Guitar Hero: Smash Hits Review

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GR4V3mind117, Jul 14, 2009.


Your opinion?

  1. Screw you, I love this game!

  2. Meh, i kind like it

  3. Ah. Just another guitar hero

  4. I agree with you, But i still like the game

    0 vote(s)
  5. I agree with everything in your review. The Game Sucks!

  1. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Well. I rented Guitar Hero Smash Hits and i was excited to be playing songs from other guitar hero games that i've either not played, or have not played in a long time.

    But while the graphics are amazing, The song selection isn't.
    Songs like "Through the Fire and Flames" from DragonForce and "Free Bird" From Lynrd Skynrd were in my opinion, Good choices. But songs like Queen's "Killer Queen" and "Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart" from Stone Temple were not.

    Don't get me wrong. "Killer Queen" is an Amazing song. But i felt it could have been replaced by "Dead!" from My Chemical Romance and no one would give crap. And i freaking love Dead!

    And now the song maker. Ummm. Lets See... OH YEAH! Terrible Quality on the guitar part. If they were going to have a song maker, They could AT LEAST make it sound like a guitar. And i tried to recreate The Devil Went Down to Georgia and, to my dismay. the "Sonic Strum" before the first verse came out very broken and harder to play than i wanted it to be.
    Same thing happened in the same song when i got to the Trill at the beginning of the Devil's Solo. which also came out broken and hard to play

    Overall. 2/5 Not even a die-hard guitar hero fan like me would not buy this
    I do not recommend the game. And do not get it just for the Song Maker. You will be let down and you will become depressed

    Harmonix Music Studios... Step back up to the Plate with Guitar Hero: Smash Hits. Make it The way only you guys know how to make it
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I bought it, I enjoyed it. It was a mild form of entertainment, which is what i had expected it to be. An extention of World Tour if you will.

    And for the record, "Trippin' On a Hole in a Paper Heart" was a fantastic selection for bassists and drummers out there. Not every song is a guitar focused song. Its about band play now.
  3. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    World tour was great other than the fact that i didn't know a third of the songs
    and the other third was made up of Rock Band 1&2 songs (The Middle, Float On, Everlong, Our Truth, Etc.) and the others were just cool

    But any way, i don't really care about others opinions. I just felt like i should help those who don't have it with a review

    EDIT: Cool avatar by the way, How'd you get all those girls to have the exact same facial expression? Lol.
    #3 GR4V3mind117, Jul 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    The song maker being complete and utter **** is old news.
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Well first off- Guitar Hero SH is a step up from World Tour, I would rather play songs that I already purchased before instead of playing the crap that was in WT such as the Swiffer song... (yea, nothing makes me feel more hardcore like playing the ultimate cleaning utensil song....)

    My favorite part of Smash Hits was the fact that not everyone is posing as hardcore lovers of the bands in the game because they have already become bored of the songs when they were on the old games.

    But honestly, I think SH is the biggest waste of cash because it is only playing songs that were out in the other games- So if you bought the other games, why buy Smash Hits? Yes im aware that you can now play drums for the old songs- but is that worth it?
  6. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    My point exactly mike

    I understand the addition of drums. But yeah, Why get SH when you already have the other games?
  7. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Having it on one game, perhaps?
    I only had GH3 and World Tour. I simply just played the others at friends' houses and such. And after losing my GH3 disk, it would be nice to have some of those songs back. And I could finally beat TFaF on expert, because I don't have to strum in the beginning now. And hell, with Free Bird in there that's enough to sell me.

    I haven't bought the game, but I'm sure I'll end up buying it used or something, because I think it would be good to get at least some of my favorites back.
  8. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    As well as Queen. Don't hate on "Killer Queen" when you say you wished it had been replaced by "Dead". MCR is a far from talented band.

    The game was fairly enjoyable, but I think Acitivision and Red Octane could have dumbed down the note chart a bit, they seemed ridiculous which is what I've been expecting since I played Joe Satriani's Satch Boogie in World Tour.

    edit; btw- Harmonix has had nothing to do with Guitar Hero since their departure before GH 3

    Harmonix + MTV = Rock Band
    #8 DunkinMyCookies, Jul 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
  9. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    I have to agree with jedi and mike whats the point if we already have the songs on older games?
  10. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I downloaded the demo hearing it wasn't good. The one thing that I discounted completely was the "re-gemming of the song." I thought, hey, I won't notice. I was pretty wrong. I played "Rock and Roll All Night" by Kiss, a song I enjoy playing a lot in GH3, and I couldn't stand the re-gem. It also didn't feel like it was detecting my strums very well.

    Just from that, I wouldn't get it. I've already got GH2, GH3, and GH:WT and there are no songs on the list from GH1 that I would like.

    I'll definitely be passing on this one.
  11. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    It was a bad idea in the first place. does anyone know if GH Metallica is good?
  12. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Alright, I've been playing it alot today, and I have to admit... I love it.

    Something about going back through these songs...

    It's great because alot of it is recharted, so it feels fresh. However, Beenox kept some of the greatest solos and riffs essentially the same, so it's gives me a really nostalgic feeling. The charting is great, and puts fun ahead of realism in most cases. They have some of the greatest songs to be in the games and also include many hidden treasures like YYZ, Stop, The Trooper, Godzilla, and others that weren't as popular but were just as much fun.

    All in all, for the average buyer who has 2/3 of these games, it's not worth the buy. For anyone who only owns 1/3 of the games inside this game, they should definitely consider picking this up. If you are a die hard GH fan, there's no doubt you should rent this AT MINIMUM. I rented it because I'm short on cash right now, but if I ever see it a good price I'm definitely going to snap it up.
  13. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    All i know is Guitar Hero Aerosmith was not great
  14. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Oh, yes. GH:M is awesome as well. One of the best GH games yet, actually.
  15. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Considering the fact that I'm quite an Aerosmith fan, that game was worth. Especially since I only payed 10 bucks for it over at

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