Last one is best, Second is Meh, And the first one has a wierd focal, i looks at all the shiny before i accually looked at the odst, A tip is to use catchy armour, not odst, its dull with dark colors, Another thing is go in a dark room so when the PR overheats, its brighter, and also put on juicy, It would make the purple and pink stick out ALOT more.
That's also caled the Rule of Thirds. Our eyes are naturally drawn to the outer edges of a picture first, then we look at the center. In the shot you're talking about, the Spartan is pretty much in the middle, while that flash is on the outer edge. It's only natural that you see the flash first. Using the rule if thirds, and applying it effectively, can always make a shot better, no matter how simple it may be. This is Halo, but real photography techniques still work. As for the shots, I think they are decent. Not much more than your average "Spartan with effects" shots. The purple effect is pretty cool, though It reminds me of something Black Theorem would do.
first one is best by far. the last isnt very good (disagree with donii)... you cant even see the top left corner, its all dull and foggy.
I love the first screenshot. It looks like he is holding a purple lightsaber in his right hand. It looks really cool. "I have come to dominate this planet with purple" lawl... I love purple!!!