Pre-DLC MLG Guardian

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by I Stunnah I, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. I Stunnah I

    I Stunnah I Ancient
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    I have updated the map and waiting to see what you think about this version. Let me know what you like/dislike about this version so that I may work on it some more. I need some playtesters to help me make the map more smoothe and help me see what works well with the map and what doesn't.

    *NOTE:* Please download and test it out and let me know if this version of the map plays better or worse than the original MLG version.

    Guardian Beta v2

    Version 2 includes:

    • Red OS Bottom Mid (Doesn't spawn at start)
    • Sniper moved to Shotty Room No Spare Clips, Only spawns at start of game
    • Plasma Pistol replacing Mauler, placed at top green
    • Sniper on S3 reduced to only 1 spare clip
    • Turret case added to shotty room


    Regular OS replacing CP Bottom Mid

    Added turret case/New snipe spawn

    PP replacing Mauler
    #1 I Stunnah I, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  2. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    Im going to say, right, now, this map is great. I played it with my friends and had a very even score. Im never deleting this off my harddrive. Ever. All i could say is delete the sniper in gold, and delete the custom power up. That would make the map even more epic. Great job. 5/5 FeAtUrE NaO!
  3. allbroken2U

    allbroken2U Ancient
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    Dude RPAL. I love this map. Delete the sniper and custom it would be even better. Couldn't agree more feature this now. Might want to add rocket in the middle or a spartan laser. it would be more epic win sauce.

    Best map 10/5
  4. I Stunnah I

    I Stunnah I Ancient
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    At first I didn't know if you were being serious or sarcastic but w/e. Like I said this map apparently is not something I built, DUH! I edited the map to play a little better and less boring than before by adding two new items to it. If you haven't tried the map then STFU and GTFO
  5. i5m I Joker

    i5m I Joker Ancient
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    gold is way to overpowerd now.
    With the right setup we dominated the other team 50-12, 50-22 and 50-20 and even worste on ball.
    When your team is in gold and blue, you can send 2 guys to camo, 1 is shooting frm blue entrance and one from bue window, youcan get camo evey time.
    You dont have do do anything to get it, if you have your team on gold/blue, you have sniper.
    Got burned 75% and grabbed by the gold/blue team 25%.

    I think MLG Guardian v6 is the perfect MLG Guardian (but Guardian isnt perfect for MLG, bring back Lockout ^^ [no, Blackout isnt Lockout, its fail ... no, Blockout isnt Lockout either, fail too])
    If a team is on Snipe/Green you just have to wait for Camo, thats why it is next to Gold. So no side is overpowered.
  6. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    1. I realy did play on it. It worked OK, i didnt see much difference.
    2. I had to thow that part in there cause from the pictures thats all that looks different.

    Im sorry if it sounded mean, im going to counseling. I have anger issues.
  7. allbroken2U

    allbroken2U Ancient
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    I disagree me and a couple other people just finished a game on this. it was balance and fun as heck.

    This map need more Ar's there is none around and adding 4 or 5 around original sniper could balance it out. maybe rockets bye attackers lift. so you can get both sniper and rockets. Those are my suggestions. Maybe even a missile pod or a ghost could balance it.
  8. I Stunnah I

    I Stunnah I Ancient
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    I'm just shooting in the dark here but did you by any chance play against scrubs? I played on it and didn't see any problems with CP or the additional sniper.
    I have to agree with you on one thing though... Blackout is FAIL!hah

    I forgive you.hah
    Well I just wanted to know if it played better or worse but I never thought I'd hear there wasn't much of a difference.
  9. i5m I Joker

    i5m I Joker Ancient
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    No scrubs ^^ everyone was 45+ in the MLG Playlist, 5 MLG 50s.
    As i said before, i think v6 is just fine. Is very hard to place more powerweapons on guardian because of its 2 sides (Green/Snipe and Blue/Gold). In your version there are 2 of 3 powerweapons/ups on one side, and the last one is neutral, but easier to get from Gold.
  10. I Stunnah I

    I Stunnah I Ancient
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    1. Rank doesn't matter
    2. Sniper on Gold is not overpowered as it only has 4 bullets in it
    3. If you're smart and actualy know when custom comes up then you'd wanna set up green and pick it up. Just because you're on Gold/Blue doesn't mean you're gauranteed CP.
    4. I went to my file share and saw no downloads on the map yet so it's kinda weird how your giving feedback on it
    #10 I Stunnah I, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  11. Cal

    Cal Ancient
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    The custom powerup is equally as acquirable for both teams. However, the custom powerup, imo, is far too powerful on this map (mainly because it is close quarters).

    Concerning the problem with snipe... The sniper is just as easily reached by both teams at the start. So, the team who controls snipe tower generally wins the game. But with camo, it can easily be taken out, and therefore, a new team controls snipe tower. If there was a problem with MLG Guardian v6, it would have been changed by now.

    I think overall, this map would play well, but would have gameplay only determined by control of power weapons and powerups.

    Getting rid of the snipe and not placing the CP would have been a better idea in my opinion.
  12. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    ...Hes on to us....

    NO U


    But in all seriousness, ill stay with my MLG guardian i made.... 2 Rockets, 10 AR's, and 15 respawn points.
    #12 RPAL, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  13. I Stunnah I

    I Stunnah I Ancient
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    Have you played on the map yet?
    I agree camo can take out the sniper but the sniper can shoot anyone on gold headed for the camo and if the sniper team is set up on green as well than he can easily lift to camo and kill the one shot and pick up camo. And every map on the curcuit (besides foundry maps) have power up and power weapons & they are what basically decides the game and what makes the gameplay. Weird how you don't know much about how maps work. :/
    #13 I Stunnah I, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  14. Cal

    Cal Ancient
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    I don't know about you, but i certainly don't rush the sniper and then scope on camo until i see someone grab it. You would probably be getting br'd by guys coming through top blue and unable to scope and be forced back to snipe 2.
    I know it might seem that i'm horrible at knowing my maps, but i have been playing halo since the time of Halo CE. So before you run your mouth about how people don't know they're maps, think about what they have said first... I have played probably close to 1000 MLG customs and have a 35 in MLG, so I know a lot about how MLG maps work.

    I will give the map a download anyway and will give you more feedback after I have trialled it with ball and slayer. I could be wrong about the sniper and CP, but from what i can see here on my laptop, it doesn't seem any better than v6.
  15. I Stunnah I

    I Stunnah I Ancient
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    I have also played Halo since the first game. Rank in MLG doesn't matter. My uncle plays MLG and doesn't understand it. Actually two guys can run snipe when spawning blue and two can go gold for camo. One guy can pick up snipe and jump to mid and shoot the camo guy while runnin toward blue window while the other one is shooting at the guy on sniper tower. Kinda hard to describe a set-up mainly because I'm sleepy as hell but there you go.
    Well try it out and let me know what you think
    #15 I Stunnah I, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  16. i5m I Joker

    i5m I Joker Ancient
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    1. I know it doesnt matter, but when you play with a team of mlg 50s, they all know what to do, call out, are a team, when you play with lower ranks its just more random, everyone plays "his" game. So in tis case, rank does matter.
    2. If you have a good sniper, thats 4 kills.
    3. The spot where cp spawns is very easy to nade from g2. green is very easy to see from g2, so you can shoot othe guy whos going for custom. like i said, it got burned 75%
    4. ='( ? -.-

    why dont you just face it? v6 works better for mlg, thats why itis v6, the dudes at mlg get paid for making the perfect guardian, they did. but its good to see that you take time to rethink guardian.
  17. OhNoez64

    OhNoez64 Ancient
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    1. Agreed.
    2. Having only 4 bullets seems good.
    3. ???
    4. Owned.

    Seriously guys, please PLAY a map before you rate it. I5 Joker, please don't say you played on a map and it was overpowering if you havn't downloaded it. That's just blatant lying to get your post count up. It's the post that counts, not the post count.

    Anyways, I don't think I'd download this. It looks good all, and I like the addition of the CP, but I think MLG is just too unoriginal, since all they know how to use is Snipers and Battlerifles. Oh, maaaaybe a rocket or mauler, and maybe a carbine. It's sorta silly how thats the only things you use. It takes more skill to get a kill with a Magnum than a BR.

    I like the ol' guardian as it is. Sorry, no DL from me. Atleast I fess up to it. All you other posters who say they played but theres no downloads. Mate, that's just poor behaviour.
  18. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    wouldn't that be just regular guardian?
  19. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    Look kid, just by looking at the pics we know its gonna play bad. Your placement of os tells us that you have no idea what youre doing when it comes to weapon/powerup placement. The os is gonna get in the way of br duels down below and its in a very accessible spot since you normally spawn green.

    The default mlg guardian is and forever will be, the most balanced guardian out.

    You have no clue what the hell you are talking about i dont even know why youre on this forum. The magnum isnt a reliable weapon, it had worse hit registration than the br and the br was used in halo 2 as a replacement for the halo 1 pistol which mind you had a scope. Why would they replace the br with a bad version of the halo 1 pistol when the br is basically the halo 1 pistol's older brother?

    Oh and some of us who play mlg or make maps for it actually know what is balanced and what is not. Only a simple minded player needs to play a map to see if something is overpowering. If you actually made some good maps and learned proper level design you could pretty easily predict the kind of gameplay a map like this or any other would play judging by the weapon layout/timers.
  20. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    rpal your first post saying to delete the gold sniper and and the custom power up is saying to go back to the old guardian cause that all he changed.

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