Sandbox Prism Block

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Adelyss, Jul 12, 2009.

  1. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
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    This is the best, cleanest, and closest remake of Prisoner to date. Great merging and scale. Seriously, incredible job!!

    It is my opinion that the lifts should not be hidden, but let me explain.

    While I knew where the lifts were from playing CE, you need to realize is that many Halo 3 players never played CE. Probably most didn't. Many didn't even have an Xbox, they were PS2 folks. I understand that it is a remake and that you are trying to make it as close to the original as possible (and you have) but by hiding the lifts you are limiting the number of people that can truly enjoy this map and giving an unfair advantage to those who have played CE.

    For me, I simply moved the lifts inside the map so that when I play with my friends that have not played CE, they will know how to "Get on Top"
  2. r3drum66

    r3drum66 Ancient
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  3. tR Siickness

    tR Siickness Ancient
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    I, sir, give you the utmost respect for attempting to remake Prisoner. It's one of my favorite FFA/CTF maps from Halo PC (used to be in a clan) and this looks completely accurate against the real version. Great job.
  4. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    I see your point...but the point of them behind the wall is for the fact now you can drop down the slot like you could with the ladders. If you have the grav lift in front then you can not drop down ruining how the map actually was played. It was a 50-50 toss up on making it easier to see where to go or to actually stick to the original map design considering its a remake.
  5. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm sorry, I just played ce and found out this is the same layout, I had just had things flipped around in my head for some reason. I do think you should set up a ce weapon set and gametype too though (increased gravity like ce, you know make it feel even more like the original)

    This is pretty good, and a good remake too, I still don't like the 5 brs though.

  6. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    Actually about the gravity, the jumps and ramps in the map were designed to fit Halo 3. Example jumping from the walkway to sniper tower above the tunnel is the exact same difficulty as CE
  7. DeseretWolf

    DeseretWolf Ancient
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    Oh my god this is an in-freakin-credible remake! I've been looking for an accurate prisoner remake for ages it was one of my favorite maps on CE! Thank you!
  8. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You guys gotta tell me when you post crap. I havent been in this forum in awhile cuz I been busy with other stuff. Anyway, This is the winner of the Remake Contest, it was just released too late. LOL. I like this alot, I never played this map on CE cuz I only played CE once, but the map is great. I dont care what they say, no BRs and no nade starts was definitly a smart move so just blow them off. If they want starting nades or BRs, then dont turn them off, how hard is that. I had fun playing this and I really wish you guys would have finished it in time for the contest, cuz you would have owned it with great powah. Good job and I dont care what Adelyss says, Deathtoll is fun to collab with.LOL
  9. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Well, I had no idea that you guys posted this, 'twas a blast to play test with you gents.

    The map plays just like you'd expect it from CE to 3, I went back on Halo CE just to get a comparison for gameplay, and you guys hit the nail on the head. Every aspect of the map is recreated with near perfection, great transition from game to game. Tactics are a must while playing, running in guns-a-blazing never works, which is what I love in a map (even if I still do it anyway :p). The map has great spawns, some similar to and different from Prisoner, but are still good. This is a map that demonstrates height control and cover is essential for victory, the middle is a death trap in bigger and FFA games, which can be lesson that means victory or defeat.

    I disagree with your opinion, sorry Addy. I like starting grenades, it allows players to spawn with range the AR doesn't deliver, and range is important on a map like this. Although, with Pistols as a Secondary starting weapon, I wouldn't mind the No-Spawn-Grenades as much, but this has nothing really to do with the map, really, so w/e.

    Congrats on finishing the first AddyToll map! :D
  10. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thats a pretty good point, but as He said, the map turns into a terrible grenade spam sandwich. Not just you throwing yours at start, but dying with 2 grenades gives someone else a chance to just throw theres and pick those up, and it just repeats constantly. Its like adding several random grenade spawn points, only they could be anywhere.
  11. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    This map looks amazing. It's nice to see someone else who appreciates the detail that a remake requires and you two pulled it off exceptionally. I considered doing a prisoner remake but I knew someone like you guys would show up and trump anything I would have made.

    Hopefully it plays better than the other prisoner remakes I've played on. They all seem to suffer the same height advantage problems. It's also too easy to fall off the platforms since you run so much faster than in Halo CE.
  12. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    The grenade on/off is personally all up to whose playing it. If you enjoy the more crazy side of games then leave them on. You do make a good point though I'd like to try a game with AR and Pistol as secondary that seems like a good idea.

    Oh and don't worry were working on another AddyToll map, and I'm sure you all will enjoy it.
  13. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    First off, GREAT MAP! I like it a little better than that Warlock remake that was featured. Second off, don't double post, just update your original post. That could be counted as a spam, and we don't want an expert forger(s) like you to be punished on this website. So I hope you learn from that. P.S. How did you not hit the budget or even the max item limit when making this map???
  14. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Dude, he had to do another post because you can only post a certain number of pics per post, and he had Action Shots that he wanted to include with the thread. *sigh*

    ANYWAY, I played a couple of games of FFA Slayer on this last night like I used to do on Prisoner, and everyone loved it. It's a very accurate remake that brought out the best of a Halo CE classic. The weapons are the same, (for the most part) the pathways are just as effective as always, and that weird Rockets/Camo structure is still there. I honestly can't understand why Bungie chose to remake Chill Out over Prisoner. Whatever. The only complaints I have with this map is that it feels a little cramped at times, because the ceilings are pretty low, and the catwalks are narrower than they were in the original. However, that's a complete nitpick, and is pretty much unavoidable given the limitations of Forge. I really don't have anything negative to say about Prism Block.

    Congratulations on an excellent remake, and I look forward to seeing more of your own creations in the future.

    #34 Awkward Silence, Jul 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
  15. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    I have to say, this is quite a map Addy and Deathtoll. I had the pleasure of testing a few games for you, and I was very impressed. The thing I love most about the map is the height. All the different variations of height meant you had to be aware of your surroundings, you could be attacked from anywhere at anytime, above, below, behind or in front of you.

    Although it seems like a lot of people are in disagreement about no grenade starts, I support the choice. I remember testing a game of KOTH in an earlier version and starting grenades. A hill could only be controlled for seconds. Grenades were flying at hills from everywhere. I say the only way you could get a way with starting grenades on this map is a 2v2 or less.

    Anyway, you guys know I liked the map, regardless for the countless times I was ninja'd by both of you, It's a great map.
  16. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    This was a blast to play, especially with Rockets :)
    I had started a Prisoner Remake, but no need to finish it, because this is near perfection.

    I'm reccommending to get featured right now. Congrats on an amazing remake
  17. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    ah, prism block, i believe i tested this with you dow, scope and a couple of other TGM's, it plays very well,gameplay being fast but not repetitive, thanks to the spawns working very well, you did some unique aesthetic things with the aesthetic forfing options availible IE Fins, Arcs, etc.

    the spawns worked very well, justifiation of never being spawn killed in FFA, tho i thought it is rather a crowded map, i dont see it playig very well with any gametypes besides oddbal, slayer, most FFA gametypes, KOTH and maybe some CTF.

    Overall i give ths map a 4.25/5
    #37 R0FLninja, Jul 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2009
  18. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
    Senior Member

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    hmmm the recommended gametypes, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hummmmmmm, any way yes it was designed for this so I don't see this as a downfall at all
  19. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    It does seem to me that the snipers would be a little more powerful, considering the fact that the walkways were the primary line-of-sight blockers from the sniper positions, and your walkways are considerably thinner. It seems to me that wooden bridges would have been the perfect width for the walkways, but the wedges look a lot better, so I don't know. It's a shame that you can't replicate the die-from-falling effect, because that was what made the sniper spots balanced - you had to go back down the ladders to escape safely. I could see people camping up there being a problem, especially with starting grenades turned off. I'll get back to you after some playtests.

    Edit: Well, there were a few noticeable differences that I felt did not do Prisoner justice. First and foremost, you obtain the rockets simply by jumping up to the rocket platform and holding "b." I thought that being able to get rockets and then camo was a problem for casual gaming on Prisoner, but this is a little rediculous and should be fixed. Simply making the platform slightly larger would fix your problem. Secondly, I thought that the sniper platforms were relatively low in comparison to Prisoner, which messed with the lines of sight and made it much easier to throw grenades into. I'm guessing you hit the item limit, but it's just for speculation if you want to fix it.
    #39 Silver0range, Sep 6, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  20. Artimus

    Artimus Forerunner

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    Really cool map, I'm jealous XD.

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