OK so, my account does not have the legendary map pack in halo anymore, because i just got E74 on my xbox. And i wanted to trade a 1 month, that xbox gave me, for some microsoft points. Anyone have any extra?
If you don't have another in 1 week. For free. Iv'e given my friends 12 months, 4000 MS cards, for free.
1 week... Maybe a week and a half. , And a message over Xbox Live would be more preferable considering. But if your on, i'll PM you. Because it only takes 1 person to make a difference.
well ya lol..I just read what I posted and literally just called myself a dumbass.. Ok, where do you get all the microsoft cards from?
Ok, i'm not on Halo this week btw, i'm going to get my GamerScore up to 25,000. Target, Blockbuster, Gamestop,..theres a list. But usually blockbuster because its less than a 2 minute walk from my place.
Lol i've heard that before. I mean, I can't do it that often, but whenever I get a chance to help out. I try.