Sandbox or Foundry

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FragTaztick, Jul 17, 2009.


Foundry or sandbox???

  1. Foundry

    26 vote(s)
  2. Sandbox

    48 vote(s)
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  1. FragTaztick

    FragTaztick Ancient
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    Hey fellow forgers, just wondering is sandbox the new foundry because it seems almost everymap in the halo3forgedmap section is based only out of sandbox. My thoughts are foundry is still one of my favorite maps but it seems like sandbox is taking over and it kind of got old for me fast. Just wanted to know what you guys thought. Whats your input?

    PILGRIM Ancient
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    the only places where i can see that snadox is better than foundry is when your making a racetrack or ure basing your map on something like guardian or valhalla. The crypt i really hate. I thinks its rubbish compared to foundry.
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    If you want to make something that can be made either in the Crypt or Foundry, I'd choose Foundry. For everything else: racetracks, BTB maps, small maps where you want a death barrier; I would use Sandbox.
  4. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    I don't like sandbox in any way.
    1. Evey BTB map that has been made so far is nothing but 2 bases and a power weapon in the middle.
    2. All of the objects look EXACTLY the same. Instead of keeping the objects the same theme (like in Foundry), they went even farther and made them all the same color.
    3. When people forge on Sandbox, they feel overwhelmed by all the space, and tend to take less time on their maps unlike on Foundry.
    4. Because of the way the objects all "fit" together like a puzzle, people are getting lazy, and the amount of interlocking that we saw on Foundry is rare on Sandbox.
  5. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Any way you put it, Sandbox has more than what Foundry has.
    Even if the Crypt is similar to Foundry, think about it. In Sandbox, you have a larger budget, more unique objects, the Crypt is larger, and so on. Those are just the better things in the Crypt. I won't even go to talk about the massive amount of open space on the other two tiers, or the Floating Map thing either, no, I simply will not mention those at all. :p
  6. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    The objects are not unique AT ALLL.
  7. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    You are only basing your opinions on custom maps that have already been made. Rather than complain about them, go try making something and address all the problems you have the maps you see.

    1. Make a unique BTB map.

    2. They actually don't look exactly the same. Very similar, yes, but still different. The objects look the same, but try making structures different, hey, there's an idea.

    3. Spend more time on your own map rather than complain about noobs who don't spend much time on their maps.

    4. Once again, quit complaining and make something that has lots of interlockzzzz, because they of course make the map super l33t and better, always.

    If you aren't willing to do something about it, then don't complain.

    Unique in shape and size, not texture.
    Texture means absolutely nothing to gameplay.
  8. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Chaotic, the things you mention in the post above, though you may not realize it, make you a *****. Here is why.

    1. Aparently you no longer play Halo 3 for the graphics or else you could still admire sweet looking maps on Foundry.

    2. Even if a map has good gameplay, doesn't mean it's a good map. You COMPLETELY forsake aestehetics? NOBODY completely cares about nothing but gameplay. Bungie thought that Smashed had good gameplay, do you agree with them?

    I for one don't give a **** if a map has good gameplay, if it looks like ****. If I wanted to play on a map with nothing but gameplay, I would play on Construct or The Pit.
  9. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    There is a difference between being forged well and the actual look of a map.
    For instance, the color, and construction are two different things.
    I do care about maps being forged well, which is still possible on Sandbox. However, the color could be anything and it wouldn't change a damn thing. You are the noob who only cares about aesthetics, i suppose in that case you are an excellent example of the "ForgeHub Sterotype", in which ForgeHub people only care if a map looks good, despite it playing like ****.
  10. Mr Garfunkle

    Mr Garfunkle Ancient
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    And Foundry objects are more unique? All that foundry has over sandbox is doors and fence items. Sandbox has all sorts of shapes and sizes. And really, if you use whats available in sandbox, there is a few different colored objects that can really enhance aesthetics. (Wood bridges, tin cups, columns, colored colums, red/blue lights, killball, etc.)
  11. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    Sandbox is larger, has more budget, kill balls, skybox, but still I feel is to small to make truly good maps on, but is still bettter than foundry.
  12. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    I personally liked sandbox. Everything you could do in foundry you could do in sandbox and more.
  13. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    I like how sandbox had a bigger budget, and the sky bubble.
    I like how that on foundry thinks actually look different
    overall though, i would usually use sandbox
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I like to do a reality check on maps every now and then. Sometimes I look at masterpieces like Manifest and say "it's just some industrial crates on their ends inside a factory".
    So I like sandbox for realism.

    But for nearly everything else I prefer forging on Foundry because nearly everything is easier for me when I'm forging on Foundry. I don't need to worry about OLN or what floor I should use or the guardian towers or how far I want people to fall before they hit the death barrier etc.
  15. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Sandbox is better for bigger builds, Foundry is better for more detailed and 'active' builds.
    Foundry has more variety of objects, and a large amount of movable objects, making it possible to make things like advanced elevators, zip lines, advanced weapon givers, etc.
    Sandbox has more detailed objects of a smaller variety, a larger space and a large amount of immovable objects, making it possible to build things like large scale cities, Large castles, towers, etc.
  16. FUFHA

    FUFHA Ancient
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    1. most big team battle maps are like that anyway, what were you expecting?
    2. so what, means more of a challenge to make the map look cool.
    3. again, so what. i and further more, if people become overwhelmed by the space, maybe they should move down to the crypt. its modeled after foundry and its not limited to a lousy 3 block height limit. its got probly about triple the height of foundry.
    4.thats because the map is larger. we still only get the same amount of objects on sandbox that we got in foundry and a larger space to fill. i for one have hit the object limit on almost all of my maps so i cant aford to interlock objects all the time.
  17. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    1. Sandtrap and Last Resort have two bases and power weapon in the middle? You think you know a map... I guess we were expecting to play something different for once.
    2. & 3. Less imagination is used, therefor there is a smaller number of good quality maps. Bungie didn't want to make Forging Challenging with Sandbox, but they made it easier, so people take shortcuts and make their maps un-appealing to the eye.
    4. If the map is larger, and people are overwhelmed by the space and move to the crypt, that should remedy this problem, or actually interlocking could as well.

    I hate this numbered faults format, paragraphs, people!

    I like Sandbox for it's size, and possibilities it delivers. You have more roof space in the crypt on Sandbox, more space in general on the main floor, and possibilities other maps didn't deliver with the Skybubble.

    That doesn't mean I don't like Foundry, I think it has a better theme than Sandbox, I don't care for Sandbox or Sandtrap's, well, sand. I felt that it doesn't fit the Halo Universe. Foundry also excels in smaller maps, in comparison to Sandbox.
  18. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Anybody who says foundry is better than sandbox probably just can't except the fact that sandbox destroys foundry in almost every way imaginable. Every thing mentioned above about how foundry is better than sandbox is pretty much the polar opposite of what everybody above says. Lawl. And about having sand not fit in with the halo universe... Bungie makes up the universe and they put sand in it so obviously it is part of the halo universe.
  19. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I say it doesn't fit, because while playing campaign, how many maps/missions have Sandy environments like them? The Ark, maybe, but other than that, there's not much. Just because Bungie creates it, doesn't mean it automatically feels like Halo. If I were playing a Gears of War or Call of Duty map, same skins, would it feel like you're playing Halo? No.

    I don't like how you're fighting for earth's survival, your it's last hope, you'd think maps would have urban, space ship, or alien environments, but we get areas we've never explored in previous games. I feel that they could've given Sandbox a space center theme like Orbital/Outside Orbital and be liked more.

    Saying Sandbox is better than Foundry is every way is ignorant, you didn't even address why think it is superior, like do you think it has better objects, theme, etc.? I think Sandbox has a lack of movable objects compared to Foundry, but a lot of objects that fit missing needs of Foundry. They are both good, but better in their own ways.
  20. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    1) Size
    2) Diversity
    3) Objects
    4) Budget
    5) Theme
    6) Grid
    7) Killballs
    8) Lighting Effects
    9) 3 Tiers
    10) No cranes

    Those are mine. I also dislike the lack of movable objects. But it doesn't alter my opinion enough as to where I like foundry more than sandbox.

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