BR in Reach

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CJizzle01, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. CJizzle01

    CJizzle01 Ancient
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    I was recently looking through some threads and i saw an arguement about the BR. People were argueing that the BR is too powerful and that it should not be in Halo Reach. I personally love the gun. So what do you guys/girls think?
  2. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    We've only seen a teaser for Halo: Reach, we have no idea if it's even a shooter, I think some people are getting a little ahead of themselves on this one. If it does end up to be another shooter though, I would like to see a return with a decrease of damage so it doesn't become the All purpose tool like in Halo 3. They have the ideal position to do it to, since in the novel Halo: First Strike, there was a Spartan Squad using BR prototypes on Reach.
  3. Vandal

    Vandal Ancient
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    The thing is, they found the weapons after the actual battle of Reach, not during. So should they include it, possibly, do i want them to, naw.
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    No Reach is a shooter, it's been confirmed.

  5. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I would like to see it in Reach but I'm not sure if would fit in the canon. I don't remember exact dates but was the BR not used in the wild until soon after Halo 1?

    PILGRIM Ancient
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    It might be seen as a power weapon for reach, that i think would be good.

    Bit like the brute shot.
  7. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Dude, the battle rifle is the majority of players favorite weapon. It'd be like taking the sniper out. People will RAGE.

  8. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    Disclaimer: Anything posted on the Internet has the potential to be quoted anytime, anywhere, and always out of context.

    Second, am I missing something? What's this talk about it being too powerful for Reach? Is there something about something said about Reach that makes it too powerful or is it just "MLG" haters bitching?

    As far as I'm concerned, the only discussion about the BR being in Reach is whether it has been in active service at that point. Everything else is just people bitching. Unless of course, as above, I'm missing something.
    #8 Fastforward, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  9. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    The BR is a trademark weapon for Halo 2 and 3, like the Assault Rifle was in Halo CE. They are not going to remove it, if anything they will just call it a prototype version. And just because this is a shooter, doesn't mean it will be the same FPS we are used to. What if it is a tactical shooter like Rainbow Six, like was rumored long ago?
  10. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I don't think they will remove the BR. Its like taking the fun out of halo. If the remove it, there will be big problems with it, people will rage, and people might not buy the game because of it. Nah, not really, but they could consider making it a power weapon. Anytime I play campaign on halo3, I must have a battle rifle, if not I go crazy trying to find one.
  11. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I think that the BR is an incredibly useful tool. But I think that it makes the game boring... Everything is long range based- In AR starts, people rely on getting the BR so that they can 4shot everything that is far away before they get close. In BR start games, nothing is close quarters. This makes it so that all of Halo has no close ranged combat...

    The only way to get close to people is to hide around corners and wait. If BRs were taken out, there would be less fear in being BRed without having a long range weapon to fight back. And in all BR start games, there wouldnt be fear of being 4shotted before you can kill the opponent.

    I just think that multiplayer would be spiced up a little bit if the Mid ranged weapons were less powerful (mid range pistol- Halo CE)
  12. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    To everyone: The Battle Rifle came out into standard issue way before Reach, back to Harvest, so obviously it will a confirmed weapon in Reach, or perhaps not, for we have absolutely no idea what Reach will contain for us. It could be a Marine based game, it could tell the story of Halo: Fall of Reach by Eric S. Nylund...

    Just stop complaining or worrying about "BRs or ARs in Reach " or whatnot. Who the hell cares? You'll get what is given, not what you want or hope for.
  13. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Well I don't know about reach because there has been no information released about it, but I know that if there was no BR, it would be impossible for me to have fun in halo 3 because the BR IS WHAT HALO 3 IS. Halo 3 IS shooting people with a BR, and getting shot with a BR. The BR is to Halo what a football is to football. The rest of the weapons other then power weapons are mostly for diversity, and if used right, can stand up to the BR. That's why I think that AR starts in MM was Bungie's cheap excuse to try and get people to think that Halo had a diverse selection of weapons, but really, the only choice is the BR, or a power weapon.
  14. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    The BR came out in Halo 2. Before that, gameplay was still balanced and worked well. The only reason why the BR seems to be needed is because on every map in H3, there are atleast 4 BRs. This makes gameplay suck when you have a close ranged weapon against a person with a BR. If the BR was taken out, it wouldnt suck because both players wouldnt have the BR, then you wouldnt be screwed most of the time.
  15. MousseMooseROCKS

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    I don't care what weapons we get. I just want to have both long-range and short-range battles. It would be cool to use more weapons than just the BR to have an advantage in different situations. Yes, I think we need...

    VARIETY! :squirrel_rocking:

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    BR ruined some of the gameplay for me, it absolutely dominates the other small weapons. Why would I pick up the plasma rifle when I could get a weapon that kills in 4 shots from almost any range.

    Dow accidentally summed it up, the BR is the only choice. Yes it's an unbalanced piece of ****. And don't give that 'you need good aim' BS, Halo has some of the strongest auto-aim in a game. To make it better, add some recoil and boost Covenant weapons.

    EDIT: Reduce accuracy when not scoped, it's a mid-ranged weapon for a reason.
    #16 BASED GOD, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  17. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    You don't know **** about balanced gameplay, and to be honest it sounds like your BR "skills" are just horrible. If you are getting screwed over in BR to BR matches, then you just suck and I'm sorry. All I can offer are my condolences. Regardless, there are reasons the BR exists. It is the swiss army knife of the game, and every good game has a weapon like that. No BR? No middle ground. Stuck with an AR against a sniper? You are **** out of luck my friend. Think AR spams are bad now? They would only be worse because if the power weapons are taken, there is nothing to seek out and use instead. The AR is powerful, with an overly large clip and decent range. The only thing keeping me from going insane when it comes to ARs, it's the BR to counter it.

    The BR is diverse. It can work closer range, medium range, and long range if needed. Obviously it excels at medium range, but can be effective at close range should your enemy be weak on shields, with it's 1 shot hit to the head. It takes good aim and skill to use it, and combos exist. Plasma pistol and AR? The pistol is pointless. Plasma Pistol and BR? You have a combo. Sniper and BR? You have a combo. Grenades and BR? You have a combo. But that doesn't mean that the BR is without fail. It actually fails considerably hard in Halo 3 compared to Halo 2, and not just because it is a tad weaker. The maps in Halo 2 streched vertically, and there was height control. Halo 3 maps are reasonably plain, with about 2 levels of combat in any given area at most. These "arenas" are way more suited for the AR at most times, than the BR, and thus AR "whores" as the naming goes, exist.

    Face it, you obviously don't know much about good gameplay. You blame the need of a BR on the fact that there are 4 per level, and that gamers have been brainwashed into using it? Man, that is some twisted logic. I mean, why use the BR, aside from the fact that it is a good weapon to hold? Has to be brainwashing. I suppose Forgehub has brainwashed you into posting, huh? It makes sense to post, but the fact that you do is a clear result of brainwashing.

    Because a plasma rifle is an ideal weapon to be used against a fully shielded opponent at closer ranges, for it's plasma shots drain shields rapidly and when followed by a melee results in a quick beat down. It's actually one of my favorite weapons to use on close quarters maps. And you guys make it sound like 4 shots happen all the time. Do you even count them? There is a reason people explain "I just got 4-shotted". It isn't that easy to do consistently.

    And don't say "Don't give me a load of BS" when everything you say is ****. Because guess what? I am bringing up aim. Lots of games have strong auto-aim, but if it was so magical then everyone could be pro. It only trails targets and is most noticeable at close ranges. It is still up to the player to hit the head, which involves good aim. If you are getting your ass kicked and say "It doesn't involve good aim", then why do you suck so bad? Because it does take aim, and skill.

    There is recoil on the BR, and it's not like shooting a 50 Cal. Sniper. It's like a M-16, there isn't going to be a shitload of kickback. And if you make the BR weaker and other weapons stronger, that is a double negative with no reason to use a BR. The plasma pistol in Halo 2 was good, though quite powerful when used with a BR. So in Halo 3, they had it drain ammo as charging, and heavily reduce it's homing properties. Now a BR and Plasma Pistol combo is practically useless, because they used a double negative against the Plasma Pistol. You seem like mike here in the sense that you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

    Oh, and the Carbine beats a BR anyday, but requires better aim. Oh, my bad, apparently aiming is a useless argument. In which case, go grab a carbine and with auto-aim Halo 3, you can dominate everytime! Seriously, I feel like I would have better luck teaching to a group of gorillas. Maybe then if I succeeded, at least I'd get a Nobel Prize out of it or something.
    #17 X5, Jul 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2009
  18. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    In the books, as cleard by bungie, has Br's in it. There-in, there will be BR's in reach.
  19. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    I dont know why you guys argue about this, the Carbine is much more powerful, and IMO a much better weapon. If they remove the Carbine, i will be upset, not so much the BR, because the BR is an intermediate weapon, its not anything i use, the carbine is advanced. The AR should be taken out, it is the most used weapon, however more powerful...
  20. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Mace, I just said that.

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