Sandbox Fifle Dunes

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Gargutoid, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. Gargutoid

    Gargutoid Ancient
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    Map: Fifle Dunes

    Gametype: Crash Events

    Wide shot


    The idea behind this map is to have suspenseful fights in an atmospheric environment. The map is pitch black, aside from the middle, which we've done everything we could think of to turn people away from, and four camps which are scattered around the large map. The camps hold an assortment of weapons and equipment, as well as defensive barricades.

    Communications Camp (with Hornet Camp dimly in the background)


    Hornet Camp (with Fortified Camp dimly in the background)


    Fortified Camp



    Excavation Site



    Communications Camp and Hornet Camp -- the shortest distance between two camps.


    The instinct of everyone playing, we assume, will be to flock to whichever camp is closest to them due to its wealth of supplies, and because you really cannot see anything when you are out in the middle of the dunes. The danger in this, though, is that once you get to the camp, you cannot see anything outside of the camp itself, whereas everyone outside the camp can see you. This does not make the camps suicidal, considering the size of the map and the low probability that anyone will be close enough to kill you at the exact moment which you enter the camp, but it would be dangerous to hang around in one for too long. For this reason, the majority of the fighting will likely be done in either the dunes, where the combatants will be blind and the pauses between fights very tense, or in the camps, when two or more combatants enter at the same time.

    A third person view of me. The camera is fairly close to me, but I am only faintly visible. If I were to back up another foot, I would be invisible.


    A first person view in the same spot.


    Approaching Hornet Camp.


    Approaching Communications Camp.


    There are a few other sources of light in the level -- flares, fire grenades, and a flamethrower -- and there is a transport hornet, which we felt comfortable with including since the pilot is as blind as everyone else, and the missile pod in one of the camps does not need sight to be effective. There are two snipers, both with very little ammo, as the size of the map lends a huge advantage to long range weaponry, regardless of how well you can see.

    As the middle is unavoidably bathed in light, we've done everything we could to push people away from it (we placed kill balls and fusion coils all around it), but it is still not really dangerous enough to stop everyone from just jumping into the middle and playing the whole game out in there, in a very boring and ordinary fashion. We could build a wall around it, but that would be a pain, so instead we'd just ask that you just don't go in it, except to take a shortcut or to temporarily seek cover behind the dunes which enclose the middle.

    You'll need to be open-minded to like this map, as fights play out uniquely, and there is an entirely new element to cope with. We plan to make a series of maps with this theme -- that being, dark and in the dunes of Sandbox -- suited for different gametypes. As for the darkness of the map, in case anyone would like to make a dark map of their own: it was made by combining the "Pen and Ink" and "Juicy" effects.

    I mentioned building a wall around the middle before. If anyone would like to do this, or make any other alterations to the map, feel free. If someone does make a wall, I'd like to be notified so I could download that version.

    Map creators were Gargutoid and Arthur Poopenstein.
  2. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    #2 ZANDER1994, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  3. CONER117

    CONER117 Ancient
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    Can you take off the effects for the pictures so we can see what you made cuz i cant see anything. Ill rate the map when you put new pictures up.
  4. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    From my point of view, this map suffers from two main difficulties: The darkness, and the scale. While both of these difficulties are rectifiable, allow me to first explain what I mean, starting with the darkness.

    Gargutoid, in your post, you mentioned the depth of the darkness present in the map in two notable places: The first, "The map is pitch black, aside from the middle", and the second, "you really cannot see anything when you are out in [the darkness]". Now, although the darkness is meant to be a dominating aspect of the map, designed to alter game-play in a unique manner, if it's present to such a degree that players can't see anything, it stops being a creative enhancer and starts becoming a game-play hamper: Players tend to like to be able to engage opponents on a fairly regular basis, without long gaps in which no combat occurs. It's because of this that you won't see games like Team Doubles on Avalanche playing Shottys: There'd be such long gaps in actual game-play that it'd become boring, and people would quit. It's a similar principle here: If players spend most of the game, wandering around without seeing or engaging anyone, and fear going into lighted areas for being mowed down, the game's momentum would quickly wear out. Thus, the sheer darkness becomes a disability to the player, and not a feature.

    Now allow me to address the second difficulty of the map: the scale. The darkness, in actuality, wouldn't be all that bad if the map was small: In a confined space, people would encounter opponents at a rapid pace, making it easier to find others simply because players are forced to move closer to others. However, on a large map ("... which are scattered around the large map."), players won't encounter each other as readily, for they're spread over a larger area. It's for this reason that you won't find a map like Sandtrap or Avalanche without vehicles: players would be spread so thin that, like Team Doubles Shottys, game-play would slow, and become less interesting.

    I'm sorry to have rained on your parade with my criticisms here: I hate doing it to a new map. So, to try and lighten things up, I do have a suggestion or two that could help improve the map:

    • Suggestion #1: Make it easier to kill.

      This suggestion is rather straight forward, and involves no change in the map. Basically, make the game-type such that when someone does find an enemy, they can smite them quickly. By making it easier to kill, game-play moves along quicker, for combat is swift once encountered, giving a slight rush, rather than being drawn out.

    • Suggestion #2: Make the map smaller.

      This suggestion would involve reworking the map, but (in my opinion) yield the best results. Basically, do what I suggested when discussing the map's scale: Make the map smaller. This would allow you to keep the darkness, for, in a smaller map, game-play tends to move along at a more rapid pace, with players engaging each other more regularly. Then, with the darkness, players are put in the unique position that, although they know someone is near, they can't see them, turing the darkness' hinderance into a pleasant challenge :).

    Best of luck, and I hope you don't hate me :)!

  5. Gargutoid

    Gargutoid Ancient
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    Well, obviously you didn't get it. The allure in the map is not how the camps are constructed, but how their lighting and presentation fit with the darkness of the map. In the second screenshot, if I were to take off the effect, all you would see is a radio antennae, a barricade, and a couple of weapons on the ground, plus a useless blue light in the middle. Would it heighten the appeal of the map if you were able to see that? Not likely, because the contents of the camp are not what make it significant. What makes it significant is that it is a source of light in what is otherwise a completely dark level. Now, being that its significance rests entirely on the effects, what good would it do to lose the effects? If it is my skills in construction that you want to rate, I will save you the trouble: nothing in this map was remotely hard to build, and if it is the difficulty of making something which determines its worth, I will readily rate this map a 2/10.

    I would also like to clarify that my above justification was not made in the hopes of persuading you to rate my map, which is an action you have held hostage pending my adherence to your demands. To this, I would tell you to pick a better hostage, because I can't imagine anything I care less about in the entire world than whether you rate my map or not. If you want so badly to see the map without the effects, then you can download it and remove them yourself.

    Don't worry, I don't hate you, mainly because all of your suggestions rested on the assumption that I made the map for it to be a rowdy bit of fun. I made it because I liked the mood it presented, and I like to fight on it because of the tension that knowing someone is out there in the dark with the intention to kill you produces. I posted it to introduce the idea of maps in darkness, so that hopefully others would make more traditional "fun" maps with the same idea in mind, while mine was primarily for atmospheric purposes, and to create as close to a cinematic gaming experience as I could.

    That being said, I'd like to address this:
    Factoring in my above explanation, you can see how this is absurd, as the darkness and the scale are the only things which distinguish the map and provide its merit.


    I just looked at your games, and as far as I can tell, you didn't even play the map. Everything I said before was said under the assumption that you had tested the map, and your impressions of its pace were set in stone, rather than just theory. I'll enlighten you, then. Something which you didn't consider, and neither did we when we were making the map, is that the feature of a name appearing above someone when you are aiming at them is very forgiving. You can aim at them from a very large distance, and not even be aiming directly at them, and their name will appear (the binoculars also assist in this, and it is very satisfying to actually be able to put those to use). We tested the map after making it, and this is always how we found each other, aside from when we used the "flashlights" (flares, fire grenades, and flamethrower), which also deserve recognition for altering the pace -- they do not just illuminate the immediate area. If you throw a fire grenade or a flare down, then stand directly beside it, Bungie's poor lighting engine allows you to see the entire level as if it had no lighting effect. You could be standing on one side of the circle, throw down a fire grenade, and see across to the opposite side very clearly.

    To give a concrete value to the pace, I will tell you about the game we played after completing the map. It was 54 minutes long, of which were only fighting for about 15 of. In that 15 minutes, the two of us, on what is by far the largest map in the game, were able to get 19 kills altogether (10-9). That is over one kill per minute, which is not far off from an average head to head on Guardian. I imagine that with 16 players, there would be plenty of action, especially considering the attitude of most, which would compel them to find fights as easily as possible by focusing around the camps, which my friend and I did not do -- we mostly just circled the map, which is not a good way to find fights quickly, since we would often be going in the same direction, or pass each other without knowing.


    The Flashlights

    On the Perch


    With a Flare


    With a Fire Grenade


    At the Obelisks


    With a Flare

    #5 Gargutoid, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  6. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
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    In that case, your map is in the incorrect section. The casual maps section is for maps "that mainly focus on relaxing and having fun". If your map isn't focused on having fun or relaxing, but rather on atmosphere and exploration of style, I'd recommend you inquire to have this topic moved to the Aesthetic map section.

    Is such language necessary? I was simply offering a constructive critique of the map, given it's forum of posting.

    I have worked with, tested, and built maps like this before. That was why I didn't download the map: I already had an idea of what the map was like from my previous experiences with similar maps, and by the screenshots you provided. Besides, one of the primary functions of a map's posting is to give the player a feel for the map before playing: A good presentation leaves the player familiar enough with the map that they feel confident about such a level's makeup before downloading.

    I was also aware of the presence of the name above the head, and while it does make easier the location process, one must still be looking in the general area to have the name appear. That said you are correct about the Flare, Flamethrower and Grenades: They will aid in the location of enemy players.

    So my post wasn't completely off then?

  7. Gargutoid

    Gargutoid Ancient
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    Moxus, you have clearly somehow taken offense to what I thought was a reasonable, plain, and fair response. I don't know how this was done, as I never delivered an insult, aside from the insult that is inevitably delivered by any disagreement, and if that is what offended you, then that was unavoidable. Not to say that if I had delivered an insult, it wouldn't be unsolicited, as your first post could not be described as anything but hellishly condescending.

    As for the map's category, Casual is the closest matching of the ones provided. The only other one it could possibly be is Aesthetic, which has this description: "Submissions usually recreate scenes or objects from everyday life or works of fiction. This category also supports Machinima movie sets." My map matched none of those.

    Now, you said you had played on maps like this one before. You mean ones that simulate night-time? If that is what you mean, I'd like to be directed to them -- not because I think you are lying, but because I would like to play them. I made my map because I searched for a map with the same effect, and couldn't find one.

    You also suggested that my screenshots were not optimal in presenting the map, because they did not reveal every facet of gameplay. Well, that would be impossible, so big deal. I say that you suggested it because you said that a good presentation would leave the player familiar enough with the makeup of the map to feel confident in downloading it. I assume by "makeup" you mean composition or layout, which would refer to the physical attributes of the map, not their results when combined with the game's engine and basic components. My screenshots accurately conveyed all the physical attributes of the map -- a middle, and four camps scattered among vast spaces of darkness. Since it is incontestable that my screenshots conveyed all this, you must have meant the "every facet of gameplay" thing which is, as I said, impossible.

    The rest of your post was meant to give weight to your earlier theorizing, which is unnecessary given the evidence I provided before -- that is, 19 kills in 15 minutes.
    What I am referring to is passing each other due to taking laps with radically different radii, so that we pass each other while one person is doing a small lap around the very middle, and another is doing a large lap around the perimeter of the map. We would never pass right by each other, since we were constantly scanning our field of vision so that the name would pop up if an opponent was in view.
    #7 Gargutoid, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  8. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    Looks like a great idea for a map. Usually im not a fan of filters but the filter really adds a nice touch to the map.
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    You must not have searched that hard...

    This one isn't that dark, but same concept...

    To be honest, you're not showing us much of anything. The whole "dark" concept has been done before, and much better. If I don't see structures, then I don't download. For all we know, you gave us nothing more than a canvas map with a few items placed around the map and added the dark effect. Why would we download that? Would you? There actually was someone that posted a dark canvas map a few months ago and that was pretty much laughed off the forum... like we couldn't build that in 5 minutes.

    The reason why you post the map here is to convince us to download it. It's a sales pitch and you're trying to sell us your map. Showing us black pictures really doesn't sell your map.

    To be honest, the dark effect is useless anyway. Some of us know how to see clearly in the dark without using flares or flames. That leaves you with a map in which people have no cover and everyone heading left of the sun and a person in the hornet raping everyone.

    What it all boils down to is that the only unique thing about this map is that it's set up for a slayer game.
    #9 MaxSterling, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  10. Gargutoid

    Gargutoid Ancient
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    Ah, fantastic.

    The rest of the post consisted of assertions that had very little foundation in evidence, and even went against in a few cases, for the purpose of offending. I assume that you wanted to offend because you didn't like my attitude, since it was not properly reverent of the forum hierarchy and customs, or was somehow a threat to your dominance; or maybe I have a quality that you don't, or am capable of something that you aren't. Any number of things could have set you off, but it doesn't much matter which, as I've drawn the attack out for what it was, and feel that I've rendered it adequately ineffective.

    EDIT: I take back my "Ah, fantastic." None of those are as dark as I wanted.
    #10 Gargutoid, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  11. ub3rtuba

    ub3rtuba Ancient
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    I love this map so much, it makes it so much scarier, and adding an infection type to this, where you can't see anything but they can see you would totally go with this kind of thing, my buddy randle scandal and I mixed this along with the dark doughnut, which leads to some very interesting gameplay creating itself off of one thing: fear
    as for moxus, don't worry about him, this map plays off of fear really well, especially when you see enemies on your radar, but you can't see them.
    5/5 IMO

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