So, after playing 14 hours of BvW on the 7th, I got bored and stopped playing... My brother needed something looked up on wikipedia so while I was there I went to bungie's page 'cause, well, it was bungie day... I was reading through the info and found out that bungie's separation from microsoft was on the 1st of October, not the 7th of July... So, what I'm proposing is we make a video tribute to bungie's work since that date (eg: submissions of content/poems/thankyou's/etc from the Heroic, Legendary, and Mythic DLC) I did not get the idea from that ForgeCafe video tribute as I had only watched that after I asked Shock Theta for permission... Here's what I think we should be able to pull together by the 1st of October: 10-20 Aesthetic Map Tributes to bungie. (eg: spelling bungie, making spartans, making halos, etc.) DONT be afraid to use things like the seventh column or things from games such as marathon... 5-10 Sweet Tunes to put in the background 1 or 2 Amazing Video Editors LOTS of text tributes (eg: poems, thank yous, etc) Maybe, that is if we have a good machinima maker that's interested, a short machinima or something to end off the video with a thank you or a keep on rockin... Any other services you could provide to help this project along... _________________________ Here's what I have planned for the video (I figure we have 3 months, so we should be able to get a pretty long video for them): 3+ minutes of map entries (just flying around in theatre mode) 2+ minutes of screenshot entries the text submissions **2-3 minute machinima just as a salutation to bungie credits ______________________________ If you're interested in helping with video editing, or have other ideas about the video private message me here: This is a community gift, so everyone is welcome to submit content ______________________________ Current People working on this: Killor118 (Video Editing)
i think this would be a great idea... it'd be a surprise for sure. I'd like to help out. It's best we keep this off the forums though... TEH BUNGIES WILL FIND US B4 ITS DUN
couldn't we make a group, and make it so members only could see it. then you could invite almost the whole community if you had about 2 hours of spare time. that way bungie couldn't read about it.
I think that Bungie is able to have full acess in their site. I don't think "their" Bnet groups is private for them, maybe us but prolly not them.
I'm pretty nifty with the forge and editing videos. Sony Vegas is pro! Count me in please. I want to talk to you, add me on XBL. DSX Halostar.
I talked to shock and he said it'd be pretty unlikely that they'd find out... Sure, I'll make a group and post the link later. Oh god, please no... Just add me on skype or something... GTFO NAO!
Im up for it. I have a capture card and sony vegas if anything is needed of me on the technical side. I could prolly make a map for the vid once im done the ones im workign on currently.
Alright all i need now is video clips, useful ideas and some people to update me with ideas on Skype.