alright i just want to ask some of you people if you think the way i do and that is. recon is extremely OVERRATED i mean seriously whats the big deal? i mean its just a piece of armor and it doesn't even look THAT GOOD! all my friends on live are trying to get it and all of a sudden my friends who never forged a day in there life are asking me to come help them with a map and when i ask why they say"so i can gets on bungie favorites and gets R3conz LOLZ" also noticed people sell there acount with recon for stuff like a year of XBL or a s#*t load of microsoft points. the highest i saw was 19,000 MS points just for an account that had recon! even though everyone will have it in 3 months! so to make a long rant short. does anyone else find this ridiculous?
No R3C0nZ Diz BweSt! jk Recon is over rated, it was cool when it came out. Just becuase it was the "new" thing, but face it, Mark V is where it's at. (JK.or am i?) But yah recon isnt that gr8. Just armor, were all going to have it (Unless ur on the list)
It is pretty stupid, if you ask me. I find it very ridicoulous for the people that strive in halo3 just to get a helmet. Or paying large sums of money for a helmet. Or ****ing a giant fish for a helmet. You catch my drift? But hey, what can I say, I want it just like the rest of the halo community, even if they say they don't.
alright i just want to ask some of you people if you think the way i do and that is. bitching about recon is extremely OVERRATED i mean seriously whats the big deal? i mean its just a piece of armor and it doesn't even look THAT GOOD! all my friends on live were just playing the game and all of a suddenly my friends who never complained about it before in their life are asking me what I thought about reconz and when i ask why they say"cuz reconz iz Ov3r4t3d LOLZ" also noticed people create threds to ***** about it and stuff for like a s#it load of replies. the highest i saw was 50 replies just for a topic about how sux recon is! even though everyone will have it in 3 months! so to make a long rant short. does anyone else find this ridiculous?
god your so funny! i forgot to laugh. you see i would like to make a snapper come back but you seem like someone who would ban me for having a opinion different than yours. im surprised you didn't close this thread and i will have great respect for you if you don't close it even after you read this. i didn't make this thread for a "**** load of replies" i just want to see if anyone else shares this idea because it seems most of my friends don't.
To be honest, I am not surprised. You seem like a forgetful person. However, let me just jog your memory. Here Because maybe if you remembered that nice little treasure chest of information, you wouldn't have to make this thread to see who agrees and disagrees with you. But sir, I think you got me all wrong. I wouldn't ban you for having a different opinion, I'd ban you for being a moron with an opinion; because people like you shouldn't be granted the right of free thought. So I am terribly sorry that I came off so offensive that you didn't laugh, but I will sleep soundly knowing that others have. Oh, and don't worry, I won't lock this. Even if I had the power too, I still wouldn't. Maybe then people would post in the threads that already exist instead of creating more threads. I mean, it is just a piece of armor afterall, right?
I believe Recon is somewhat big, that's how our society works people want things they don't have. They want to be different and stand out even for that short amount of time, no I don't think it's right to buy your Recon, I see the armour set as an accomplishment instead of a material object that you would buy. When I think of it, I think you're a little jealous because you don't have Recon, I know for a matter of fact that everyone on this site would wear Recon if they had it, and don't say you think it looks ugly because it doesn't matter you would wear it because it's a rarety. Until it is easy to get like Rogue or EVA, people will make a big deal over it. Get over it, you guys are somewhat contradicting yourselves, you're making a big deal over others making a deal over armour. I think you guys are looking even worse then the Recon lovers.
and i don't think assholes like you should have the right of free thought you see your the kind of person who thinks there **** doesn't stink and think there more important and more perfect than everyone else and have a overall false sense of superiority over there fellow man. your the kind of guy who gets the perfect girl and cheats on her just because you could. your the kind of guy who ate to much glue in kindergarten and gets confused by the simple things in life and feels he has to lash out and use power to subdue the people around you. or im wrong you might be that harvard grad type guy who hangs out in the coffee shop debating with people regardless of how good there argument is you still see them as a arrogant redneck or a plush liberal. im gonna guess you think allot and you wait for the right moment to unload your thoughts upon someone or the opposite and hope no one contradicts you. never the less there both the same they want to make other people feel insecure to make up for there own insecurities. but my descriptions were so broad they could probably fit any personality but owell no one is perfect. and god knows im far from perfect. and so are you, even if you think your are perfect. you know im right
I used to like it, but now I see it in every other match. Once I saw a group of them all with recon on.
STFU OP. I don't think anyone makes these threads because they care anymore. There are so many. . . people just do it because they know people will look at it. Also, you're the one being an asshole here, not X5. Granted his first post was a bit rude, I agree with him, and your response was worse.
This ^, I think your jealous that you don't haz the reconz. Anyone who makes a thread like this is just jealous that they don't have recon and just wishes they had the money to buy an account with recon. Although I do enjoy these threads they are always somewhat humorous.
Thank you for that lovely little rant, though to be honest it was kinda anti-climatic. Now it could be you, or it could be that I have been desensitized from hearing the same spiel numerous times from various soccer moms I've offended. or im wrong You know what, you are so right. Like, just the other day I was in the coffee hut and some guy was like "I'll have a large coffee." Pleasantly the clerk says "Alright, one vente coming right up." Apparently annoyed by this statement, the man interjects saying "No, I asked for a LARGE coffee, not a vente". "Oh I know sir," replied the lady, "Vente is our large coffee sir," she replies. "Then why the hell don't you just call it a large!" yells the man, "All I want is some ****ing coffee in a LARGE cup!" Now, being the educated Harvard graduate that I am, I decided to intrude on the conversation in hopes of quelling the unrest. "Venti means twenty in Italian," I pointed out, "As in 20 oz. making up a large coffee." Disgruntled, the man took his coffee and left. ****ing liberals. But I'll tell you a story about unloading supressed thoughts. I once knew this guy, who was upset about this rare comodity. You see, he was tired of hearing about this rare commodity, and that combined with (what only one can assume) jealousy, drove this guy to the point where he had to strike up conversation on this commodity. When someone pointed out that it was merely a commodity and one shouldn't worry about it, the man got defensive on his position. He lashed back at the responder, only to be beaten into submission by superior wit and intellect. The guy didn't leave the house much after that. Says the man who continues to defend is own viewpoint by making harsh generalizations and pulling out trite insults from his book of Textbook Disses and Comebacks. However, I have to hand it to you, you almost sparked a bit of humanity in my steel framed soul. For a moment I thought that I was only human, like everyone else, and not a god. When I was about to become mortally depressed I realized that I'm still better than you, and that's all that matters. Yes, you are far from perfect. Maybe recon armor would rectify that fact? Now if you excuse me, I wish to return to my reading of Dr. Suess's The Sneetches; a story about a group of Sneetches, some who had a green star on their bellies and others who did not. Those with the green start were considered higher up and more important, and looked down upon the plain bellied Sneetches. Then a fellow named Sylvester McMonkey McBean appears, with a machine that gave out green stars for a small price. Wanting to feel important, and be treated like the star bellied Sneetches, the plain bellied Sneetches paid the nominal fee. Upset by the fact that now everyone had stars on their bellies, the original star bellied Sneetches paied a larger fee to Sylvester McMonkey McBean to get them removed, once again declaring superiority. So the now star bellied Sneetches became plain bellied Sneetches and the later plain bellied Sneetches became star bellied Sneetches, etc. until they were all out of money and realized how foolish they really were when the stars really weren't so special afterall.
HOLY ****ING ****! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I vaguely remember watching this all the time as a young child, and I could never recall what the name of the story was. It was an animated movie with like 3 different stories... Ahhhh... Finally, my search.. is DONE!!! =)