I like it...I prefer the second one more though. Mostly for the guitar neck, that piece looks really cool. I'm not a fan of the sectioned part with the dude in it though. That seems not to work most of the time...Other than that great job, but theres a piece coming off the neck near his hand, its blue, it seems out of place to me.
Looks alright, not your best, and the bright clashing with the dark is really contrasting but it brings out your text that says SOTW, which looks great, the Seattle text just doesn't fit in this one. Overall decent signature. Some of the rain looks oversharpened, other than that great effects, and your text is meh, fix that up, also get rid of that massive border on the left, nice lighting too.
Well, its all smudgy which isn't to bad, and you did good with that freakin atrocious stock that he picked. I like the smudging in this one, the major let down is the text...It could be a lot better. Changing fonts, thickness, color ect could help. Doesn't seen lq to me....I don't like the lines, but they're rain, I hate rain, hate it. Anyway, other than that, once again you did good with that horrible stock. However, once again, the text could use some work, try something larger, and closer to the focal. Thickness might help too.
Thanks...I was going to do a very large font and just write DC, but i wanted in caps the font is only lowercase =(. And i second the rain part. Who **** puts rain in a picture? Have any good fonts that would help? EDIT: LOL @ mirajs text. way pixelated..
First signature in a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. Lotsa adjustments and stuff on this one. Both people if possible?
I don't like the texture on the ride side...The text could use some work, I mostly don't like the large white streak. Other than that, its a ok piece...I like what you did with the stock. The c4ds in the bg, the yellow ones, go against the rest of the flow. Other than that, good job I guess, I don't really like the left side of him either, but thats probably just personal preference. Some of the splatters go against flow. Nice job with that stock, however the text could use some work. I really like this one, so far its between you and lock for me.
SOTW entry, Illustrator CS4 and Photoshop 7.0. I started off with one idea and changed my mind as I was vectoring the image, but liked the way this turned out. The guy is supposed to be really dark and contrasted. I made the extra rain on the right side myself, so it might not look as good as the rain on the left. CnC please.