I did a search and didn't find this one in the debate forum. I was arguing with my girlfriend last night about the existence of ghosts and it was fun listening to her stories about strange experiences that she attributes to ghost activity. There have been countless eye witness accounts, videos, and photos that have all tried to prove the existence of these former humans that have remained among us. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you had a personal experience with a ghost? Or do you have a hard time accepting that ghosts exist at all?
Isn't there a posibilty those videos pictures, and eye witness's could be lies? And as for ghosts, no. I Don't really have a reason, i just think that like, once your dead your just dead, you go to heaven or were ever you think your religion makes you go..
I saw this ghost come out of an old ceramic doll when i was little i just about pissed myself. When i was about 6 or 7 I awoke in the middle of the night to see a group of maybe 5 or 6 ghosts playing with my door and staring at me, they were dressed in old faashioned cloting. Still as for the are they actually real or my imagination who the hell knows maybe theyr real maybe theres another abnormal explanation or maybe simply it was my imagination. Noone will ever truly find out. btw with those ouigi boards ar whatever why the hell would you **** around with something like that?
Lol I love that. I love it because I can play with people like you who believe the game really works. Yea it totally does, it's definitely not the players moving the arrow thing to where they want it to go. Definitely. Personally, I can't really decide for myself. I feel like there were a couple moments in my life where I felt something of the paranormal was occurring, but I'll never know probably. At the same time, my mind tells me it can't be true, that any accounts of paranormal activity is faked, or explainable. I guess I'd like to know they're real, as long as they are friendly. Which, since all accounts of paranormal activity have for the most part been said to be friendly encounters, hopefully so. The reasoning a spirit would have to be evil, idk... Of course, living on Long Island, I live near the Amityville house of horror (I've been there) and who knows what actually went down there...
Im afraid to watch that video.. its like, 3. And im sure its edited.. or just a coincidence of somesort..
They prove why the video is fake. Somebody else that was filming a documentary walked infront of a lighting fixture, casting the shadow on that wall.
YouTube - Michael Jackson - Ghosts (Part 1/4) YouTube - Michael Jackson - Ghosts (Part 2/4) YouTube - Michael Jackson Ghosts Full Version [3/4] YouTube - Michael Jackson Ghosts Full Version [4/4] And if your talking about after death, I believe that being dead is the same as before you were born, not that any of us remember that.
omg i just watched the begining of it, i almost pissed my pants at first... I cant watch the rest. so i cant prove anything from that vid. but if wat RST said about thr light is wat it says, thrn yrah ita fake,
no /thread and just so this post isnt sapm ill give a detailed response. like someone said earlier, once you die you go to heaven. you dont float around scaring the sh*t out of people. ghosts are just things you see in horror movies and thats the only time you see them.
Of course Ghosts exist. Just look at my name /non-serious Actually it really is. Its the same idea with when you hold a piece of string between two fingers and it moves in circles even though you swear your not moving it (or something like that). Subconsciously you are doing it but your brain is telling you that your not. Its quite amazing really. Personally I don't believe so but then I rarely believe in things that I haven't got at least some proof. And I don't count those videos as proof for a variety of reasons. For me I would have to see one. Of course then I would proberly crap myself but hey at least it would be solved for me.
I wonder. Our minds are made up of thousands of electrical impulses processing information throughout out body and result in us thinking. Now, energy can not be destroyed, only made. What if ghosts are just the electrical workings of our bodies wandering around, in essence, our soul. I mean, on all of those ghost hunter shows they always have those magnet and electrical things go up when they get close to something. Why can't ghosts just be our electrical circuits still working without a body as a conductor?
It saddens me that people like that JM guy is so Narrow-minded. Theres just too many reports for them ALL to be fake/wrong It could be your mind, could actually be a spirit, we just don't know.
I have a pic that my mom took of a house and in the window an old lady's standing. I'll upload it to Photobucket once I get on my computer that has the pic on it.
It's a shame to see people wasting their time debating the existence of ghosts, no matter which side they take. Curtains fluttering? It's wind! Feeling a "presence"? Let's see, it's dark, you're afraid, a little bit paranoid, and your mind is imagining things. Fear heightens senses (sight, sound), and you're misconstruing them. Look at this photo taken on an outdated camera/ photo-shopped image. WooOOOoo. Mirror's, lighting illusions, film development issues, imagination, interpretive shapes. My relatives have this story about a time... No. Minds? I think you're talking about the illusion of consciousness delivered by the brain. There is no "mind". Wha... Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It's the Law. The first law actually. Well if they showed it on Ghost Hunter.... "Our electrical circuits"? The lack of understanding about the human body here is astounding. If I hit my phone with a hammer I can't call people. It's broken. The battery stops delivering energy to the circuit and it stops. That is one of the worst arguments i've ever heard. (Pareidolia explains the volume of these cases) Does the picture have a G-G-Ghost in it? Old people? In HOUSES!! It couldn't be...
Dont /thread this bud, Your oppinion is your oppinion, it doesnt end the thread.. I agree about the whole Dont float around scaring the **** out of people, But i personally dont think you should've added heaven, Possibility of getting flamed I also agree about the movies; There just things to scare kids into thinking that shits real. Like i said earlier, And how y35 said; Once your dead, Your dead.. Unless your religion makes you a tree or some ****.