Hey, you used one of the stocks from your stock pack, thats cool . I really like what you did with this stock. The depth seems perfect. I looked really close at the flames and there seems to be nothing wrong with them. Good job with text.
No, she used two stocks from the stock pack, I believe. Anyways, like It, the guy on the right's eyes really distract from the focal, but the flames really work with the main guy's expression. What font is the ON in?
Once again, I love that stock for some reason. I would have made the guy on the right the focal, though. Awesome face.
nope both of those are default. And other dude, thats where the fire ended it pulls one of those weird moments.
Yeah, that guy is definitely better for this sig. I'm just saying that if I had made a sig I would have made it revolve around that other guy and make the effects complement him.
Ah, I see now that the flame stock ends on the right, which looks kinda wierd. I'm sure you have methods of fixing it.
It looks like the face of the guy in back on the right is really stretched out. weird choice of stock btw. the rest is good though.