Stickball by bos45redsox YouTube - XFeature - Stickball ATTENTION! Never, under any circumstances, play more than 8 people on these maps, UNLESS, the map says you can. If it doesn't list 5v5 and up, do NOT try to play a match with that many people. Thanks. How Stickball Came To Be: Hello Forgehub! Before I begin my long post of my most prized possessions yet, I want to give a little back story as to how Stickball exactly came to be. It started one night after playing a couple games of Grifball, as well as an old school dodgeball map on Halo 3. I was getting tired of Grifball, mainly because I was horrible at it, and when I played the dodgeball type game, it gave me a brilliant idea! I decided to meld the two together, in order to get a "Grifball with stickies" feel. The first build of the map that nobody but me and a few friends have seen, was pretty good, but after I saw how good it was, I decided to forge a "complete" and "official" version on Foundry. After a few nights of getting the walls interlocked neatly, I added the grenades and plant points and out of the blue, Stickball was born! I played countless games on it (Stickball Court). I knew I had to post it here with the relax crowd we are, but at the same time the Mythic Maps had just been released. Now, I am finally posting it on Forgehub, where I hope it is well received as well! Anyways, now onto the good stuff =P On The Court: When on one of the three different courts, you will notice a few things. First off, is that each side is marked with a color barrier. I know I might be stating the obvious, but remember, this is NEUTRAL BOMB! After each round you will spawn on the opposite side, so if you are red, you will get a few rounds in on the blue side, so don't freak out! Secondly, you will notice that the bomb always spawns in the dead middle/center of the map. Third, the plant points are ALWAYS on the walls of your opponents side (I can recall many people saying "Dude WTF where is the plant point?") Lastly, the grenades on the map are set to spawn instantly, but I have found that if you don't use them, they stay where they dropped, unless you throw them. Game Settings 3 Rounds 3 Minutes Unlimited Scoring Base Player Traits Normal Traits 200% Shield Recharge Carrier Traits 50% Damage Resistant 90% Speed 75% Gravity Forced Color Gold Respawn Traits 1 Second Duration 500% Damage Resistant The Custom Powerup: The Custom Powerup is a great tool to use when on the court. Not only will is confuse and distract the opposing team, but it has its perks as well. -110% Speed -75% Gravity -Gold -Visible to ALLIES only (Messes the opposition with the real ball carrier) Advice Going Into a Match: Going into a game of Stickball, there is a little advice I can give you in order to help you succeed. Although it won't help much when you have countless plasma and spike grenades flying in your direction, they can help give you a slight advantage just by doing them. -When your team has the bomb, pick up a Custom Powerup. You will confuse the enemy, giving you that extra second or two to score! -For the most part, have a teammate play ONLY defense. Have him rack up the kills to make it easier for your team to score -REMEMBER, the Bomb Carrier can be puched once for the kill. Likewise, he can do the same to you (Melee at your own risk) -The Plasma Pistol isn't completely useless. Charge it up and drop shields The Maps: The Stickball Court The original court that started the addiction. 3v3, 4v4 It's a War Zone Will He Make It? Got Em! Red Spawn - Spikes Galore! Blue Spawn - Plasmas Galore! Stickball Ct. The official Stickball Court 3v3, 4v4 This map is pretty self-explanatory if you already know what Stickball is. It is the now official map for the game of Stickball. Some nice aesthetics have been forged by GunnerGrunt, while the main layout was forged by myself. GunnerGrunt came up with the idea of forging the map as a "miniature Crypt", which I think turned out nicely. He also forged the awesome letters on the wall. This map is slightly bigger than the Stickball Court on Foundry, making it better suited for 4v4, which is what it is intended for - although 3v3 works just as good. Pics: Here are some more pics of the game and map. And for you Recon lovers... Special Thanks: A special thanks goes out to GunnerGrunt for forging the great aesthetics on the map! It wouldn't look this good without you man! Download Gametype: Stickball Download Foundry Map: Stickball Court Download Sandbox Map: Stickball Ct.
This isn't that original of an idea. I've seen it before. Its kind of hard to believe it was featured on your site. It sounds really fun though, and the map looks smooth and nice but its been done before. 4/5
Not only do I love it when someone goes off topic, but I also love it when that same person critiques a map without even playing it! YAY! Anyway, bos, I <3 Stickball, and it's absolutely amazing. Although, when I did play, I did find the Custom Powerup useless, but that's just my opinion.
This does look pretty fun, i will download the foundry one because i see little difference between the two and everyone has foundry. But yeah, not worth a feature but still a really fun looking game and well forged map. Good work, 4.5/5
You have seen this before? It was probably stemmed off of the idea I have. I have never come across anyone who has claimed they created something just like this. It is fun, and it was featured by the community, not the people in power. Makes things a little nicer knowing that everyone wanted it to be featured, but thank you for your comment. Thank you! It is quite addictive if I do say so myself. In a sense, there isn't much of a difference. The one on Sandbox was created as a little bit bigger, but instead of the two plant points, I made the one. It really switches things up and isn't as easy to score. I would recommend the Foundry version though, as after having the two for so long I really only play on the Foundry one, but I thought I would give you the best of both worlds. Get a competitive party together and you will really be on the edge of your seat! Let me know what you think!
Ok here is the way I loke at this. The maps are incredibly fun to play. I have a fairly good arm myself when it comes to sticking which may be why I like it so much. What I'm getting is that others dont like the map as much due to the fact that it is not totaly original. To me this does not equivocate to a 4/5. The way I see it origonality can only really count for a point. I find this mix of stickes and maybe a slight griffball to be a creative idea. So taking off an entire point is something I dont quite agree with. Yes the boarders are simple but they are truly well forged, smoothest most interesting box I could really imagine. The gameplay needs to be close quarters so its hard to simply add some nice slight geometry in the middle. Honestly I think as far as this idea goes... he has done the best he could. He has nice markers for each side to help players find their place in the fun frenzy of flying frags and made the areana nice and clean. Feel free to contribute on anything he may need to work on but I just dont see it. I wish you guys would leave site rivalry aside and just rate the map on itself, at least the first poster did that, but it would be nice if some of you wouldnt knock it before you try it. Get a game in. I enjoyed it allot. It was a nice job. You ever think about another arena somewhere. Avalanche perhaps, or hey who knows maybe longshore.
Thanks Canadians! Although I am not sure about Avalanche, I have always wanted to do a Last Resort/The Pit version but there just isn't enough room for that kind of action haha. Glad you liked it, and yeah, any more work on those walls would have made me go insane haha
I couldn't agree more. This is a staple game at our monthly LAN parties and is always the first game to be played. The chaos gets so insane sometimes I can't help but giggle uncontrollably at the sight of never ending explosions and people being set on fire. Maybe some re turned off by it's simplicity, but I think that's one of the qualities in it that makes it so appealing. I think it was featured as both map and gametype, which makes sense they compliment each other perfectly. 5/5 sir for taking an already existing idea and improving on it. Thanks bos!
Any more mentions of Xforgery and I'll permanently infract any of you for advertising. Do not mention them. Do not argue about whos better. If you hate FH, go there. If you hate XF, dont bother talking about them. Dead serious.
Yeah, that really made my day when you told me about that I am so glad it has some followers, as I think it is the best thing I have ever created! Speaking of which, we should get some of this in tonight if you are on! But thanks for the comments. Understood good sir. Just wondering, what do you think of the map?
I will download it and check it out before I attempt to try and give you any feedback. I dont like fake feedback.
Alright cool! Get some 3v3 action in. That is probably the best. 4v4 also works as well. And yeah, I hear ya on the fake feedback stuff! Anyways, looking forward to seeing what ya think.
BoS, the guy quoting unoriginality may be referring to a game involving sticking from way back. I forget what it's called specifically though.
Hmm...I'm not quite sure then. Lol but hey, if you're into Grifball, or sticky games, you should check it out. I just got done playing a couple games of this a little bit ago, and it came down to the last plant...we tied it up 7-7 though so it wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst haha
I know what you're talking about. Its a classic map made on the Pit, I forget what it was called and who it was made by, but it was the same concept, just highly breakable. As to not get off topic, about the game... I love it. Its love of fun and adrenaline surges when you're an inch away from scoring and boom, you get hit. The only problem I have are the custom powerups, they don't do much... but I think the real problem is that one side is spikes and one side is plasmas. Although they rotate I would suggest you make it more symmetrical grenade wise, because I think most people prefer plasmas anyway. Albeit, it is lots of fun and I recommend everyone tries it out! It can get very competitive sometimes and teamwork is crucial in order to win.
Hmm, I have always thought about making the red side spawn with plasmas as well. I have never done so though because there are plasmas that spawn on red side. I believe currently, it is set at a ratio of 20/12 for each side, including the spawn grenades. When I get back from my trip I'll test this out.
So has anyone played it and have any feedback they would like to give? I am always open for constructive criticism.
game looks really fun and the foundry versions walls r really neat well done 4.5/5 i'll dl and test gameplay tomorrow or somethin