Parting Doors This is a door activated by a min/max switch. The main difference between other door switches and this one is the movement of the opening doors. Most doors either lift up out of the way or slide to the side. In this switch the doors are moved in a "hinged" motion. Once they are opened they can also be used as steps to get to other places in the map. I made some slight changes to the map after I took these screenshots so I'll tell you when theres been a change. Side View (changed to bridges for roof) Front View Insert Plasma Grenade (Now uses a Window Panel) - Only a plasma grenade works idk why Blows Up These Doors Closed Doors Opening Doors Opened >> Download Parting Doors Here <<
Great, as i posted on your other map, it doesn't take up too much objects or anything, but one question, is it resetable?
very nice, when I read this though I was thinking an actual door, like how I make my "parting doors" where there is a power up in between, and one on one side (grap it on other side to open). Though I do like it, I think it takes up too much space for anything I might use it for. I think I might try to make a V2 of this but smaller, maybe...
If it resets that that would make for a great switch in infection. Imagine, the humans get to the safehouse, but the poor zombies who can't pick up items can't use the door. If it is not resetable, than it could be a last resort into a boxed off room.
another sliding door ughhhhhhhh............. so many post.... but yours falls...... for the guys reading this, this is done on alot of racing maps to start everyone at the same time which is a neat idea this one going one step back but ok..... 3/5
thanks for the praise boomerdude The importance of this one isnt just the fact that it opens but the visual appeal of the parting motion of the doors.