Superbad Casablanca All Quiet on the Western Front The Sixth Sense and ummm.... I'll post some more when they come to mind.
I'm really surprised Forest Gump hasn't been mentioned yet. Schindler's List E.T. The Extra Terrestrial Amadeus
Pulled my favorites from the IMDB top 250 list: The Godfather Saving Private Ryan The Fugitive The Terminator Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope) Raiders of the Lost Ark Braveheart High Noon
I'm surprised I've only seen Ferris Bueler's Day Off once on this whole list. That's a classic. How about Star Trek 2: WoK? lol
I think we should make a distinction about what "classic" is. Is it age? because I know of many movies released within the last decade that are superb. Is it critical acclaim? Same instance Is it popular appeal? Same instance (although I'd see a shitload of people recommending movies like Meet the Spartans) I'm also asking because I've seen a shitton of movies I can recommend. And I agree, Snatch is ****ing amazing. I can do Brad Pitt's accent to a T now XD
I really enjoyed Shaw shank Redemption, I don't know about you guys. Also, Dances With Wolves, a classic, I love it. Finally, if you enjoy old school horror, mind, its a bit cheesy, but the original Dracula, Nosferatu!
Scarface Gran Torino Original Star Wars Series Pulp Fiction Kill Bill Black Hawk Down American History X Anchorman Sin City