Im a little bit annoyed because I think that Heretic could be a waste of a map. It could easily be remade on Sandbox... It just seems like there could have been something better than cannot be remade in forge. The only thing different is the skin that Heretic has. Everything else could be incredibly similar to Heretic. Also, it has been confirmed that the Sword platform does not move like the one on Midship or Epitaph, So that only adds to the fact that it could be imitated on Sandbox....
Lockout was remade... Cold Storage (I forget the original name) was remade... Those are both worth having. Just because it CAN be done in forge, doesn't mean it's not WAY better when Bungie does it.
Yeah, as soon as the map comes out we're going to here alot of complaining. I think it's going to be perfectly made just the scale size might be different. THere's alot of difference in the physics of Halo 2 then Halo 3. Some jumps might not worlk, that floaty thing would not be able to move; thus you wouldn't be able to do the jump to get you to P1. But that's the main reason people won't like it, not just because it could of been made in Forge. You can practically make any small map in Forge, people will still like them. I mean that question is completley wrong. We'll see how it goes.
Heretic isn't going to play exactly like Midship, but that's okay. I would take a Bungie map over a forged map any day. Nothing anyone does is going to make remade maps play like the originals. H2 and H3 are totally different games.
They actually said that all jumps in Midship are exactly the same as Heretic. The only thing that isnt the same is the Sword Platform, it doesnt bounce- bummer But the only other thing different is the skin and some very basic scenery
I don't know though, like x Encounter x said, I would much rather play on a nice, scenic Bungie map than a sand-ridden, forged map where the scenery always looks the same.
I know that it would be better to see a scenic Bungie map over a sandy block-like map. But im saying that Heretic could have been a waste of a map because it would play exactly the same if a good forger made a remake and then Heretic could have been something else- so we would have a remake of midship on Sandbox and another beautiful map such as Headlong, Damnation, etc instead of Heretic...
i agree with what your saying because even though on forge itll be wierd it could be a waste and you could make another map instead of having nothing cool on it which makes it unique
if someone remade it, then you would need to use up one of the 100 spaces for maps. but seeing how bungie is making it, we have one more free space. also cool aesthetics> sand aesthetics no matter what.
Bungie maps take up slots. I had to delete maps to get the Legendary maps to show up. Once I deleted 3 maps, they popped up. This means they take room. I am in favor of Heretic though. A sandbox remake of Midship would be cool if done right, but I think you're view would be thrown off a bit, just because the texture never changes.
I agree with him, citadel is already a smallish map, so why do we need another, don't get me wrong, midship was a good map, but like he said, it could be done in forge, i was hoping for another medium to large map, rather than 2 small maps and one big one. halo 3 already has plenty of smallish maps. Longshore had better be friggan huge,
So what you're saying is that since heretic can play exactly the same as a forged map of midship, it shouldn't be remade by Bungie? And in it's place should be a different remade map? Like Headlong or Damnation? Flawed logic is flawed. Just because it's a small map doesn't mean it can be made in forge. So if Heretic is a wasted map, then Citadel is too? Seeing as it's able to be made in forge, being small. So the map pack should be totally big maps, not makeable in forge. Yes. Great idea. This just seems like you just don't like the map and want another in it's place.
Agreed I would actually like YOU to remake Heretic then. Seeing that you truly believe that it can be done. And I completely agree with Orange, did you want Headlong instead?
Honestly, I would have preferred Headlong over Midship. Halo 3's Matchmaking is dominated by Small-Medium sized maps. We only have 5 Large (Big Team Battle sized) maps, and the rest are small/medium. I would have liked a few more Vehicle-Friendly maps in Halo 3, and Headlong in particular brought back quite a few memories.
Im not saying that a small map can be made in forge- there are factors such as moving objects (ex- bouncing bridge) that cannot be replaced with walls- but in a description of Heretic- the bridge did not bounce- because of that, Heretic doesnt have any of these objects- almost everything from Heretic could be replicated in forge with the objects on sandbox to make a similar environment (not exact, but very similar) Seeing that Citadel could have anything behind the doors in the picture- It could have something that cannot be made in forge, but if it is very small with nothing that cant be made in forge (openable doors, switches, etc..) - then yes, I believe that Citadel is a waste of a map also. Its pretty much a prettied-up version of a forged map. I think that it is unnecessary to create a map that can be replicated with the objects on Sandbox to make a map that is almost the same. Instead, there should be something that cannot be forged- (ex: you cannot make a huge city like Headlong on Foundry because Foundry is too small- Sandbox doesnt have enough budget to boarder the map and create a huge city) Im not saying that they shouldnt make small maps- Im saying that they shouldnt make maps that could be created in Forge. And I am sure that someone on this website could create an accurate midship remake in forge. Also- at the bottom: I guess that I DO want a different map, I would much rather have something like Headlong. Heretic looks great- I just think that If someone could forge Midship, then they could have done something better that cannot be imitate-able using forge. And with that, we would have 2 great maps: Midship, and something even better.
You really need to stop repeating your opinion over and over and over. I'm tired of it. Yes. It can be remade. A lot of maps can. This doesn't mean anything. You're pretty much saying to take out every small / mediumish map because they can be remade. Bungie maps are so much better than forge maps. If you really just want headlong, make a thread about wanting headlong, not removing all small maps. Just let this dumbass thread die.
I think that a Midship remake is a little stupid, but for completely different reasons. My reason being Assembly. I feel like one of the things that makes Halo 3 so successful is its variation in maps. I think that Bungie did a really good job at making maps feel different from each other. But then we have Assembly and Midship. Assembly is a small, covenant styled, arena like map. Midship is a small, covenant styled, arena like map. Do we really need two? They way I see it is Assembly is sort of the spiritual successor to Midship, a lot like Valhalla is to Blood Gulch. It seems to me like Assembly has already became obsolete because people don't even want to accept it because they know Heretic is coming out soon, so to me it seems like Bungie just through in Assembly as a filler map.
Here is the thing- If you are tired of seeing this: go read a book, go play Halo, go view another thread- why does it bug you so much to see my opinion? Everyone keeps replying with the same answer without even looking at my opinion and dont seem to see why heretic would seem like a waste because it has no qualities that cannot be imitated in forge. And its not true- im not saying to take out all small maps- dont make generalizations like that because there are maps that cannot be remade because they have aspects that go beyond forge- unlike Heretic: everything on Midship has a forge item that can work for it, all the walkways can be made with blocks, the bridge can be walls with grav-lifts underneath(heretic does not have bouncing bridge), etc... they cannot remake all small maps like: epitaph- floating bridge, huge lifts guardian- huge lifts, trees, would take too much budget to make all rooms assembly- opaque windows Heretic has none of those qualities that make it impossible to forge- and that is why it can be remade and makes it seem like a waste of a map- its size only makes it seem even easier to make because you would have more budget to spend on mimicking exact details... It is true that Bungie maps are better than forge- this is mainly because it is skinned differently- instead of being a bunch of merged stones, it is a covenant cruiser- but I would rather have someone make a midship remake that plays similar to the actual map AND a new map that has unique qualities that cannot be replicated in forge. and you are calling me a dumbass? by saying that my thread is a "dumbass thread", you are calling me a dumbass. Wisdom is one of the greatest gifts to mankind which is expressed through maturity- its a shame to see people abuse the gift that has been given to them.
Really, I care none that people have different opinions. We all have different opinions, go have a party. So what? Here are my reasons for Heretic. 1. Barely any Covenant maps. I mean, sure we have another purple alien arena map called Assembly, and a snow covered one called Snowbound. So what? They're the only Covenant maps we have for now. Headlong- another UNSC map. 2. Brings back memories. Come on. Headlong has things that they (probably) wouldn't bring back, such as the sniper ledges. A real Coag remake would bring back more (hundreds) memories than BOTH maps. Headlong and Midship are both Halo 2 maps. 3. SAND TARP can be remade in freaking Sandbox. It's a BTB Map. Sure, it'll have details missing, a Midship (Heretic for that matter) would have details missing also. 4. If you don't want it, simply don't play it. There can also be a way to delete it from your Halo 3. 5. Not enough big maps? I'll list all the big maps: Sandbox Variants Standoff, Standoff Heavy Rat's Nest Avalanche, Avalanche Heavy Valhalla, Valhalla Heavy Sand Trap, SAND TARP, Sand Trap Heavy Last Resort Longshore 13, not counting Sandbox Variants, counting Heavies. Was 12 before ODST Map Pack Medium Maps: High Ground Guardian Ghost Town Blackout Construct Narrows Isolation The Pit, Pit Stop Orbital Snowbound, Boundless 12, counting all of them Small Maps: Epitaph, Epilogue Citadel Heretic Cold Storage Foundry, Anvil Assembly 8, 6 before ODST Map Pack ... 6 Small Maps before the ODST Map Pack? Added to the Medium Maps, sure their number was 5 more maps. But Medium maps greatly differ from Small Maps. Plus, why count Medium maps in saying they dominate when the only map styles in the ODST Map Pack are Large and Small? I'd say that they should add a few more small maps. Now, about MM playlists. Most of the Socials focus around all kinds of maps, so really Social Slayer, Social Skirmish, Social Team DLC, Rumble Pit (Infection and a few other games focus around all kinds of maps) shouldn't count. But, since this is about all default MM Playlists, they will. Focused on big maps: Social Big Team Team Snipers Squad Battle Social Team DLC Social Slayer Social Skirmish Rumble Pit 7 Playlists Medium: Lone Wolves MLG SWAT Rumble Pit Social Slayer Social Team DLC Social Skirmish 7 Playlists Small: Lone Wolves SWAT Social Slayer Social Team DLC Rumble Pit Social Skirmish 6 Playlists Again, small maps have the lowest number, while Big and Medium are around each other. Really, Citadel and Heretic are only a small addition to matchmaking and custom maps.