I think that Gold and Silver were the best versions because there was a day/night cycle (which wasn't in any other Pokemon game for some reason), and you could go to both the Johto Region, and the old region from the Blue and Red versions (forgot the name). I'm so glad they're remaking them onto the DS, so now I have a good excuse to finally get a DS.
I have to say, Gold and Silver were my LEAST favourite Pokemon games. The day and night cycle was good, hold items were great (even if berries sucked) but all the new stuff they introduced wasn't good at all. The phone that you used to re-battle people? Pokegear? Version specific legendary Pokemon? Who else had a panic attack when the potion wasn't in the computer when you started the game? Recycling the Fire/ Water/ Grass starter Pokemon trend? All those Pokemon are just slightly weaker and less cool looking versions of these original three. It doesn't take a genius that they've just added "more legendaries and more Team Rocket Shenanigans" to the original game.
what chu talking about? all that stuff was bad ass back in the day. before silver /gold all we had was blue/red, phone was good, cause we could rebattle people, in blue, you only battled people once, after that, all you had going for wild encounters and the elite four. i dont think missing ONE lil potion at the beginning of the game would have hurt anyone in any way, shape or form, its just 1 potion bottle, come on. Back in those days, the new pokemon were godly, cause, well, they were new pokemon, and they were still ok looking, not like the new crap that they give us. if anything, you coulda just used the time machine and brought your old pokemon if the starters were that bad for you. and im preety sure we had the same amount of legendaries as in blue. Mewtwo, mew, the 3 birds, silver/gold had the 3 dogs, lugia, Ho-oh. unless im forgetting another one. So ya,
bet ya there gonna come out with a crystal version too, they always save the best one for last. Ex. yellow, crystal, emerald, and that last new one that i forget what its titled cause i dont really care about really. calling it here.
There will be no crystal, there was a magazine scan that had one of the characters from crystal on it. Basically, all extras from crystal will be in it.
Suicune was the main legendary in crystal version, but he was also catchable in Silver/Gold before crystal had come out, all crystal had was a female protagonist and animated pokemon when they appeared.
In a way, yes, its now somewhat implemented in the new Silver/gold comming out, but instead of having pikachu follow you, you have whomever you want, and oh look, new pocket pikachu thing comming with it too
That's right in Gold Lugia was lvl 70 and Ho-oh was 40 and Silver was the opposite (my bad in saying gold and silver had game specific Legendaries). There's still absolutely no point in using the phone, you get more money by battling the elite four, more money, and more consistent Ev's in certain grass areas. The phone is... pointless. And you think they'd have added more stuff to make late-game more fun in the Pokémon series. Sure it's great getting your first Pokémon then catching a few and slowly levelling while you progress through the map to the next gym, but after a while your main is strong enough to take out nearly everything in one move, and that's the move you'll be using for the rest of the game. There's no point in catching any more Pokémon except "because, it's what you do". I hate to draw comparisons, but has anyone here heard of Golden Sun? It's really easy to see the design and game-play flaws of Pokémon when being compared to that game.
Golden sun and Pokemon, although both RPG's, are nothing to be compared, Golden sun is more comparable with Final Fantasy or something like that, and furthermore, that game was Epiiiiiic, had it on my first gameboy advanced. I hear theres a new one comming out for the DS.
pokemon is made to be accessible to 6-year-old children. it has to be easy enough for them to play. it is not a design flaw.
But I mean, **** like learning HM's and having to get rid of better moves. Why would you make it so that to progress you have to handicap one of your Pokémon? If HM's weren't usable in battle, or even better, they didn't replace moves, can't you see how that would make HM's a better gameplay mechanic? I don't want to be finding one and thinking "crap, someone is going to have to learn this" I should be thinking "great this will make my Pokémon better"! Two Pokémon in a single duel was a big step, but what about Chancey being your healer, a Snorlax being your tank, Charizard being your damage dealer and Mr. Mime your buffer? Pokémon combat, as it is now, is severely broken. Puzzles: Why do all the puzzles in Pokémon suck? Boulder rolling and stepping on switches? Teleports on the floor and trying to find the elevator keycard, the only purpose of which is to use up AS MUCH TIME AS POSSIBLE. The layout of areas, despite a top down perspective, is confusing and unmemorable, especially in skyscrapers. Finally, the storyline across the games has been predictable and boring. Stop evil organisation and a sub plot of "beat the Elite four". It's patronising to think that any more story complexity would "confuse the youngsters".
k, now it sounds like your comparing Pokemon to like Warcraft or something. just how it was said above, Pokemon was made so its easily accesible to lil 6yr olds and up, there is no need for some hardcore gameplay to come out of it.
The phone enabling you to re-battle trainers is pointless? what? Do you have any idea how much more that adds to the game even after you beat it? and you'd rather sit there battling the elite 4 over and over again? yeah **** it, a sequel game doesn't need any new revolutionary features. For one thing, if you used your starter with one move through the whole game then you found the reason these games are so friendly to young children. That's a way of playing that will cause you to lose multiple battles and realize you ****ed up when you run out of PP when fighting the elite four. To me it sounds like you played and judged this game with a six year old mindset. I think you sir need to play through one of these babies again. okay you came in here at first saying Gold and Silver were your least favorite pokemon games and now your raggin on the whole series. I agree, its somewhat becoming a washed out series but Gold and Silver were the only ones to bring real new things to the table.
Seriously? You just criticized the stupidest things. You would LOVE if this game is so easy it takes no effort, skill or thought at all wouldn't you? OH NO I HAVE TO TEACH AN HM TO MY POKEMON. OH DEAR GOD. Besides the idea of using an HM slave to fix that, they also have a Move Deleter to delete anything you don't like, including HM's. And you can't be allowed to delete them because then you could accidentally delete one, and then be stuck in a cave or something. And what is flawed with the system of combat? This may be hard for you to comprehend, but there's a thing called s-t-r-a-t-e-g-y involved in the competitive combat system. Are you saying because someone can use a Blissey and Snorlax to make sure it takes lots of hits to defeat? That's a strategy. Is it unfair you can use a Sniper/Shotgun in Halo? Or the n00b combo, or camping or anything. It may seem cheap, but its a strategy. Next, are you arguing that you don't like that puzzles in the game just waste time? Because in actuality, you should just be given each item, one at a time, so that the whole, "Search for it thing" doesn't have to happen. And finally, the story can't exactly get too much more complex. It's a successful storyline, for one thing, which has managed to still sell each time, and what would you like to see? There has to be some sort of villain, and the point of being a trainer is to get to the Elite four. There ARE other games with different storylines, like Mystery Dungeon and Pokemon Ranger. If you want, go get those. But the RPGs focus on this storyline. Stop complaining over every detail. (to scarecrow btw)
HMs I agree with, there are currently 8 HMs. HM slaves are stupid because you need 2, and they are bad for surprise battles.
HM's in the more recent games pissed me off, they keep adding em. Mainly that dumb **** of a move defog, merely a slight inconvenience. BUT WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH GOLD AND SILVER.