Infastructure *(^This is the link^)* Gametype Link: ODST Firefight I know, you've probably seen hundreds of these ODST Firefight games, but I would have to say mine is the best of the best! I've tested this game with several different numbers of people, from 6 to 16, & it works magnificently! Alright, here's how the game works: Humans/ODST's There can only be four (4) ODST's at once as Humans. When the game starts, close the party! ODST's try to survive an endless wave of Covenant for 10 minutes. ODST's can scavenge the city for weapons, but as time progresses, better weapons spawn in. ODST's have no shields, but have a very high resistance count. They can survive two sticks before falling. They have low gravity (you're only human...) & spawn with an SMG & Magnum. The Last Man Standing becomes a Spartan. Although he is quicker & more nimble than both ODST's & the Covenant, he is weaker, & he must rely on manuverability to survive. As a Spartan, you're basically at normal status, as if you're in Social Slayer. Default Weapons List for ODST's: Magnum SMG Shotgun Assault Rifle Rocket Launcher Trip Mine Frag Grenade Machine Gun Turret Weapons that spawn later for ODST's (w/ spawn time) Sniper Rifle (120 sec.) Spartan Laser (150 sec.) Flamethrower (120 sec.) Warthog (120 sec.) Mongoose (90 sec.) Zombies/The Covenant The Covenant are basically similar to ODST's, except have even more gravity & have a lower resistance. They rely on overwhelming numbers to win. They must try to kill all the ODST's within 10 minutes. That gets easier as better weapons spawn in. Those as the Covenant spawn in one of three boxes; the Grunt, the Elite, & the Brute. The Grunt is better for medium range combat, the Brute is best for close range, & the Elite is suited for short, medium, & long range battles. The first wave of Covenant is all Grunts, due to the fact that respawn settings effect the Zombies where they have 10 seconds to pick up whatever weapons they want, as to prevent Covenant from picking up UNSC weapons. After that, they can't pick up any more weapons. Weapons for the Grunt: Plasma Pistol Plasma Grenade Needler (45 sec.) Fuel Rod Gun (90 sec.) Weapons for the Elite: Plasma Rifle Plasma Grenade Carbine (30 sec.) Energy Sword (90 sec.) Active Camo (90 sec.) Weapons for the Brute: Spiker Spike Grenade Brute Shot (45 sec.) Gravity Hammer (120 sec.) Custom Powerup (120 sec.) Plasma Turret (120 sec.) FREEZE-FRAME!! The Covenant Boxes (in order from top), Grunt, Elite, & Brute. The Memorial, the ODST spawn. Shoot the Fusion Coils for a surprise. The Danger Zone, where the main Covenant force spawns. Also, the Flamethrower spawns around here... City Hall. The Sniper Rifle spawns at the top of the stairs, right... A good sniper can get an Overkill here (like I did...). The Lookout Tower. The Spartan Laser & Mongoose spawn here. The Restaurant. A Trip Mine spawns in the front, & the Warthog spawns in back. To free the Warthog, you must drive through the wall (it looks awesome in Custom Games!). The Store. Most people make their last stand here. Unfortunetly, a Covenant spawn lies above. The only major weapon here is the MGT. The Station, w/ the Fountain out back. It's not a major area, but a Shotgun spawns inside. Lights, Camera, ACTION SHOTS!! The first wave of Covenant is a bunch of lowly Grunts. Just like other survival games, the first is the easiest. ODST, ready to drop! Teamwork is essential for the ODST's to survive, or else... ...this could happen. "THEY'RE USING A TURRET!" Cornered! After 3 minutes, the map goes dark, representing night. There's even a Moon! A smart Elite will use his Active Camoflauge & Energy Sword combo wisely. You should sneak around back, then strike the ODST when he's distracted. Whoever gets the Warthog will usually experience the most brutal combat out of everyone. Spartan, reporting for duty! "THE PACK WILL FEAST ON YOU!!" (The Brute Chieftain gains 3x Overshields + 1000% Resistance for 90 seconds, plus gets a Gravity Hammer, a Plasma Turret, or both.) This is probably the best ODST Firefight game I've ever played. I'm not saying that because it's mine. I'm saying that because I've played a lot of ODST Firefight games, & I always found something wrong or inaccurate about them. Well, enjoy! If you want to get a good game started, you need to find at least 8 people or more. When downloading the Gametype, PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION!! It is essential that you read it! If you'd like to play a game with me, invite me on Xbox LIVE. My Gamertag is il uragano 3493.
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Seems pretty good, but I would change a few things if you really would like it to be like ODST firefight. 1. In ODST im pretty sure that there is no equipment. So the trip mine really wouldnt work to make it feel like the real thing. 2. I would probably make some custome power up of some sort to use them as like health packs or boosts of something for a short period of time. It might make it a little bit more interesting. 3. Overall I like the concept but I can see when someone is a grunt and like a brute dies in front of him. Im pretty sure that person is going to grab his weapons so he doesnt get stuck with the plasma pistol or needler. A way to fix this is to make it no one (but the ODSTs) can pick up weapons and have a custome power up in each spawn on instant respawn so they can pick up weapons in that moment but not at another time. Like I said overall very good. The map looks good and I think that my little suggestions could make it better. But its your map you do what you want.
1. I know there's no equipment in the real Firefight, but I never said this was an exact remake of the real Firefight. It is my own version, but still keeping to the theme of ODST. 2. I don't have enough money or even any space for another item on the map, & I can't delete anything. Sorry. Besides, what if the Covenant grab them? 3. That barely happens anyway, where you die the moment you leave the boxes. 10 seconds is good enough for weapon pickup, I feel. I tried the Custom Powerup idea, &, unfortunetly, it didn't work out well.
Love the map, great work. i love how you split the groups of cov. up, the ten second weapon rule is genious, everything just works. love the spartan as last man standing, just epic. The map itself works fine, the only thing i am wondering, 1) plasma weapons suck against damage resistance, they are good against sheilds, but even with normal resistance it takes a tone of hits with a plasma pistol to kill someone, so just think the plasma pistols might be a little weak.
Looks like an alright firefight map. Glad it turned out well. Do your ODSTs have shields? I hope so, because a lot of FireFight maps tried to go 'realistic' and have no shields, but that makes plasma weapons useless and Brute weapons instant kill. Also, someone above mentioned using Custom Powerups as Health Packs. In my map Lumumba District, I gave custom powerups 100% sheild regeneration so it could heal ODSTs. Since Covenant already have that trait, its useless to pick it up. I also had a run-time minimum of 1 so picking it up just moved it to another part of the city, in case you wanted to implement that idea. Anyways, nice job.
Is this supposed to be something like Firefight? Is so, it looks awsome. Definitely a dL from me. I can't wait to show this off to my friends.
No, they don't have shields. But I put such a high resistance for the ODST that it takes a good deal of concentrated fire to kill him. It takes about two (2) Sword swipes or Hammer blows to kill him, & Brute weapons do not instant kill. Plasma weapons are harder to kill ODST's with no shields, yes, but that's why you should never take on an ODST alone (unless you're the Elite Honor Guard or Brute Chieftain). The Covenant must rely on overwhelming numbers to win (plus access to better weapons earlier than the ODST's.) Don't worry about ODST's being overpowering or having any better advantages. No one's ever managed to survive all 10 minutes, even me. That's because people who are ODST's often go alone & are, therefore, prone to being ganged up on. Remember, TEAMWORK IS ESSENTIAL, NO MATTER IF YOU'RE THE ODST'S OR THE COVENANT!!
hmm i like the idea and this seems to be the better of firefight maps but i still will give it a 3.5/5
Looks great. I created a something similar to Firefight too. If you would like to see it click here: Nice map, 4.3/5
If it's a better of the Firefight maps, then why did you rate it only a 3.5/5? If you rate my maps like this, could you please tell me why? Also, if there is anything I can improve on, please let me know. But just as a reminder, I always aim to reach the OLN limit (what does that mean? I know it's the item restriction limit...), so I can't put new objects on the map without deleting others.
+ appeals to the average halo player (unfortunatly im not one of them...) - There are no elites or spartans in ODST - Overall it is only slightly similar to ODST Score: 4.5/10
Looks like a very cool and accurate firefight map ill give it a dl when I get on agan. the link desent work for me
Looks very nice and like you actually put some deep thought into this. However I must say that there are some flaws that keep this map from reaching it's full potential. For example, as stated before, there is no elite. Also, Spartans are supposed to be stronger than ODST's in everything (Melee with spartan is stronger, melee with ODST is relatively weak). Other than that, it's very nice! 4/5. Link doesn't work =[