Hey, for some reason my NAT type changed to moderate the other day and I can't join my best friends parties. I can only join his party if there's one other person with an open NAT in the party at the same time. Is there any way of changing my NAT type to open? Because it's starting to get annoying now.
turn you router off then wait 5 mins, turn it back on again if that doesn't work then type your IP address into the url bar, and you should be able to sort it out from there
Bungie.net : Halo 3 Forum : Opening NAT for Dummies: Pimp Out Your XBox Live for Halo 3! Just an opening NAT guide I found on b.net. Not dure on the relevancy of it, but I can only hope it helps. Good luck!
I would check with my router provider before I mess with anything. My reason being, my NAT was on moderate, so I decided to enable the UPnP settings, and I spent the next 3 hours resetting my router. According to the person I was talking with on the phone, if you change the settings on your router when you aren't supposed to, your router will freak out. Apparently they set my router to not be changed, so when I changed a setting, it had a seizure and (as I would say) invalidated my IP address. So if you are going to access your router to enable the UPnP, make sure you are allowed to do so first.
The ISP doesn't control your router, only your modem. If they do/did provide your router (OP) I'd go get my own. Just follow the guide EpicFish provided. It should do it.
Not always that easy, my router (which is also the modem, tbh I find it amazing that people still use 2 part set ups) that I recently got when we switched ISPs is the only one we can use, they set it up so that our ISP account username as password is required to allow the internet through to the router. Luckily this router has the option to change the NAT to open with no problem, which I did straight away. But yeah, X5 speaks truth, it's definitely worth checking with your ISP if you did get your router from them just to be safe.
Use Portforward.com to open a port on your router. Its really simple and you can open your NAT in no time using portforward. Just be sure you know what router you have, the model, and the I.P address of your xbox. If you are not sure, just go onto the website, they give you step-by-step instructions on how to successfully open the port for your xbox 360. I use a Linksys WRT54G2 router, so here is the instructions if you have this type of router... Port Forwarding Xbox Live 360 on the Linksys WRT54G2 When you see where it says application, just put in a name something to let you know what that application is, for example: 360live 1 and 360live 2
I'm sure that's true. I've heard others that have that. I've just never ran into it myself. Oh. Sorry. I read ISP. My mistake.