This is a very nice looking map, just not sure about gameplay as others have said. That's just from looking at the overview pics though so I am probably wrong. It actually reminds me a lot of the upper floor of construct and would probably play similarly.
It actually works much better with 4v4. In the video shown, that is just the teams. Most of our team played together a lot and also, helped to build the map, and at least one member of the other team was AFK for most of the film. The first playtest had absolutely no holding down at all. The ball was constantly being played or changing hands. King and Slayer gameplay are both similar to that.
Yes, what Padres said. We knew the map, and most of the people on the other team hadn't even played it because I was hurredly inviting friends for a playtest film for this post. (Thanks for helping explain things Padres.) I dare say to all those curiouse, that the map's gameplay is increasingly more impressive than the map itself; don't think more about the layout as much as smooth gameplay. (Spawns built for 4v4 because it's slightly too large for 3v3.) Yes, that's what I thought! The gameplay is alot like it, but the aesthetics appear differently, sort of like a psychological thing. You see, when I play Construct's second floor, I feel as though I'm sort i'm sort of insecure, seeing as i'm not on the "Sturdy first floor" (Feels like i'm floating or like I always need to watch my back) but on this map, I feel the gameplays is aggressive as the second floor of Construct, but yet, I get that sense of "First floor steadiness." Maybe that's just me though, lol. Get a good, competitive 4v4 going, and you'll see how smooth the gameplay can be.
Reminds me of Archaic. But I liked archaic. It's pretty well forged. There are somethings that need improved like some of the uneven forging. Other than this this map looks pretty good. I've done a forge-through but not an actual map.
That's what i thought when i first saw it. It has major Construct inspiration as many have already stated. And im excited to see how these changes will work out for a v2. Best of luck to making this already great map even greater!
Wow. For some reason I love oddball centric maps, despite hating the gametype. Maybe it's gthe fact that it also comes up in ffa :/ Either or, this is fantastic. The level of forging is defintiely enough to keep everything flowing nicely, and the jumps from the rim to the centre of the map were very well positioned. I'd give this a 9/10, although it'd be cool if you could make this more viable for other Mlg gametypes.
It works great with King and Slayer too. We're setting v2 up for Flag to see if it works. That's all MLG gametypes right there.
no sry.. i dont think flag would work well for this map.. it just isnt the map 4 flag.... its a circle!
Great map. *pets padres & remy on the head* Although, the respawn points are a bit close together or something...I was playing it today FFA with 8 people and people were spawning next to each other and crap, v2 fix that, and it will be perfecto.
With the v2 changes, it has a possibility of working. We're just gonna test it. That's because default isn't set up for FFA. There was a different version for FFA.
It's set up for 4v4, Myztic. :] Also, @padres, I deleted the FFA version, but after the v2 is out, I'll probably make up another one. I'll probably still make it for flag, just for fun.
I really dont know why you would call it blue hall whaen it seems that you are just arbitraily calling them that. I may see a little blue thing (im not sure) in one of the pics, but wouldn't it be just a lot easier to just place the blue and red lights , them it would definately be plausible to call things "Red Hall" or "Blue Hall" =]
Blue and red reffering to original spawns. The lights cost too much budget, and I feel are kind of annoying. I do think that red and blue columns are less blatent though, but I don't think they're necassary, so I won't be using those. Also, the overshield and active camo in the walls are good enough. If you were to play the map you'd feel that it's a significant callout. Also, please rate after your full review Thanks for the input.
Hey if you need testers for your v2 just msg me because the map looks awesome and i want to see how the flag concept works. I could capture a video for you also for the v2 if yo uare interested. I probalby won't be checking the forums to much so send me a PM if you are interested. Thanks. Gt: HeCtic HazSaucE
well let me start off by saying that this is a very well made map. the forging is very nice and smooth. the structure you constructed is very unique and well thought out. after playing on it it feels like construct. the level change are very nice. the windows are very cool and help a lot with gameplay if you know how to use them. the structure is extremely vital to the map. i like how its not used as much but plays a huge role in the maps gameplay. i think when i played it was a ffa snipers match. but the only thing i can critique on was the spawns. i think it was a little hectic but it was still extremely fun. i really like this map. 8/10
I already tested the v2 in every gametype, but if I need you I suppose I'll message you. If you were to capture video, it surely wouldn't be for flag, (I would only add flag for non-competitive purposes) thanks though, and thanks for the input as well. The spawns are set up for 4v4, not FFA, that's why I kept saying in the match that the spawns would be a little funny. Even then, it wasn't so bad. Thanks for the input Mich.
Hey im back. Although i only played a game of flag on the map, it was really enjoyable. I like the changes you made in the v2. Beautifully forged and an amazing job with a simple layout. Great job!