Imagination Database

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tartan Spartan, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. Tartan Spartan

    Tartan Spartan Ancient
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    Got an awesome idea counter-balanced by your suckyness at forge?:mad:

    Have 1337 forge skills but your mind iz like Sarah Palin's?:confused:

    Look no further, here is where noobs and Pros alike come together to share their ideas. Post your ideas and have the best of the best make them!

    Post your idea in this format:

    #(Enter Number of your idea i.e First post would be the first idea)
    Gameplay:(A paragraph summarising your idea and how it would work. Keep it quite short though so it can be expanded upon)
    What Map:(No it doesnt have to be Sandbox or Foundry)

    Please dont clog this thread with unneccesary replies. Please only reply in either of these ways:

    "I would like to do #12 for a map".

    Or as the above format for your idea.

    Form: Competitive and/or MLG
    Gameplay: The map would pay homage to Narrows and would be made in the style of a perfect bump off of a Race Map. It would feature Man Cannons, snipers and camping spots akin to Narrows' camping spots.
    What Map: Sandbox/SkyBubble.
    #1 Tartan Spartan, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  2. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a good idea. I'll just post an idea that I tried to forge and has potential, but ended up getting all messed up when i attempted to forge it so i gave up.

    -Gameplay- Its similar to Blackout/Guardian with a center arena and a lower hallway. Imagine a hexagon in the middle. 2 symmetrical bases are on either side of the hexagon, but not touching it; they are connected by bridges that extend over the grid(but not right over it). From each base, there are 3 doors. One that leads to the hexagon, and one that goes left or right. The left and right sides lead to additional one and two story rooms around the hexagon and then lead to the other base. Also, on the room to the left of each base is a room that goes under and across the hexagon, similar to the hallway on Guardian. The rooms that extend left and right also have staircases/ramps that go to small balconies that can be used as sniper towers and 2 of them have bridges that also extend toward the hexagon; so there is a total of 4 bridges on the center. Also, the rooms that go left/right don't have to be symmetrical, just as long as any passageways/ power weapons are the same distance from each base.
    -Map- Skybubble of Sandbox

    I hope I did this right.
    #2 cory21, Jul 9, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  3. Tartan Spartan

    Tartan Spartan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah you did it right.
  4. dark sil4nce

    dark sil4nce Ancient
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    not many posts but i like the topic idea

    Gameplay:look at the map choice first it might make more sense. a symmetrical game where you would spawn in a lower part and walk your way up to the actual height of the map. the middle would have two layers one even with the top of the bases and then one higher(you decide the height) like a sniper tower but with little protection. around. two other little sub-bases that would be the same height of the middle tower and them branching out to reach the sides of both bases. i can give more information on my idea just wanted to keep it short
    What Map:skybubble in sandbox

    edit for tartan: i just said that because i thought it would make more sense for my idea but i see why you are making it a suggestion
    #4 dark sil4nce, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  5. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    this was an idea i had a long time ago but never got round to it

    form: territories (hope i spelled it right)
    Gameplay: There are two bases on either side of the sky bubble and there are several small 'islands' we'll call them scattered inbetween. there is a sort of airfield at the bases with an equal amount of air vechicles for each side (preferably the max on the map). teams have to work together to capture the territories. they have to come by air as theres no other way to get to the capture pionts.
    What map: Sky bubble

    p.s message me for more info
  6. Tartan Spartan

    Tartan Spartan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I put it last because its more of a suggestion since likely, most people will forge in Sandbox. The concept, in most cases, can be applied to any other map so this map thing isnt really required, merely a suggestion of what map it should be on. For instance, what if someone who doesnt have the Mythic or Legendary Map Packs would want to use your concept but on Foundry? :) Nice ideas everyone so far
  7. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: Infection
    Gameplay: City-Like structures. Narrow Alleyways. Roof access - Easier for zombies - Decreased Gravity (Increase Speed?) Zombies gain the knowledge of whatever they consume - Guns (Spawn near zombies before they're released, after a certain time - Scout to see what's happening?) Radio Antennae over Zombie Starting points - Zombies knock them down unlocking spawns - Simulating people being infected and becoming zombies. Armoury? - Zombies can use armoury as well as humans. Building(Buildings?) made out of movable objects - Fusion Coils layed out hidden, zombie throws grenade (detonates planted bombs) - Building collapses. Wall that appears campable with turret - section of wall with turret made out of small movable blocks, fusion coils spawn inside it (180 seconds?) - Gravity lifts for zombies - easy to take out destroyable turret walls - turret is immovable glitch - needs fix.
    What Map: SandBox/Foundry - Sandbox: Zombies spawn on main level - scout goes out (mongoose spawns with weapons after so long) - block pushes out of the way (later) city in crypt - 'elevator' (teleporter) to top levels of skyscraper? (Skybubble? Main Level?)

    By the way - If the map for a idea is made, should the post be edited to show it wouldn't be a first if someone else made it? (Not that it would stop people making it)
    #7 Dreaddraco2, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  8. 2woFace

    2woFace Ancient
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    Gamplay: You would start on the bottom of a three Level map. The Frame of the map itself would be like stairsteps. Anyhow you would have to capture the first on the bottom go on a side ramp to the next floor and another to the topfloor. With a territory at each floor(and maybe in the stair/ramp rooms. The defending team could jump down the large steps but the offensive team would have to go around the ramps. I belive the play would be a unique take on conquest and make for interesting game play.
    What Map: Sandbox Crypt/skybox. Depending on what the creator thinks.

    PM: me with questions or if you want to forge it with me.
    #8 2woFace, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  9. 1shawn1

    1shawn1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gameplay:A tall building that spans all three areas in Sandbox with lots of rooms on each floor, and staircases and an elevator on each floor (elevator is a room with two way teleporters, if you run out use sender and receiver nodes). In the Skybox part of the building there is a rooftop that can be acessed via staircase, and on the ground floor there is an entrance you can go outside the building from, but there is no weapons outside the map. All the floors exept the basement (Crypt) have windows. There is a blue light on the top of a Radio Tower (that's what it's called, right?) on the roof that is held in place at the base so it does not fall over, and another blue light above the entrance. Humans spawn in a room on one of the Skybox floors, Zombies spawn in the Crypt. The Human and Zombie spawns have red lights in them. There are effects that make everything dark.

    There are lots of weapons and Regenerators hidden in the rooms in the map that are set to Never Respawn, Run Time Minimum on all of them is set to 1 so humans never get stuck with absolutely no ammo anywhere in the map, and Run Time Maximum is lowered slightly so they spawn in different places every round.

    Humans start with Energy Swords, have 110% Speed, No Radar, No Shield Regeneration, and 50% Damage. All other stats are default Human stats.

    Zombies have 90% Speed, Forced Color Brown, 150m Enhanced Radar, 10% Shield Regeneration, and 50% Damage. All other stats are default Zombie stats.

    50% of players start as Zombies, and everyone has only 1 life. A transport hornet spawns just above the roof (that way it falls and lands on the roof) after 180 seconds, and the round ends after 4 minutes.
    What Map:Sandbox
    #9 1shawn1, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  10. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    This idea is really interesting! I like what your thinking in that the survivors have to protect the weapons they have and also the armoury so that the zombie cannot become more powerful. (well that's what I gathered?) I don't know if it's been done before but the I idea of the city and small alleyways is cool.

    I'm intrigued to see if anyone can make something out of this.
    #10 Crippled Hobo, Jul 12, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2009
  11. dark sil4nce

    dark sil4nce Ancient
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    my cousin actually made a map similar to that with buildings the only differences is that the streets are not narrow but i can see if he will share it if you would like
  12. Tartan Spartan

    Tartan Spartan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: Infection
    Gameplay: There are large towers through a sort of futuristic city (so there has to been awesome aesthetics) and the zombies with high gravity fall of these towers at high speed onto the survivors. It would be a different style of Manifest with bigger drops and faster falls.
    What Map: I suggest strongly that its Sandbox in the Crypt so people dont go off into the Dunes and you dont waste money making a floor in the Bubble. Also, Sandbox would have Higher towers than Foundry but its your decision.

    Keep it up folks.....
  13. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Gameplay: It would be a map that utilizes the the dunes of Sandbox so that the dunes are the ground floor of the map.
    What Map: Sandbox
    I've started with the design, cost of walls and the other aspects of the map. Extensive geo-merging would be necesary...of course.
  14. PRMAN1214

    PRMAN1214 Ancient
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    I wanted to propose a movement for us all to take part in. The idea came to me when my friend sent me a map he didn't finish, and asked me to complete it. What if, and stay with me, I create a VERY simple map, and then put it on my file share. Then someone adds something very little to it, and so on and so on. The rules would be you must either put it in your file share or reccomend it to a few friends. You can move stuff already in the map and add a minimum of 0-3 objects, but you shall NOT delete anything. Maybe we can see where this goes and see how many different maps we can get. Then, when a forger believes the map is "ready" they can send it to me, where I will put the new version in my file share. But wait PRMAN1214! What if noobs or jerks get their grubby little hands on it?They'll ruin it! Well, thats good for them because they can spread their piece o' crap map version, while the previous version will eventually get around to some serious forgers. What do you guys think?
  15. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I was actually considering that. Once I find the best method to merge into the dunes accurately and create a design, I might start it. MLG 2v2 possibly?
  16. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Form: infection
    Gameplay: a large pyramid on top of the hole to the crypt on sandbox with tunnels to the hole. Humans are forced to take refuge in the pyramid and fall down the hole, where there are catwalks and things in a spiral fashion around the walls. Also the crypt should look like a tomb or mausoleum. This would be where humans make their last stand.

    Play with save one bullet.

    Map: only would work on sandbox.
  17. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Sort of have a design, kinda like the pit. I'm still adjusting, considering the LoS with the hill in the middle I'm working out. I was actually hoping a 3v3 considering the size of it. I'll send you and inv sometime if your interested in working on it.
    I suck at forging
  18. Goggles99

    Goggles99 Ancient
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    form: team based games (team slayer, 2 flag, etc.)
    I suck at forge but I was thinking about having 2 bases, one UNSC and one alien

    map: sandbox
  19. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Here is mine!

    -Form: Casual
    -Gameplay: A pyramid would be built right above the entrance to the crypt, and players must make their way into the pyramid while avoiding mummies. There can be traps, secret passages with rewards, and certain paths in which only the mummies can use. The players must dive down into the crypt to access the kings treasure. Then, they must return to the main tier (tele, lift) and escape.
    -What Map: Sandbox (Main tier)
  20. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    #10 is actually quite intriguing. I'll try to forge it later (I'm going to be gone this weekend). Ha, Jimbodawg, your idea is just like Reigning Chaos', lol. Anyways, both of you have some unique ideas going on.

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