The version of the sig with color looks much better in my opinion. Overall, I think you did a good job with this sig. The lighting is good, though the focal is a bit too washed out/brightened. I would darken it up just a tad. The background effects are quite good. What is the elongated blue sphere in the bottom right? That seems out of place, possibly part of a C4D that showed through? I think that the text works with this one. The border is ok, though it might be a bit too thin. Overall, a good sig.
i like the colour(that is spelled right) one better because it catches my eye what is that from anyway
Wasn't Oddworld out for PC first? Anyways, well done. The monster looks over sharpened, but I can see why it's better than not sharpened at all. It also looks like he's holding a lighting bolt, which is cool, but I don't know if you wanted it like that...
Oh, that, I put that there because when I tried to erase it it looked too blank. So instead I just blurred it a bunch.