Sandbox The Blender v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by AIS Student, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    The Blender 2(link)

    Yes!! Version 2 of my trademark racetrack, the Blender, is complete! New changes to the track include:
    • Compatiblity to play RACETRACKS(link) and Battle Tracks!!
    • Weapon posts have been deleted since nobody used them.
    • Easter egg weapons are located around the map in 2 select spots.
    • Ramps have been modified so people have a better chance of actually making the jumps.
    • The last turn has been completely redone.
    Just to be nice, I'll tell you what the Easter Egg weapons are, but I won't tell you where. They are a Sentinel Beam & a Rocket Launcher.

    Now on to pictures...
    The Blender 2, in all it's brand-new glory!!​

    Now for a tour...
    (In order of appearance on track.)

    The Starting Point. As you can see, I put a VIP Goal Point as the lap marker, so this track is playable now!
    When you get on your Mongoose, wait for the Voice-Over to say "Destination Moved" twice for the track to start. Might as well, 'cause you won't make the jump.
    Now you will.
    After the first jump, you come to this huge banked turn. Don't slow down, or you won't make it.
    The Banked Turn leads to the Ramp Box. It's much easier to make this jump than in the 1st Blender.
    A pretty easy turn, just don't hit the Shield Doors or the Walls.
    You then come to this wierd structure. You can go left or right, but I find it easier to go right.
    You then approach BMX Central. Yes, I know, this reminds you of QUANTUM.
    After BMX Central, you come to this very cramped entrance to the next section of the track...
    ...the Solar Jump. Yet again, you can go left or right. It may look impossible to make it, but if you look under the Double Wall...
    [​IMG]'ll find Man-Cannons, which give you the extra boost you need to make the jump.
    The Solar Jump leads to yet another long stretch of road, so far the easiest part of the whole track.
    When you make this jump, angle yourself a little bit to the left, because you'll want to avoid...
    ...The Pitfall, the hardest obstacle to avoid. If you get stuck, you'll be sent down so fast, you won't have time to get off your Mongoose. Avoid the Pitfall, but push others in...
    After passing the Pitfall, you'll reach this, completely redone, Final Bank. It's a narrow turn where you barely have time to turn, so to make it, drifting is recommended.
    See? Simple when you practice it.
    Good job! You made it past the tour of the Blender 2! Now try the track; it's much harder than the tour.​

    Thanks to the members of Forge Hub & my friends for trying the Blender. Because of you, it has reached 850 downloads!! Now, let's try that again, this time with a completely revamped Blender 2!

    Thanks to my testers & friends:
    • TheMonkanator
    • pcowboy55
    • ivi Eclipse ivi
    • l InS4nItY l
    • Iron Lynx 93
    For those who can't seem to let go of the original Blender, here's the link for the first Blender:

    The Blender(link)

    And here's the second Blender, in case you missed it up top:
    The Blender 2(link)

    Also, here's the VIP gametype, RACETRACKS, that's now playable on The Blender 2:

    Thanks, everyone! Now, HAVE FUN, YOU CRAZY KIDS!!
  2. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    AHaha nice name. As for teh forging, not done very well.. Rushed, and unorganized, pluse little to no interlocking, make a v2 with it interlocked and it could be a fun racetrack.. As for now, it's just a DL and mess around one or two times then delete, :/
  3. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    You don't need to interlock in order for a Racetrack Map to be fun. You need to play it & actually try it before you judge stuff like that. It's not like a regular map; in a Mongoose, you can't even tell when you run over the bumps. Besides, some people look for asthetics in a Race Map, others look for playability & fun. I chose the 2nd option, because it's a Race Map, & therefore, much more enjoyable.

    By the way, this IS v2.
    #3 AIS Student, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  4. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    I know, thats waht im saying.. this isnt really a racetrack.. Its more of an obstacle course.. but at the same time its not.. i understand you dont need interlocking for a racetrack, but this is too hard to complete for it to be a racetrack.. once again, im sort of rambling but i hope you get what i mean
  5. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Theres some pretty cool ideas in this map. Me and a few others will download it because it looks fun and i agree you don't NEED merging, but if you want to appeal to a wider audience then you have to neaten it up and make it more like a racetrack and not a death track. Anyway i hope you get many downloads, just i dont think people that are used to maps like Back Burner for example will download this.
  6. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I have to say, this is a unique track. Although it's sloppy, it seems to play well. My only concern is the solar jump. It's usually not a good idea to put in a trick like that, because things like that usually effect gameplay. Other than that, this looks like a great map. I'll give it a DL.

    EDIT: I just playtested, and here's the things I didn't like: 1, after the solar jump how if you take the right, you go strait into the pitfall, and if you go left, you go right over the edge. I suggest: Putting a wall so you don't fall off. 2, the effect that spawns into the game. PLEASE REMOVE THE EFFECT.
    #6 Meltyourtv, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  7. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    There was an effect, but I deleted it already, before you even asked. So that's out of the way. Also, I said to aim a little to the left, as in "so slightly to the left you can't even tell you're going left" left.
    #7 AIS Student, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
  8. THT PhEnOm

    THT PhEnOm Ancient
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    I Agree

    I agree that you do not need to interlock all the time. my first race track i posted on here (Sharp Henge) every kept saying you need to interlock more and stuff but i do not think you should interlock if you do not need to. Merging a hole map sometimes make look glitchy and people say thats a downside to. so if you cant give any support to people then just say nice map. The first replyer didnt even say a rating or anything. he just said " This map i will download and play one or twotimes and then delete." thats a rude remark. 3/5 nice job
  9. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    Yeah, I mean, come on, even QUANTUM doesn't interlock, & it's, like, one of the best racetracks ever ( I know it's not a racetrack, I consider everything like this to be a racetrack, but it still counts.)!
  10. i Eat Bullets 4 dinner

    Senior Member

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    Although its pretty messy i am sure it still runs pretty nicely. Also i like the kill ball placement because it will make for an epic jump. i like the map 3/5
  11. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    It does! For the Kill Ball, you can thank my friend "ivi Eclipse ivi". He put it there while I was working on the first Blender. At first, he didn't ask me if he could put it there, & I wanted to delete it. But then I tested the track, & it worked to perfection. So now it's a mainstay of The Blender 2.

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