I used to play computer games all the time. Lolz I remember runescape back in the day. Got really boring after a while though.
Yeah MMOs do tend to get boring after a while. Especially CoX since there is really no end game besides PL and Hami. There are task forces, but they get you useless stuff. And plus there are only a couple of TFs for 50s.
It's all about getting to fifty really,my mates bored with CoX now that hes got a 50 villian and a 50 hero...the e[ic archetypes should cheer him up for a bit though
Yeah the Epic Archetypes should be cool for Villains. Finally i12 will bring them, the game CoV came out in i5, or i6. But man, those CoH forums are ridiculous, some people have around 10,000 posts. It is crazy over there.
Lol yeah didnt they say they were coming in I8? lol poor villians have been waiting awhile XD I swear though they seocnd i find a class i like they make another reallly good and tempting XD like how blasters do an extra6% dmg per atack stacking ten times or something now
My favorite archetypes probably have to be Brute, Scrapper, Blaster, and Tank. Little random but who really cares.
I remember Runescape too. I ended up playing that for a really long time, and I wish that all those long hours could be given back to me.