Details about the video will be explained once we have found the actors, but we are planning on this video to be around 2-4 minutes long. Specifications: 4 actors, all male. 1 needs to have a squeaky voice, or at least do a good impression of a squeaky voice. 1 will be the main character and will have a normal voice. The other 2 will have normal-to-deep voices. If we can get a girl to play a part, that would help even more, as one of the characters in this video is a girl. Confirmed Actors: 1) TReaper 2) Silent oo death 3) Youtuber 4) CombatGam3r For this video to reach full potential, each actor will need to record his/her voice on a home microphone, and send the voice file to me, Norlinsky, who will be editing the video. Hopefully we can build up a video crew for future machinimas if this project works out, and I hope to see people take part in this. Thanks!
I think you should 2-3 other people in the backround still fighting, Like still have the voice actors and as your recording, have like, bloopers in the backround and stuff, (eg: One guy gets killed and then teabagged,) Or maybe have one kid, Go to talk, but then gets killed right as he is about to speak, That could add some humor.
I can if you need me to, also don't ask Tusk to do a squeaker impression lol, he sounds like Mickey Mouse.
Typical comedy machinima. Four guys, one guy with a normal voice, one guy with a deep voice, one guy with a semi-high pitched voice, and then the squeaker. It's just like how DigitalPh33r does it in his comedies, and he doesn't have any extra voice actors. Just himself.
Wow. I didn't even notice that, haha. Donii and I sort of just talked it out. If my mic was better, I would be more inclined to do some voices of my own.
Ill be on eof the middle-deep voices. I'm 15 and already have a dazzler and make videos, so i wanna help =D
I'll help. I'm British though, so that can be good or bad. But I have a computer headset and Sony Vegas, Audacity, Pinnacle Studio etc. so recording it shoulodn't be hard.
I'll play as background, that won't require too much effort. Would have signed up for voice, but my laptop makes too much background noise making recordings sound like there's a fan in the background. I can play a good girl voice though so I've been told...
I'll be willing to help on this, I have a microphone for the voice and I have recon for the body acting if you need it.
I dont take to kindly for subliminal messaging.. And Agamer would be perfect for the deep voice guys, Nor.
If you need any help I can do anything you guys want. I could do voice but I'm not sure how I would record it.