You almost have 2,500 posts here and you dont know that. ****ing idiot. Just kidding. Voice messeges.
Looks pretty good but his face seems too pink and just contrasts against the blues and softer greens too much, also try smoothing out the wavy effects. And make your TILL RAVE text just a bit smaller.
V2: CnC please. Also, if you guys could both CnC this one, that would be great Once again, Illustrator CS4 and Photoshop 7.0.
Unfortunately, in my indecision, I edited the hell out of the stock, so it looks way LQ and over sharpened. Otherwise, how is it?
Srry bout that...This is going to take forever to type...All this CnC...Anyway, I don't like the arrows and it seems lacking...Pretty much what the people in the CnC thread for this said. Adding a little brighter and bluer tint would make the rain better. KidB I'll tell hells you posted. Ignoring the stock, it looks ok, other than the text and the blue c4d that is. The blue hard c4d goes against the flow. And the text is just, well...I can't explain it...Either way, fix the stock and the blue c4d at least. Well, it looks like you took the render, pasted it in not resized, smudged and then pasted it over again resized. The text should be closer to the focal too. Well, I like it all, cept for the hearts in the bg. They just don't fit in IMO. Especially the one on the top right. Other than that, Good blending, flow and lighting, as usual. But not a whole lot else to talk about. After thought here, the flowers on the top left look odd and overly bright too.
Hearts are part of the stock, but thanks. And I'm not going to spend five hours to render the image. Still; thanks.
Looks alright, I like your use of photo filters and maps if thats what you used, for effects I really can't see any bold effects, try putting a gradient map with a bright colour for the white area, and a grayish colour for the black part, if you get what I am saying, and fool around with it's layer settings to give the signature a softer look on some parts. Interesting work, I like your theme here, but the music chart on the left doesn't really fit, and the overall colour scheme is quite instant, put in a map or something like that. Woops, you posted just as I posted the previous two, anyways... Looks alright, I like your effects on the mask but I feel that there is too much on the mask, and the right side is really emtpy, try moving him more to the side, and re position your text, more to the right side.