Transformers 2 was the worst movie I've seen in a long time. Worse than the 1st. The new star trek movie Dark Night Forest Gump Star Wars(the ones without the guy who played as Anakin and ruined the series)
Forest Gump Glory Waterboy (Actually, every movie in the 90s from Adam Sandler is a classic) Predator 2 (Didn't see 1) Spaceballs I think the Dark Knight is going to be a classic too along with the other 1.
I apologize if any of these are repeated. I tried to pick ones that hadn't been said. The Shawshank Redemption The Boondock Saints Resevoir Dogs The Silence of the Lambs Star Wars Episode IV (if you're not into the style/genre, A New Hope is the one that should be watched) One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Apocalypse Now Ferris Beuler's Day Off The Waterboy Terminator 2 Monty Python and the Holy Grail The Prestige To Kill a Mockingbird Misery American Psycho Little Miss Sunshine Fight Club The Shining The Gods Must be Crazy Finding Nemo Toy Story The Lion King Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls Gladiator V for Vendetta
V for Vendetta was one of the best movies I have seen in the past 3 years. It was very interesting. The part where he tricked the girl into thinking she was being questioned, was definitely pretty unique.
Sorry if im repeating and not all are classics, but they are just awesome movies Underworld Tremors SlingBlade Transformers 1 & 2 Dark Knight Oceans 11 300 Talladega Nights Role Models Step Brothers Resident Evil : Extinction Land of the lost Superbad Pineapple Express Ill get more later
I enjoyed Revenge of the Fallen. I'll agree it's not amazing and there are a lot of things that were unneccesary(the twins) but it's still a half decent film.
I could really argue against that, but it's just a blockbuster action film... so really... it meets expectations in the sense. I just found there to be waaaay too many plot holes to find the story line enjoyable. And while I like comic relief in movies like this... they went a bit overboard at times here...
I'm gonna add Bruno.. its got far too much ***** time but its fecking hilarious, Cohen has got serious cohones. Probably Borat aswell, I reckon they will stand the test of time.
Bruno is just a shock value movie that will be forgotten by most in 10 years. It's the kind of movie I only want to see once... and never again after that.
These are my favourite Scottish films: Trainspotting Braveheart Last King of Scotland (has strong elements about Scotland) Highlander Also there is a zombie movie in which a virus spreads across Scotland and it is walled off but I cant remember what its called. Also, Mean Machine has a Scottish guy in it who is funny and Ewan MacGregor is the man. Also, Fitzie in The Departed WOOT! Daniel Craig, not a big fan of him.
Some great movies off the top of my head: We Are Marshall Click Role Models Taken Valkyrie Star Wars IV, V, and VI The 3 original Indiana Jones Flyboys May add more later.
Sorry if any of these have already been said. The Dark Knight Toy Story Lion King Broken Arrow Monsters Inc. Scarface The Warriors Finding Nemo Jaws Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Ace Ventura: When nature calls Bruce Almighty Liar Liar Me, Myself and Irene Billy Madison Happy Gilmore Mr Deeds Click Mrs Doubtfire I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry Hard Times Rocky series Rambo series To kill a mockingbird Gallipoli Lethal Weapon series Forrest Gump I'm sure not everyone agrees with these movies but they are just my opinion.
Yeah, I agree with you on that. The Ali G show was much, much better than all 3 of his movies. They've progressively gotten worse. Bruno, with most scenes, it was merely a build up to the joke and he's harassed, essentially, the same crowd of people. I think the only thing that'll be remembered of the movies are the catchphrases, one-liners and the mankini.
TheMatrix From Russia with love TheGodfather 1&2 Saving private Ryan Forest Gump Azumaki The Shining (Heresssss Johnyyyyy). Might think of some more later.
The Movie is Doomsday Then there is this other movie where Tom Cruise is some Irish Guy who moves to America. If you don't like Tom Cruise there are still some funny parts. Like he has this unruly horse and he decides the best way to tame is to punch it across the face and for a long time he is a boxer and hops around dodging blows and my friend remarked, "He moves which such grace almost as a fairy if you will."