That looks amazing, i love the bubble shiels and the black around his body, i reccomend changing the helmet. tht helmet suckls.
It's not a bubble shield, it's just the awesomeness that is the Avalanche wall! And I think Hayabusa was the best bet, it just look so...sinister. Thanks for the input!
Wow, I really thought that was a bubble shield. You say its not, so I believe you . Anyways the venom looking effect is really cool. You should make a tutorial on how to get that effect. I would love to try this out. I think the armor is fine, it fits the theme pretty well.
I go into avalanche with friends and just throw and shoot as much random stuff as we can, and I tend to get good screenshots, haha. But I do know the blackness coming out from him is from the marks a spike grenade or missile make on the wall. Another example of those marks coming out pretty cool for me. [ i call it tainted. ]
Damn, I love the effect! Hyabusta....not so much Try it with a different armor and it will be better.