief/elietes. if you read the books the brutes are supossedly a foot or two bigger than the chief, but in the game they're around the same height. having a brute or grunt (mabie even a jakal) avalible as a playable unit would just mena that players would have to ajust to the height of certain units. you could mabie make the grunts have no shields and when playing SWAT have less life (a penaltie for being a grunt) brutes (for a mele with a one handed weapon) could slap people which they seem to do alot in the campaign. thai would stun the enemy for a moment so he/she couldn't move.
All these things you guys are reccomending are extremely overpowered. You have to think of a weapon that wouldn't completely dominate whoever it was being used against, and have some sort of weakness (i.e. spartan laser charge up, guass warthog hard to aim, sniper only good at long range unless you are MLG pro, shotgun only good at close range). One thing I think they definatley need to change is to bring the old pistol from halo 2 back. The pistol in H3 is completely undesirable. Atleast the one in H2 could fire fast...
Bungie I believe stated that Elites and SPARTANS are the only characters yu will ever play as. They are the same in height, and they need to keep every aspect of the game fair to other players. Brutes would be too tall, and they don't have shielded armor, and ditto to Grunt wth the exception of their 5 foot height. It is just unfair.
as i sadi before i do see the differance in the grunt/ playable charicter hights. i just recently played throught campaign and stood next to a brute (whil just leaving invisability) adn did notice a slight hight differance. if anyone here has played the time splitter games there were charicters that were small so you had to aim down at them, so bungie could do that to plaese a few fans, but i don't see it happening.
What I would really want is drivable pelicans and phantoms or at least make it so you could create them in forge. It would really great to have pelicans or phantoms in some maps(a whole new variety of maps).
A giant superball that you enter and bounce! That is probably the best vehicle to have. and a weapon- a turret that fires traffic cones faster than sniper rifles.
Harpoon gun. Latch yourself onto pesky banshees or hornets to hijack, or when an enemy's shields are down, finish them off by pinning them to a wall or even other vehicles.
A true mongoose lover. A mongoose same size, but the back side has small artillery guns on the back seat. Which passenger can fire at other vehicles, then scream eat my goose -Blam!-! I put the blam in =) cuz i luv u
a sniper that is harder to use up-close, because halo 3 wasnt made so that a sniper could be used as a shotgun and that really pisses me off that people are like OMG I GOT A NO-SCOPE WITH A SNIPER FROM 3 FEET AWAY!!!! and, ranting about that made me forget what other weapon i was thinking of, but anyways i think that there should be honor guard armor as an equal to recon armor. why is it that bungie only made special armor for spartans? i would actually strive for honor guard armor because it looks cool. recon is just plain out ugly. if we got both more people would actually want it for looks, not just to say that they have it.
YESSS! this is a perfect idea. not so much on pinning people to walls but latching on to banshees, hornets and other vehicles, YES!
The height difference would not be the only problem. Spartan and Elites are the only characters that have rechargeable shields So saying grunts have no sheilds is redundant as they already do not (just like marines and even ODSTs ) All Brute have is power armor and after weakened it falls off so no more ducking behind cover when you're weak to recharge before continuing to battle +1 Also have an equivalent of a katana. I do not typically play as an elite but with some cool armor variants i definitely would. And before being flamed becasue "Elites are harder to hit" they have the same hitboxes a headshot registers the same. Just because your target looks different doesn't mean anything
I think you should definitely be able to play as a Brute, they are about the same size as Spartans, the ones with Jetpacks can jump as high as Spartans, and Bungie could just give them shields so they had the same stats as Spartans. They are more like Spartans than Elites, even. Other ideas: [Vehicle] Longsword - Those fighter-jets from the end of The Storm. Has missiles and machineguns. [Vehicle] Bomber Longsword - Same as regular Longsword, but has bombs instead of missiles. [Vehicle] Transport Warthog - Same as the Transport Warthog from the beginning of Tsavo Highway. I know it is possible to put it in Forge because there is already a drivable one outside The Pit. It should have up to 4 passengers on the back to make up for the fact that there is no turret. [Vehicle] Civilian Warthog - Warthog with no turret. Good for racing, scenery, and Machinima. [Vehicle] Pelican - You all know what this is. It can pick up and carry any UNSC vehicle by flying just above it and clicking the left stick. [Vehicle] Phantom - You all know what this is. It has a tractor beam thingy for picking people up that can be operated by clicking the left stick. [Vehicle] Shade Turret - A Covenant Shade Turret. [Weapon] Missile Pod Turret - The mounted missile pods from The Storm. [Equipment] Auto-turret - The deployable Forerunner auto-turret from Campaign. [Equipment] Camo - Deployable camo from Campaign. [Equipment] Invincibility - Deployable Invincibility those Gravity Hammer Brute Chieftans from Campaign had. [Other] Flashlight - Players should be able to use flashlights in Matchmaking, Custom Games, and Forge. It is possible in Campaign, why not elsewhere?
[highlight][WEAPON][/highlight] Revolver Sword: An energy sword with a handle in the middle of two blades sticking out in opposite directions. The blades are on a revolving joint. Use: When surrounded, a player can use this weapon to slice apart any enemies or allies within a 25 meter radius in an energy blast that depletes all of the sword's energy. Deployable covers, bubble shields, and [jumpto=blast shield]blast shields[/jumpto] can block this attack. [highlight][WEAPON][/highlight] Sniper: Russian VSS Rifle with the futuristic Halo feel. 12 round clip, semi-auto, fires as fast as you pull the trigger. Electronic 2x Scope. Medium to long range, moderate accuracy. [highlight][EQUIPMENT][/highlight] A trip mine that doesn't make it's presence totally obvious. [highlight][EQUIPMENT[/highlight] Traction Ball: Like a radar jammer, flare, or power drain, except green. When deployed it creates a magnetic field that pulls weapons, movable metal scenery, player models, flags, bombs and bullets towards it. Good for making a huge distraction of chaos while you slip in behind the enemy to kill them. [aname=blast shield][highlight][EQUIPMENT][/highlight][/aname] Blast Shield: A small node similar to the hilt of the energy sword. When deployed , the node floats waist level and it creates a barrier of solid energy that is distinguished by a slight purple glow and is about the size of a small doorway. This energy blocks anything from coming through it. It's battery dies after 30 seconds, but it can also be destroyed by shooting the node (shot has to be from behind it)
ive read all of them and one that hasn't come up is a jackle shield.... (plasma shield) even in the book ghost of onyx they use it in the very beginning i think it would be good to be able to use them....
Realisticly speaking- We here at forge hub are mainly about forging so why not ask for new things (little things, come on guys (but from the insane are our lives made better)) that we could do for forge? Right? Forge: I think there should be "glass" pieces, Both breakable and not for use in forging to cover up spots intended as windows. "Effect" orbs that will cause certain things to happen if you come near them, lose friction, take damage, move faster, ect. Great for anything. I'm sure its been said 100 times more filters, but what kinds? Lets say bungie made a thread saying they were making a new filter for use in forge, what would u want it to be? Perhaps a night time filter where everything gets dark with the exception of things that need to bright, they get brighter. Pen and ink is the closest thing but it makes ALL lights lighter and darks darker and takes out the color. Vehicals: of course some of the halo wars classics locust, cobra (can't deploy) I like the weaponless warthog and trasport hog idea (maybe someone can make a mod) for racing. Shouldn't be hard to do. Now I honestly would love a vulture, but it would have to get nerfed to even be remotely fair (not going to happen). Weapons: Hunter gun (yeah that green crap that shoots all over the place from the arms of those bundles of worms- hunters GRRR) Plasma torpedo Launcher- Kind of like a cross between a brute shot and a sniper. Shoots a blue-gray globule over a LONG distance that blows up about as big as a rocket launcher missle or bigger. Ok it firesablue-gray globuleoveraLONGdistancethatblowsupaboutasbigasarocketlaunchermissle orbigger VEEEERRRRRRRRYYYYYY SSSSSSLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOWWWWWLY BUTTHEPROJECTILEITSELFMOVESFAST. lol:lol: Happy? Of course it makes a cool sound pfffbllooooohmn! Macgun like a mac blast in your hand! Off the wall FOR forge?: "Cutting tools" and other things. Boring grab and place? Use a cutting tool to cut peices off of objects, no more crazy merging or other crap.
Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the Ghost Cannon. Similar to the ones used in everyday ghosts (made useable through years of ergonmoic training and feng shui sessions), they'll be the equivalent of a heavy-plasma rifle. Only single-wield, obviously, and a slower rate of fire (and longer recharge) but they can rip straight through shields, making a an easy target for a team-mate's BR shot. I mean, if Spartans get the Assault Rifle, surely Elites should get some kind of single-wield plasma weapon? Oh, and for a non-boring suggestion, the Plasma Crossbow. Fires massive projectiles and needs to reload after each shot, but has a fairly quick reload time, and can kill with two body shots (or a headshot for the pros). 4x scope also attached, although as this is primarily a short-mid range weapon, you probably won't need it. Like the scope on a fuel rod gun.
I think there should be a Brute version of both the BR/Carbine [spike rifle] and a brute Sniper/Beam Rifle [Rail Rifle] Both shooting spikes and i headshot with the Brute Sniper will impale the target onto a nearby wall. Why do brutes get they're they're own weak dual weildable weapons but have to use plain old covenant rifles. I dont think Brute look right standing there in they're holding a purple carbine looks right. They need tougher looking weapons