Well... You could go download all the versions of pokemon to the computer, and if you download from where I got them(Not telling) you can also get a "Trade" download that allows you to trade all pokemon and items from one game to the other... Sooo yah... :happy:
Of course they were they were the first to bring new things, they were the first with the opportunity to add things to the game (not counting yellow). The fact is that carting around HM Pokemon is cumbersome as it leaves less room for the "real" Pokemon. After all your Pokemon have fainted and you just have your lvl 5 Farfetch'd that know's cut against a lvl 60, you start to hate the HM system. It's annoying to have to switch your HM Pokemon to your party, to visit the move deleter, to visit the move learner. I'm arguing about the repetitiveness of the gameplay, not "cheap" strategies. But having a hard to kill Snorlax is only helpful against other human players, it's not going to help you in single player. I WELCOME it to the game, I wish the game played off the strengths of Pokemon more, other than attack power. A puzzle should be laid out so that: A: You can see all the influences and B: Fun to solve. You should be able to see the puzzle and understand how it is solved, and possibly how to perform the steps. When you're being bounced around those warptiles in Silph Co (I know it's Generation I, but whatever) you can't see where you're going and you don't know which tile will take you to where you NEED to go. Basically you have to try each one at least once. The boulders are presented better, but after a while the puzzles get repetitive. Roll it in the hole so you can get past, roll it in a specific way so it doesn't get caught on the walls (and that's all there is to it). I have nothing against the Pokemon series, but some of the gameplay elements of the RPG games are completely backward.
I dont think having a lvl 5 farfetch'd is gonna help you against a lvl 60 even if he didnt have an HM...
That was the point >.> *edit* The argument is invalid though, all the games can be beaten casually without min/maxing each Pokemon to a competitive level.
This thread is not about arguing the flaws of pokemon, it's for exchanging information and anticipating the upcoming games. Go make your own thread to argue how you think the games should be.
Sorry, I din't mean to ruin anyone's day. Groudon, Kyogrethe, Rayquaza, Arceus, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina are obtainable in Both SoulSiver and HeartGold. How about that? Hopefully Deoxy's Jirachi and a few others will make the list too, this might be the first Pokemon game where you can get ALL the legendary Pokemon. I'm also hoping you won't need any special event items to catch certain "super rare" exclusive Pokemon.
None of those legendaries are relevant to my interestes, as long as i can catch me a mewtwo, im ****en happy.
I motion to ignore any comments that in any way depict Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal as a bad game. And tortured. Because that game was awesome. This version definitely brought more to the table compared to the previous version than ever before. Anyone remember how disappointed you were when after you beat Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, it was over? I was thinking, "Where's my previous regions? I want to play them!!!" That made me angry.
I still remember how ****en psyched i was when after i beat the elite 4, i was able to fight the original gym leaders, and travel in kanto, one of the coolest feelings i had of happiness, was entertaining seeing all the cities 3 years later from the red/blue games.
Which reminds me that, seeing as Kanto Region is unlocked, Mewtwo will most likely be in the game. Latios and Latias are in the games at Level 30 as well.
I already have a few Mewtwos so I'm good there, but it'd be nicer to get than having to playthrough Firered and then send him to pal park. Mewtwo 4 life.
I looooooved how he looked in pokemon stadium, I remember i would scream KAMEHAMEHAAA whenever he did that hadoken looking move.
Did anybody else name their mewtwo 'Genetic'? because i did thinking it was super cool and original but then i found multiple people who named theirs the same thing... Shadow ball is the kamehameha move.
like energy ball or psychic or something? Yea he was/is a ****ing bamf. I still remember the original movie when I was like 6 and he was so bamfing. ohyea shadow ball
Sadly, in the gamecube pokemon games, they changed it to a one handed kamehameha, which still looked bad ass, especially with flamethrower, its the only reason i thought it to him.
I was so effing awed when he killed all the scientists in the beginning. SO ****ING AWESOME. he better be in this game.
just one of your silly arguments. first of all, surf is probably one of the most respectable moves in the game. that being said, for the stupid ones like defog that you only have to use once, just teach it to some random pokemon then put it back in the pc. for more common ones, you have an HM slave like geodude. its not a huge inconvenience. just store it when you have a battle where you need all 6 pokemon, which is not very often.
2 things: first I'd like to say BUMP, BUMP, BUMP-I-TEE BUMP BUMP! (yes, It was bumped.) Second, I'd like to add my 49 and 1/2 cents here. I realized that this game was coming out and the rest is fill in the blanks. I'm with you on this one, but honestly if you get your entire team killed by some random trainer, you deserve to see your weak, under-leveled farfetch'd get killed. If your in a gym battle it goes double for even bringing him.